After finding the specific location of the kamikaze bay, Zhou Mu was a little worried again.

I saw that half of the kamikaze bay area marked on the map is still water.

You must know that none of the twelve demon beasts know water.

This sea is something to explore.

[Please believe in the monster beast.] The

system seemed to be able to read minds, and Zhou Mu had just had this idea, and the system came out to answer.

"Yes, existence is reasonable, since the task has been issued, there must be a way to complete it."

Thinking of this, Zhou Mu no longer thought about this.

He turned off the map and looked back at the little mermaid in Chu Wei's hand.

There is a sea area, maybe you can use this little guy.

Seeing Zhou Mu's gaze, Chu Wei quickly handed the little mermaid to Zhou Mu.

She stood beside Zhou Mu, half a head shorter than Zhou Mu.

Seeing so many demon beasts gathered under the mountain, she was not very surprised in her heart, after all, she had also experienced tens of thousands of demon beasts besieged and killed.

Now there are still few thousands of demon beasts.

"Is there anything I can do to help?" Chu Wei pursed her lips and said.

Chu Wei did not ask Zhou Mu what he was going to do, but directly showed that he supported his attitude.

But this is also no way, after all, under the roof, it is already valuable to help him, and it must not be much.

Chu Wei was previously influenced by the Dao of Heaven, her eyes were full of helping people, and her head thought of how to help others, which caused others to think that she was stupid.

Now that there is no Heavenly Dao constraint, Chu Wei's head is also clear, and some things are also known to be considered from many aspects.

Zhou Mu glanced at her with slight surprise, and then slowly shook his head and said, "You can't help now, stay in the Ten Thousand Beast Forest."

"If you really have nothing to do, let's think about how to manage so many demon beasts."

Saying that, Zhou Mu withdrew his gaze and began to walk towards the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain.

Chu Wei stood in place, her hand couldn't help but clench, and she looked at the distant Zhou Mu in amazement.

The little mermaid seemed to be still angry, and after Zhou Mu took it, he was unwilling to continue lying in the palm of his hand.

It lay on the big bubble and floated beside Zhou Mu, as if sensing Chu Wei's frustration, and the little mermaid quickly flew back.

It circled around Chu Wei, and finally floated near Chu Wei's cheeks, stretching out its little hand to caress her smooth face.

As if it felt that this was not enough, it leaned over and kissed Chu Wei on the face again.

Chu Wei couldn't help but show a shallow smile, and when she came back to her senses, the little mermaid plucked a feather from the white phoenix feather crown on her head and inserted it between Chu Wei's hair.

Then the little mermaid waved his hand at Chu Wei, turned around and followed Zhou Mu.

Chu Wei also waved in greeting, and after the figure of the little mermaid disappeared, Chu Wei reached out and removed the feather from between her hair.

A white flawless, glowing feather, but only the size of a knuckle.

Chu Wei pursed her lips and chuckled, carefully putting away her feathers.

When Zhou Mu walked in front of the demon beasts, the five hundred Lingchuan realm demon beasts of Yinfeng Valley also arrived in time.

Looking at the strength of the demon beast in front of him, Zhou Mu couldn't help but sigh.

"Guys, do you remember when we last fought?"

When the words fell, some of the demon beasts that had participated in the attack on Silver Peak Valley roared in unison.

The demon beasts of Silver Peak Valley were at a loss.

Fortunately, this group of demon beasts did not say it, and last time it was to hit Yinfeng Valley.

Otherwise, these five hundred demon beasts would have to die of embarrassment.

"Last time, our highest combat power was only five Spirit Sea Realms."

"Today, our strength has grown exponentially, and the Spirit Abyss Realm alone has reached five."

"This time, we will go out to fight, the journey will be longer than before, but our confidence will also be more than ever!"

After speaking, Zhou Mu waved his big hand and said loudly: "Go to war!" "

In an instant, the demon beasts roared in unison, and the sound was Megatron.

The five beast kings had the experience of the last time, and this time they were already distributed in the five directions of the beast group without waiting for Zhou Mu to speak.

The monsters who had been the captains of the squad before also spontaneously organized a team.

The main thing is not to leave a single order.

Seeing this, Zhou Mu couldn't help but laugh and rolled over and sat on the back of the green ox.

"This is also too clever, teach it once and remember it!"

With emotion, the army of monster beasts had traveled thousands of meters away.

In the past, the monster beasts encountered all stopped and stood up, with longing in their eyes: "When can I help the main farm!"

"You save it, it's been so long to Lingyu Realm, it's not enough to plug the teeth of other demon beasts!"

"I don't have a chance to go to this Lingchuan Realm this time, how can it be your turn!"

"Cultivate in the forest well, and then go up to the top when your Lingchuan Realm is over!" Fight is also on our first! "A demon beast croaked its teeth yin and yang strange qi.

The demon beast snorted lightly, slightly dissatisfied: "When I wait for my Lingchuan Realm, I will also go to the battlefield!"

Then the demon beast changed his tone and asked, "Do you say that the owner will come back from another turf this time?" "

I haven't finished shopping in Silver Peak Valley!"

The demon beast looked at the distant army and was stunned.

A moment later, it found that the Lingchuan Realm Demon Beast did not answer its words, and slowly turned its head to look at it.

The result was its strange-looking face.

"Lao Tzu is from Yinfeng Valley!"

"Little bunny, what do you mean by that?"

"Yinfeng Valley is not finished, right, go, I am local, I will take you around!"

Saying that, the coercion of the Lingchuan Realm was directly released, subdued the little demon beast, grabbed it and walked in the direction of Yinfeng Valley.

"It's not! Elder brother! I was wrong!

"I didn't mean that!"

The little demon beast begged for mercy one after another, but the demon beast turned a deaf ear and vowed to clean it up!

If you don't practice it to the Lingchuan Realm, you're sorry for the humiliation you suffered today!

The army of demon beasts rushed out, and a moment later, the forest of ten thousand beasts poured out.

If it weren't for the speed of taking care of the Lingchuan Realm demon beast, Qingniu could be faster with Zhou Mu.

The Beast Kings and the Spirit Sea Realm Demon Beasts can also be faster.

So much so that this trip to the kamikaze Strait took at least two and a half days.

Zhou Mu let out a long sigh and let the green bull walk behind the beasts.

As the mighty army of demon beasts rushed out of the Ten Thousand Beast Forest, the forces that were relatively close were all terrified.

"What's going on? It's only been a month! Why did it riot again?

"And how did the breath become so stronger!"

"What if this comes over!"

A small gang leader whose highest cultivation was no more than the Spirit Sea Realm worried.

At this moment, he even wanted to abandon the gang and run alone.

However, Zhou Mu and his party did not pay attention to these little vegetables at all.

At the same time, the beasts that had already come to the Divine Wind Bay began to explore the area according to Zhou Mu's instructions.

They are randomly teleported by the system, and each beast is alone, even the chicken cubs.

This made Zhou Mu on the back of the ox a little worried, and he had been guiding them to gather together on the way.

After all, only many beasts can have a sense of security.

On the way to the gathering, the Xiaoice frost dragon was a little depressed.

It was teleported to an island, surrounded by sea water, and could not find the shore.

"Fly southeast." Zhou Mu's words reached its mind.

The frost dragon scratched his head, looking puzzled.

"Which is the southeast?"

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