Six thousand miles to the east of the Hehuan Holy Sect, there was a gloomy and dark forest.

Chen Ruoxi was holding a sparkling egg in her arms and was constantly entering her breath.

I saw a trace of black gas lingering on the egg, constantly being sucked into the egg.

Chen Ruoxi's side was covered with spirit stones that emitted a brilliant white light, providing energy.

"It's been so long, why hasn't it moved."

"I've missed the action many times because of you."

Saying that, Chen Ruoxi frowned and looked at the egg in his arms, his face full of puzzlement.

From the past few days of getting along, she also found that the egg is different, at least it can withstand the evil qi.

This is also the reason why Chen Ruoxi did not give up halfway.

You know, most living beings will go crazy when they come into contact with evil qi, and plants may wither.

And these eggs either exploded or turned into dead eggs after contact with evil qi.

Now this egg that absorbs evil qi is the first time she has seen it.

Seeing that the vitality of the egg was getting stronger and stronger, Chen Ruoxi was not good to give up halfway.

At this time, a little girl one meter and five meters tall came to Chen Ruoxi wearing a black robe.

"Sister Chen, hasn't this egg hatched yet?" The girl's voice was soft, and when she took off her hood, she revealed her slightly baby fat cheeks.

"Will it hatch a big monster?" The whining kind.

While speaking, the little girl still made a gesture on her hand, opening her mouth and whining.

It seemed to be too immersed, and his face showed fear.

Seeing this, Chen Ruoxi smiled helplessly: "Liu Xiaoxiao!" Scare yourself again?

"Delicious and fun!"

"Come and let my sister hug."

Saying that, Chen Ruoxi took Liu Xiaoxiao, who was in fear, into his arms.

Liu Xiaoxiao's face was pressed against the egg, and her face was buried in Chu Wei's chest, and her body trembled.

"Well, don't be afraid." Chen Ruoxi slowly patted her back and coaxed in a low voice.

On the ground, Liu Xiaoxiao broke free from Chen Ruoxi's arms, sniffed, and the fear on his face dissipated.

She re-showed an excited look and said, "Sister Chen, look at this spirit stone, I have compressed all the energy of a thousand spirit stones into it, it is very stable, and it will definitely not explode!"

Saying that, she handed the dark blue spirit stone in her hand to Chen Ruoxi, and a surging spiritual energy gushed out from the spirit stone.

The amount of spiritual energy was actually more than the amount gathered by the small spirit gathering array that Chen Ruoxi had carefully arranged.

But Chen Ruoxi did not dare to accept it.

If you say that it will not explode, it will basically explode.

This little guy likes to do weird things that will explode.

Sometimes I make myself cry.

The appearance of this compressed spirit stone suddenly made the surrounding aura even more intense.

In an instant, the egg in Chen Ruoxi's arms frantically absorbed the aura.

Gradually, the eggs are covered with black lines.

The two looked at this scene in surprise, and Liu Xiaoxiao did not notice that the spirit stone in his hand cracked a crack.


With a clear sound, the egg in Chen Ruoxi's arms cracked together with the spirit stone in Liu Xiaoxiao's hand.

Then two rays of light burst out.

The faces of the two changed drastically, and Chen Ruoxi shouted: "Liu Xiaoxiao!" When

the words fell, the two quickly fled, and in the blink of an eye they had escaped hundreds of meters away.

At this time, the egg in Chen Ruoxi's arms shattered, and a piece of eggshell fell.

After two breaths, a bright light shining in the sky burst out from the place where the two had stayed before.


In an instant, hundreds of meters in radius were razed to the ground.

"Willow! Didn't you say that this is a compressed spirit stone?

"How could it be so powerful!"

At this time, Liu Xiaoxiao followed behind Chen Ruoxi, looking flustered: "I... I said it was a compression spirit stone, but I didn't say that I only used compression technology! Hearing

this, Chen Ruoxi immediately stopped, put the egg that was breaking the shell aside, and held Liu's small head and kneaded it messily.

"Dead girl, you want to die! How did you cultivate to the Xuanling Realm!

"Is this dangerous?"

Liu Xiaoxiao slumped a small face, letting Chen Ruoxi count herself, and when Chen Ruoxi said that she was tired, she continued: "It's not the first time again, aren't you all used to it?" Hearing

this, Chen Ruoxi suddenly didn't know where the anger came from.

"Whaa A howl came from behind the two, startling Willow.

Liu Xiaoxiao quickly hid behind Chen Ruoxi and poked his head out to look at the ground where the voice came from.

I saw a small tiger with dark hair and a slight purple pattern on its body tilting its head to look at them.

The little tiger's body exuded a trace of evil aura, which was the same as the breath on Chen Ruoxi's body.

The little tiger stumbled to Chen Ruoxi's feet, rubbed it affectionately, and then returned to the eggshell.

Eat the eggshell with a click.


A burst of aura fluctuations came from the little black tiger's body, and the evil energy on his body became more and more intense.

"This is the Lingchuan Realm?" Chen Ruoxi looked at this little black tiger in disbelief.

She looked up at the sky and found that Tiandao didn't react at all, and she was suddenly even more puzzled.

Liu Xiaoxiao saw that this little black tiger was so cute, and he immediately became playful.

She took out a thumb-sized black stone from the storage ring and stretched it out to the little black tiger's mouth.

Chen Ruoxi's eyes widened when he saw this, and before he could stop it, the little black tiger swallowed the black stone in one bite, and licked Liu's little fingers after eating.

"You're going to blow it up?" Chen Ruoxi was furious, and quickly broke open the little black tiger's mouth, wanting to take out it while the stone did not explode.

As a result, before Chen Ruoxi could touch the little black tiger, he heard a roar in its stomach.

On the ground, the little black tiger burped, spewed out a puff of black smoke, and licked his lips with aftertaste.

Chen Ruoxi looked at the little black tiger in surprise, and Liu Xiaoxiao also stroked his forehead in fear for a while, so he calmly said: "Look, I know it will be fine." Hearing

this, Chen Ruoxi gave her a blank look, holding the little black tiger as if holding a big baby.

"Let's go, the eggs will also hatch and show them to the sect leader."

"I don't know what species it is."

With that, the two of them left the forest that was almost razed to the ground.

At the same time, Zhou Mu received a system prompt sound here.

[Ding, the sparkling egg sent by the host has hatched successfully. 】【

Name】Evil Demon

Tiger [Gender] Male

[Xiuwei] Lingchuan Realm [Race

Name] Evil Enchanted Black

Tiger [Race Potential] Immortal Beast

[Talent] Giant Devour, Evil Shadow Doppelganger, Evil Spirit, Spell Ruling [

Introduction] The Dark Demon Tiger was infected and mutated by evil qi, not only able to use Aura and Evil Qi perfectly, but also awakened a special talent, be careful not to be eaten by it.

After reading the introduction, Zhou Mu raised his eyebrows, a little surprised.

Unexpectedly, an immortal beast was hatched, and it was mutated.

This woman was lucky.

Looking at the introduction, Zhou Mu frowned.

Why is it obviously a mutated demon beast, but the system actually records it?

Could it be that there were such monsters before?

This was also the case with the shadow beast last time, obviously witnessing the mutation of the shadow beast, but the system recorded it.

Zhou Mu looked at the starry night sky through the window and muttered, "Is evil qi infested?" "

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