Looking at this group of chicken cubs, Zhou Mu smiled.

"What I promised you, I will definitely finish."

After saying that, Zhou Mu began to think about how to quickly get points.

Recycling demon beasts is definitely not advisable, can't you recycle tens of thousands of demon beasts for chicken cubs, right?

These monster beasts have all accompanied him through trials, and they can't get their hands off!

However, it seems like a good idea to recycle some monsters from other places.

After the marking, a wave of points comes and then another wave of points is recycled.

Thinking of this, Zhou Mu couldn't help but have a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

In the huge Southern Spirit Domain, there are many demon beast forces.

Maybe you can let these monster beasts explore the nearby monster beast forces?

It seems okay to treat these as trial content.

"Owner, have you thought of the content of the trial?" A voice came, pulling Zhou Mu from fantasy back to reality.

At this time, the system prompt sounds.

[Detected that the host is about to test the demon beast, now release the mission

] [Mission name] Trial - Explore the kamikaze bay.

【Mission Content】The system will transmit the specific information of monster beasts such as cat linger, eggs, and little wolves to explore Kamikaze Bay, and complete the exploration of kamikaze bay information and successfully return the monster beast to the farm to complete the task.

【Mission Reward】Bling egg*1, random bloodline*1, marked monster growth speed +50%, 120,000 points.

[Golden Eggs] 5% hatch divine beasts, 25% hatch immortal beasts, and 70% hatch spirit beasts. Incubation time: 10 days.

[Ding, please urge the host to urge the demon beast to prepare, the teleportation is about to open. ] Hearing

this, Zhou Mu didn't have time to ask too much, and quickly rummaged through those human relics that had been sorted out a long time ago.

I turned out a large pile of elixirs, and I was lucky enough to find four one-cubic storage rings, and I don't know who fell from them.

Zhou Mu packed the elixirs and other things that the demon beasts might use into four rings on average.

But Zhou Mu always felt that a cubic was too small, and it was full before it was loaded.

"Alas, in the future, I will have to ask the system for a few more storage equipment."

Saying that, divide the installed rings among the four demon beasts with the highest realm.

"The next task you will be divided into four groups to act, there are some pills in the storage ring, maybe you can use it, and if you don't understand, ask me through the beast seal in time."

"After that, this time is your trial, and I am waiting for you to return."

Saying that, the twelve demon beasts emitted a dazzling white light.

[Teleportation ready, destination: Kamikaze Bay.] 【


【Transmission successful, has reached the destination.】 The

prompt fell, and the twelve demon beasts in front of him disappeared out of thin air and came to a strange area.

Chu Wei and the little mermaid looked at this magical scene stunned, so shocked that they couldn't speak.

Zhou Mu turned around and waved his hand at them, signaling not to be surprised.

It's just a.

As if he was not very worried about these demon beasts going far away, Zhou Mu couldn't help but ask the system: "System, inquire about the specific situation of the demon beast forces in Kamikaze Bay." "

[Ding, it is in the task stage, and the host can query it when the exploration degree reaches 50%. Hearing

this, Zhou Mu frowned: "This is a little difficult, I don't know the strength, how to drive the army of monster beasts over?" "

Straight to the past?"

That's right, since the system released the exploration task, Zhou Mu planned to fight it directly.

And when this kamikaze bay is turned into a breeding farm, those monster beasts do not have to return, and the task can be completed directly.

However, the system does not provide information for the time being, which also makes Zhou Mu a little difficult for a while.

Do you really have to wait until they're halfway through their exploration?

Zhou Mu let out a long sigh, a little irritable.

As if sensing Zhou Mu's thoughts, the system directly reminded him.

[Before the mission is completed, the host must not send demon beasts into the kamikaze bay area to interfere with the trial.] It

was good that the system did not prompt, as soon as it was prompted, Zhou Mu instantly thought of what to do next.

Not entering Kamikaze Bay?

So I'm around the main line, right?

The area that can allow the demon beasts of the Spirit Sea Realm to explore, the top combat power is not high.

Thinking of this, Zhou Mu quickly used the beast seal to summon six Spirit Origin Realm Beast Kings, as well as fifteen Spirit Sea Realm Demon Beasts.

After thinking about it, the top combat power cannot be transferred all.

So he let Lingmei, who had walked halfway, turn around and go back.

"This guy, you can't fight, let's keep the house!"

Ling Mei felt the five spiritual abyss realm auras in the sky fly towards the Ten Thousand Beast Mountain, and it was extremely depressed at this time.

"Sister Ling Mei, why didn't you leave?" The red snake soared into the air and flew towards the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain, and it was among the Spirit Sea Realm demon beasts summoned by Zhou Mu.

Seeing that Ling Mei suddenly did not leave, the red snake was a little puzzled.

"The owner won't let me go." Ling Mei glanced at the red snake, and her eyebrows were full of anger.

Looking at the appearance of the red snake, it knew that the red snake had not been temporarily stopped.

"The owner actually looked down on me!"

Just as Ling Mei was suspended in the air angrily, Zhou Mu's voice reached its ears.

"In the next period of time, the Ten Thousand Beast Forest and Silver Peak Valley will all be arranged by you."

"Knowing that you are better at managing did not let you fight."

"The farm will be guarded by you, and we will come back."

When the words fell, Lingmei's brows stretched out again, and she was just about to share it with the red snake, but saw that the red snake had long disappeared.

"Stinky snake! Before I said that I wouldn't give up, but now the owner summoned you and left without even looking back?! Ling Mei stomped her foot in the air and gritted her teeth.

Then he returned to the nest and pondered how to manage the two areas.

Zhou Mu looked at the twenty demon beasts in front of him and frowned, feeling that there were a little few demon beasts and could not surround the kamikaze bay.

"Let's bring another two thousand Lingchuan Realm demon beasts, those who haven't participated in the trial much before, come this time."

When the words fell, the demon beasts in the Ten Thousand Beasts Forest and the Silver Peak Valley rushed towards the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain.

However, the Silver Peak Valley was too far away, and the final two thousand demon beasts were all from the Ten Thousand Beast Forest.

Suddenly, the Silver Peak Valley Demon Beast wailed continuously.

Zhou Mu shook his head and sighed: "Then five hundred more in Silver Peak Valley, I really don't understand what you guys think, this is going to war!" Will die! "

But the demon beast below heard that it was a war, and it was even more excited!

These monster beasts are already warlike, plus they are fighting for Zhou Mu, and they can also be buried in the grave of ten thousand beasts when they die, and continue to watch their descendants grow, so now most of their beasts are not even too afraid of death.

While waiting for the Silver Peak Valley Demon Beast to come, Zhou Mu suddenly thought that he didn't know the location of the Divine Wind Bay.

"System, mark the location of Kamikaze Bay."

[Ding, the exploration degree is less than 50%, please find it by yourself.] Hey

! You don't say this?

I really thought I couldn't help it, huh?

Don't forget that your system monitoring map can see the location of the marked monsters!

I saw Zhou Mu open the system monitoring map and search for those monster beasts.

Then looking at the twelve green dots scattered and distributed, the whole person was not good.

He hurriedly zoomed out the map, compared the location of the Ten Thousand Beast Forest, and found the direction of the kamikaze bay.

"Why is there a cherry blossom country to the east of Sakura City!"

"Kamikaze Bay is actually there?"

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