Hearing this, Chu Wei racked her brains and didn't figure out where she had saved Zhou Mu.

It's really too many people she's saved.

Zhou Mu didn't say anything to Chu Weiduo, and pointed to the largest wooden house behind him, which was the wooden house where he usually lived: "There are many empty rooms in this room, you can pick one you like." Saying

that, he glanced at Chu Wei casually.

Just this casual glance made Chu Wei's body tremble, and she lowered her head and asked in a low voice: "And... Living with you?

Zhou Mu looked at her a little speechlessly, and said in his heart: "What's going on with this girl, didn't you say it?" If there is a free room, just choose one. Seeing

that Zhou Mu did not speak, Chu Wei quickly apologized: "I'm sorry."

She knew that the identities of the two were different now, just as Zhou Mu said, her life was already in Zhou Mu's hands.

What Zhou Mu wanted to do to her, she could only accept.

Thinking of this, she clenched her silver teeth, and a trace of humiliation flashed in her eyes.

She also didn't understand why she didn't have the idea of killing herself.

Is it that takes over the Heavenly Dao and creates a new world?

It was still the fear of unknown forces that made her feel that suicide could not be done.

Seeing Chu Wei staying in place, an inexplicable look flashed in his eyes, and Zhou Mu was a little puzzled for a while: "What are you doing?"

"Hurry up and choose a room!"

"Don't worry, I won't live with you, don't be too narcissistic."

When the words fell, Chu Wei looked up at Zhou Mu and saw that he looked calm, and Chu Wei had some doubts in her heart.

But without staying long, she tiptoed open the wooden door and walked into the house.

Looking at the spacious space inside, I can't help but sigh a little.

"Much better than where the sect lives himself."

There were only six rooms in the large wooden house, Zhou Mu accounted for the largest, and Chu Wei chose from the remaining five rooms.

She looked through the rooms one by one, each room looked empty, only a cabinet, a bed board.

Seeing Chu Wei enter, Zhou Mu shook his head slightly and walked to Qingniu's side to check the situation of the little mermaid.

Seeing that it had its eyes open and bubbles still spit bubbles in its mouth, Zhou Mu smiled, a high-grade ration appeared in his hand, and he took a piece and handed it to the little mermaid.

The little mermaid lay on the back of the green ox, grabbing a ration in both hands, eating it in small bites, and his face was full of happiness.

Not long after, Chu Wei came out, she looked at Zhou Mu, and said with some difficulty: "Is there no quilt in the house?" Hearing

this, Zhou Mu was stunned for a moment.

He really didn't expect this stubble, and for ten years he has lived a life of being a bed for heaven and earth.

I forgot to sleep under the covers.

No wonder I always feel that there is something less after having a wooden house.

Thinking that he had slept on the bed board for the past few months, Zhou Mu couldn't help but feel ashamed.

"Eh... You can figure it out yourself, I don't have a quilt in my house. "

Zhou Mu, don't look at Chu Wei too much.

Chu Wei glanced at Zhou Mu strangely and asked, "Then can I go out?" I mean go outside the forest.

"I still have some money so I can buy two sets of futons."

I thought that Zhou Mu would agree, but he immediately interrupted Chu Wei's words.


"I can't guarantee your safety when I go outside the forest."

"In the forest, even if the Earth Spirit Realm cultivator comes, I can keep you." Zhou Mu looked at Qingniu and continued in his heart.

The Heavenly Spirit Realm is coming, and I can also protect you!"

Chu Wei nodded sluggishly, not knowing if what Zhou Mu said was true or not, but her heart was shocked.

Earth Spirit Realm! Higher than their Sect Master realm!

For a long time, Zhou Mu and Chu Wei never said a word again.

Zhou Mu has been feeding rations to the little mermaid with his back to Chu Wei, so that the little mermaid's belly has been made bigger, and the cheeks are still bulging, and he can't eat a little more, but Zhou Mu is still handing the rations to it.

Chu Wei stood in front of the door, clutching her clothes with both hands, and didn't know what to say.

"La la-la!" The little mermaid roared.

Stop feeding me! Can't eat it!

Saying that, its tail moved, and the water wave supported it to escape Zhou Mu's "claws".

As if sensing the atmosphere between the two, Chu Wei took the lead in speaking: "Then can I go to the forest to find out?" Maybe something works. Seeing

Zhou Mu nodding, Chu Wei walked down the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain as if fleeing.

Seeing this, Zhou Muchang breathed a sigh of relief.

"Can't you?" Qingniu's voice entered Zhou Mu's ears, full of jokes.

Zhou Mu glared at Qingniu fiercely: "You can't!" "

Say, don't talk so much nonsense with Qingniu, and then go to cultivate."

However, due to the more wolves and mermaids on the top of the mountain, it is not as quiet as before.


Chu Wei was followed by a large horse-shaped demon beast with a white flower quilt on its back.

Chu Wei's face was full of smiles, and she said in her heart: "Such a big forest, the demon beasts are still so cooperative, it's not simple to get two quilts." "

Say, you will take the demon beast to the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain.

After walking for a while, I turned around and found that the demon beast was still at the bottom of the mountain, and the stone steps had not been stepped on.

"What's going on?"

The demon beast stood at the foot of the stone steps in awe, not moving a step, and it was just like when Chu Wei first saw it.

At this time, Zhou Mu's voice reached its mind, extremely gentle.

"Come up, you don't need to care so much, and there is no such thing as offending me."

Hearing this, the demon beast then stepped to follow Chu Wei and came to Zhou Mu with Chu Wei.

Zhou Mu looked at the two white quilts in surprise, and said with some displeasure: "Didn't I say not to let you go out?"

"I didn't go out!" Chu Wei replied.

"So what's going on with this quilt?"

Hearing this, Chu Wei smiled proudly: "I met a group of silkworm babies in the Spirit Rain Realm in the forest, and they vomited silk white and soft, and they were still strong.

"And they are very obedient, I teach them how to spit silk, and when they spit it out, it is directly a piece of cloth."

Saying that, Chu Wei seemed to have discovered a treasure, and her eyes lit up.

She didn't expect these demon beasts to be so obedient, and their spiritual intelligence was still so high, just teach them a position, and then let them stagger the spit out silk with each other, and actually get out of the cloth.

"And this forest really has everything, I also found a cotton field, the monsters there are also very friendly, I said I want cotton, they even help me pick it."

"Naw, this one is yours." Chu Wei smiled and handed the softer quilt to Zhou Mu.

Taking the quilt, Zhou Mu's heart was complicated for a while.

There is definitely emotion, but more of it is self-doubt.

Can demon beasts still be used like this?

You look like I am so stupid!

Who the hell is the owner!

The little mermaid flew over without nobody, scattered bubbles at once, and fell onto the soft quilt.

After a while, he shrunk into a ball and fell asleep with his fingers choked.

Looking at Chu Wei, Zhou Mu couldn't help but smile: "Thank you." Saying

that, he took the quilt and walked into the wooden house with Chu Wei.

Before leaving, he did not forget to give that demon beast a complete high-grade ration.

Zhou Mu placed the little mermaid on the made bed, and he also lay beside it, feeling the soft bed that had been lost for a long time.

As for Chu Wei?

Make the bed in the room farthest from Zhou Mu.

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