It took Zhou Mu a long pause to let the frost dragon find its way.

Fortunately, it can fly, otherwise it would really be stranded on the island.

And this little dragon is clever and stupid, and when he is tired of flying, he knows to freeze a piece of seawater and lie down for a while.

But when the rest was enough, as soon as I looked up, I forgot the direction again.

Just guiding this little dragon made Zhou Muzhi sigh.

But fortunately, it came ashore safely.

The Frost Dragon shrugged its nose and frowned at the sea behind him.

The owner can only see the picture through monitoring, but he cannot smell the strange smell emitted by the sea.

It had never seen the sea and was puzzled.

"Does the sea smell so weird? It's not as pleasant as the river in the forest.

Saying that, it shook its head, a little disappointed in this endless sea.

At this time, Zhou Mu's voice pointing the way came.

The frost dragon quickly flew in one direction according to Zhou Mu's prompt, wanting to quickly stay away from the coast.

And it also encountered the first demon beast during the flight.

A crawling creature with a hard shell and three pincers on its body.

The Frost Dragon didn't know what it was, but Zhou Mu recognized it at a glance.

"How does this look like a king crab?"

"Why is it so big, it looks like it's two meters long, and what the hell are three pliers?"


Saying that, Zhou Mu opened the inquiry.

[Name] Mutant King Crab [Gender] Male

[Xiuwei] Aura Realm

[Race Name] Mutated King Crab

[Race Potential] Mortal Beast

[Talent] Evil Qi Infection [Introduction]

Infested with Evil Qi

injected into the sea leads to biological mutation, and the mutated forms are different, the three pincers are already the slightest mutation, by the way, although it is delicious, But if you want to eat it, be prepared to mutate!

"Evil qi infested and mutated? How could the evil spirit run into the sea? Zhou Mu was a little puzzled.

Didn't he never see evil qi, but weren't those evil qi well controlled?

Aren't Zhou Li, Chen Ruoxi and the others all manipulating evil qi to fight?

How come there is evil qi in this sea.

"Alas, it's difficult! Get back a contaminated site.

"This makes him how to house the monsters."

Thinking of this, Zhou Mu turned his head to look at the little mermaid lying on his shoulder.

Gently poked its cheek and said softly, "I don't know if you can purify the evil qi." Hearing

this, the little mermaid stood on Zhou Mu's shoulder, patted his chest and said, "Don't worry, I'm the best at purification!"

Zhou Mu couldn't help but smile: "It seems that this time I really brought you right, and you will have to work harder in the future." Looking

at its small body, and then thinking of the vast sea, Zhou Mu was afraid that it would be exhausted to death.

Zhou Mu told the information to the frost dragon and instructed: "Just kill it, don't eat it indiscriminately, something will happen." Hearing

this, the frost dragon tore the two-meter-long king crab apart with one claw, and the crab meat splashed everywhere.

The frost dragon licked its lips, but as soon as he thought of Zhou Mu's warning, he resisted the idea of eating it, turned his head and continued forward.

Zhou Mu took the demon beasts for a day, and everywhere he passed, all the forces retreated.

The monsters of Kamikaze Bay also traveled for a day, and they finally gathered into four groups before sunset.

Until now, Zhou Mu was not very worried about them.

After all, even the chicken cubs can be safe and sound, then the strength of the demon beasts in this area can be imagined.

Moreover, through Zhou Mu's observation, the highest cultivation monster beasts encountered by these twelve demon beasts in one day were only in the Lingchuan Realm, and they were not the enemies of the eggs.

Looking at the 5% exploration degree on the task, Zhou Muchang breathed a sigh of relief.

"It should be simple in the future." Zhou Mu muttered.

At this time, the army of demon beasts also came to the vicinity of Sakura City.

"Fuck, again." Looking at the city gate in the distance, Zhou Mu cursed lowly.

And the guards of Sakura City didn't know where to learn the news of the beast tide in the morning, and they were ready to attack the city by monster beasts early.

Even the city lord of Sakura City stood at the head of the city, looking at the army of demon beasts.

"Fortunately, there are only five Spirit Abyss Realms." The city lord said in a low voice, with a little ease in his tone.

Although there are not so many Spirit Abyss Realm cultivators in Sakura City, he is a Xuan Spirit Realm!

As long as the Spirit Abyss Realm monster beasts are cleaned up, the rest is left to this group of subordinates.

Seeing that the army of demon beasts was getting closer and closer to Sakura City, everyone also became nervous.

They had not experienced such a big beast tide, and if it weren't for the city lord personally going to fight, they would have been scared away a long time ago.

Sakura Castle, Ryūfu.

Long Tian fed a piece of flesh and blood full of spiritual energy to Ling Qing Haijiao.

At this time, the Lingqing Sea Jiao had grown to one meter and five meters long after a month of feeding by the Long family.

The aura also became more and more powerful, breaking through from the initial Spiritual Qi Realm to the early stage of the Spiritual Rain Realm.

Long Tian looked at this jiao with satisfaction, feeling that its cultivation speed was too fast!

Just as Long Tian was about to continue feeding the spirit meat, Ling Qinghai Jiao suddenly raised his head and looked in the direction of the demon beast army.

It always feels that something attracts it in that direction, and there is an inexplicable sense of intimacy.

Long Tian also noticed the abnormality of Ling Qing Haijiao, and he also followed the direction of Ling Qinghaijiao's gaze.

On the ground, a person and a cow quietly appeared in the open space beside Long Tian.

Ling Qinghaijiao seemed to have sensed something, quickly turned his head to look at Zhou Mu, and then dragged his slightly fat body to Zhou Mu's body.

Long Tian looked shocked, took two steps back vigilantly, and immediately called for someone to come over.

"Brother Long, what is this for? Don't recognize me? Zhou Mu touched Ling Qinghaijiao's head and whispered to Long Tian.

When the words fell, Long Tian calmed down and recognized Zhou Mu.

Immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

Then seeing Ling Qinghaijiao like this, he suddenly felt a little sad.

"Just call me Long Tian, it's too raw to call Brother Long." Long Tian waved his hand towards Zhou Mu.

At this moment, his understanding of Zhou Mu has risen to another level, and the idea of investing in Zhou Mu has become more and more firm.

But the only problem is that he is not qualified enough to invest in Zhou Mu now.

"Then you can also call me Zhou Mu, how about it, I will say that this egg can hatch immortal beasts." Zhou Mu said with a smile.

Speaking of this, Long Tian's eyes lit up, and his face was full of smiles.

"Thank you so much! This little dragon has not helped me less, and my status in the Long family has also improved a lot.

"If you need it, as long as you are in Sakura City, I can help you with a word, even if it is Sakura Country, I can help you do something."

Long Tian patted his chest and said proudly.

Zhou Mu laughed loudly: "Then thank you, if there is a need, I will definitely speak."

Then Zhou Mu stroked Ling Qing Hai Jiao again, and under the cover of the green ox, he quietly punched the beast seal into Ling Qing Hai Jiao's body.

"By the way, Zhou Mu, why did you come to me at this time?"

Hearing this, Zhou Mu replied, "Just passing through Sakura City to see you, after all, you are also one of my few friends."

Long Tian laughed heartily, and then couldn't help but be a little worried: "I heard that there is a beast tide outside Sakura City today, and the strength is still very strong, I'm afraid you came at this time just in time for the disaster!"

"You mean the one east of Sakura City?" Zhou Mu couldn't help but ask.


"That's okay, it's all the monster beasts I brought."

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