Early the next morning, Zhou Mu came out of the soft and warm bed.

I was going to lie down and rest for a while last night, but I thought about things too much and fell asleep before I knew it.

Lifting the quilt, the little mermaid beside him had already looked at Zhou Mu with wide eyes.

"La la-la!" With a smile on its face, it stretched out its arms towards Zhou Mu, signaling Zhou Mu to pick it up.

Looking at the little mermaid as big as his own slap, the corner of Zhou Mu's mouth couldn't help twitching twice.

Then, whether the little mermaid wanted it or not, he grabbed it with one hand, held it in his hand and pushed open the door.

"Huh? La la! The smile on the little mermaid's face froze instantly, and he finally poked his head out from the palm of Zhou Mu's hand, puffing out his cheeks and constantly fluttering the fish's tail.

What's going on? Big! I asked you to hold me, but I didn't let you catch me!"

Of course, Zhou Mu heard its words, but so what, how to hold himself with the size of his palm?

At this time, Chu Wei in the distance also pushed open the door, and as soon as he looked up, he saw Zhou Mu.

"Good morning!" Chu Wei held up the black circles and said with a strong smile.

She didn't know what to think last night and hadn't slept until this morning.

Originally, it didn't matter if a Lingchuan Realm cultivator didn't sleep for a few days, but Chu Wei couldn't use Spiritual Qi now, and there was no difference from ordinary people.

Zhou Mu nodded and responded softly, without asking about her dark circles.

The little mermaid in his hand saw that this beautiful woman came out, and a large bubble suddenly appeared on her body, stretching out the hand holding herself.

Then the tail swung, stepped on the waves, and flew to the body with open arms.

After yesterday's experience, the little mermaid also understood that he couldn't wet others with water waves, so he jumped out of the water waves when he was about to approach Chu Wei.

Finally, he threw himself on Chu Wei's tall chest.

The little mermaid did not forget to turn back and make a face at Zhou Mu, sticking out his tongue "slightly".

Chu Wei's cheeks were hot by this accident, and she slowly grabbed the little mermaid from her chest and held it in the palm of her hand, and then quietly looked at Zhou Mu.

As a result, Zhou Mu didn't know when he had already gone out, and the door was still open.

"Little one, why are you so naughty!" Chu Wei had a smile on the corner of her mouth, and her green fingers pointed back and forth on the little mermaid, making it laugh.

It seems that Bai Feng flew out yesterday, and this morning he saw a few more demon beasts at the top of Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain.

Cat Ling'er, chicken cubs, Skybreakers, eggs, and Xiaoice frost dragons are all back.

When they saw Zhou Mu come out, they quickly surrounded them, especially the seven chicken cubs.

Seven chicken cubs of different colors chattered around Zhou Mu's feet, and Xiao Zi faintly carried a little arc on his body.

And among these chicken cubs, Xiao Zi cultivated high and broke through the Spirit Rain Realm, and the other six were still Spirit Rain Realm.

Perhaps it is the limit of potential, and reaching this point is already their limit.


"Do you remember that you said that you would give us blood when the trial was over?"

The chickens' voices are mixed, but the things they say are all this one.

I saw longing and anticipation flashing under their eyes, and even the other demon beasts who got along with them looked at them expectantly.

"When the owner gives them blood, they won't be so inferior anymore."

"Although there are seven of them, it always feels like they are lonely during this time."

"Hahaha, we can also fight side by side in the future!"

The other monster beasts stood behind the chicken cubs, discussing in a low voice, all celebrating the chicken cubs.

In their cognition, the owner has never eaten his word.

Hearing these words, Zhou Mu was stunned, and suddenly did not know how to face these expectant gazes.

"The new function of the Ten Thousand Beast Technique is too against the sky, I can't resist exchanging all the points into beast souls!"

"What's going on?"

"And even if the points are enough, it is impossible to come out with seven immortal beast bloodlines in a row!"

"I can't be a farmer who can only draw bread!"

At this time, Bai Feng let out a long sigh, raised his head, spread his wings, and flew around the top of Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain, confidently displaying his dense feathers.

At this time, Chu Wei came out with the little mermaid and looked at the many demon beasts in front of him with a surprised expression.

Except for the group of chickens, none of them made her feel simple.

Zhou Mu looked at the white phoenix in the sky, and then at the little mermaid in Chu Wei's hand, and a stone fell to the ground in his heart.

At this time, Bai Feng did not know that he had been targeted by the person he trusted the most.

"Solved a problem, now it's close to points!" Zhou Muxin said.

Many demon beasts did not have time to look at Bai Fengxian at the moment, and their attention was all focused on Zhou Mu and the chicken cubs, waiting for Zhou Mu to speak.

Bai Feng also sensed the atmosphere below, and immediately fell, standing in the beast group and pretending to look at Zhou Mu.

After waiting for the surrounding demon beasts to tell it about it, Bai Feng's expression also became serious.

These chicken cubs were the first to play with it, and they shouted at it one by one.

Bai Feng would certainly like to see them better.

But after standing here for so long without hearing Zhou Mu's words, the hearts of all the beasts suddenly fell empty.

The chicken cubs, who were originally very excited, also gradually quieted down in Zhou Mu's silence.

Their movements were uniform and tacit understanding, and together they jumped from bouncing to quietly looking up at Zhou Mu, and finally their eyes flickered, and they lowered their heads together.

Zhou Mu shook his head with a wry smile: "I'm sorry." "

Chu Wei and the little mermaid don't know why, I don't know why the atmosphere is so dignified.

And this man, who was obviously the owner of the farm, actually apologized to the demon beast.

Despite her doubts, she was not easy to ask about the current situation, and she did not plan to ask.

When the chicken cubs heard Zhou Mu's apology, they immediately shook their heads.

They looked up at Zhou Mu together, with rebuke in their eyes.

"Owner, how can you apologize?"

"There is no beast here that can make you apologize!"

"You are not sorry for us, we are not competitive enough to need your help."

"Don't worry, even so, we will always work hard!"

"If you can't go to the front, we'll cheer you on in the back!"

The chicks said in unison, as if the words had been spoken to each other, and the seven chickens spoke in one voice.

"Master, didn't you say you were going to test us?"

"We came back to be tested."

The loss in the eyes of the chicken cubs flashed, replaced by the anticipation of trials.

They also look forward to how much they have grown.

Hearing this, the many demon beasts behind him also came back to their senses, although a little lost, but just like the chicken cubs said.

There is nothing yet to apologize to the owners, and they are here to be tested.

Test your growth.

Hearing the words of the chicken cubs, Zhou Mu's heart was mixed.

"After all, I didn't think it through."

"Because the impulse did not arrange the resources, and did not figure out his position in the heart of the demon beast."

Zhou Mu couldn't help but introspect himself in his heart, and secretly made up his mind.

There will definitely not be another time!

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