Looking at the Swift Wind Wolf King with bright eyes and a face full of expectation, Zhou Mu's expression was in a trance.

After a moment of silence, Zhou Mu smiled bitterly.

Yes, I have ignored that monster beasts have to fight constantly to grow.

Because of the beast seal, the fight in the forest of ten thousand beasts has decreased sharply, and I don't know if there will be five incidents a day.

Demon beasts that die because of fighting are even rarer.

Zhou Mu thought that reducing their death and improving their cultivation would make the Ten Thousand Beast Forest stronger.

But if you don't fight, it's just waste.

He thought he had done a good enough job, but ignored it.

Maybe they have suffered a lot in the past, but now they have the ability, and want to make them more comfortable?


In any case, he himself has to reflect on it.

It is clear that everyone understands a truth, but he has forgotten about it.

If it weren't for today's Wind Wolf King's proposal, this pattern might have continued.

Zhou Mu's eyes flickered, and he made a decision in his heart.

He glanced around these demon beasts, and their faces also had a thoughtful look on their faces.

Most of the demon beasts agreed with the words of the Wind Wolf King.

Although the owner agreed to the Wind Wolf King's suggestion, they would fight a little more and suffer a little more injuries.

But this is nothing, after all, the battle has to be hearty, and the one-sided battle has no sense of experience at all.

Moreover, they are not afraid of death.

But if the owner of the farm raises them for a while longer, he may be afraid of death.

Zhou Mu nodded towards the Wind Wolf King, and the Wind Wolf King quickly returned to the army, and the Red Spirit Eagle King in the sky also flew back again.

After the army left Sakura City, Zhou Mu's voice echoed in the ears of every demon beast through the beast seal, including Chu Wei: "In the future, we will fight more."

"If there are demon beasts that want to challenge themselves, you can leave the team by yourself, and when the battle is over, you will come back by yourself if you are alive, and if you die, other beasts will bring you back."

"I will no longer restrict you too much from entering and exiting the Ten Thousand Beasts Forest, and I will not allow you to start with the demon beasts in the forest, but in other places, you can show your skills."

"I look forward to you fighting for a new territory and extending our power."

"I will still give you the resources, but the bloodline and the like will require you to show the strength that satisfies me."

After speaking, the demon beasts had different expressions, but most of them were extremely excited, and only a few were sad.

Zhou Mu took in all these situations, and said in his heart: "Sure enough, I still raised some waste." With

a long sigh, he continued to march.

The more than fifty demon beasts that were repatriated immediately became excited when they heard Zhou Mu's words.

They were originally worried that if they went back like this, they would definitely be ridiculed by other monsters.

Now they have one more option.

Go and lay the next turf!

After saying his thoughts, disagreements arose among the more than fifty demon beasts.

In the end, only thirty demon beasts decided to fight and fight a territory to atone for their sins to the owner.

The other demon beasts followed Zhou Mu's instructions and went back to reflect.

On the cherry blossom city, the city lord saw a bunch of demon beasts breaking away from the large army, and his brows wrinkled slightly.

"A bunch of Lingchuan Realm demon beasts? What is this trying to do? Attacks on nearby villages and towns? "

The city lord sent a few people to follow these monster beasts, and did not intend to solve these monster beasts.

As soon as the army of monsters left, you killed the monster beasts on your hind feet.

Not enough trouble?

Anyway, as long as these monster beasts don't attack Sakura City, he doesn't bother to care about other places.

He just wants to relax, he just wants to enjoy.

Seeing the demon beasts gradually leaving, the city lord smiled slightly, and his eyes flew towards the city lord's mansion with fever.

And Sakura City also restored order and opened the city gates.

At night, kamikaze bay.

Little Wolf, Eggman and Cat Ling'er with seven chicken cubs, Frost Dragon and Skybreaker.

Instead, Bai Feng flew alone in the sky.

The beasts did not persuade Bai Feng, after all, this bird cannot be judged by common sense.

The two waves of demon beasts explored two directions separately.

Now that night is falling, they are starting to stop and rest.

Zhou Mu had told them that everything here could not be eaten, which was bitter for them.

I can only take out some elixir from the storage ring.

I heard that it is the Gugu Dan of human cultivators.

One of them, one by one, in their mouths.

At this time, Bai Feng flew to the side of the egg.

It hurriedly fell, took out a Gu Gu Dan from its storage ring and held it in its mouth.

Then he came to them and said in amazement: "Let me tell you, the monster beasts over here are really amazing."

"There is a five-legged dog!"

After speaking, Bai Feng quacked and laughed: "Do you know how it attacked me?"

"It spits from its mouth, black phlegm!"

"Then I flew over its head, and it spat so much that it didn't touch me, and it fell on it again!"

"These monster beasts are really stupid!"

"How could the owner get the trial to this place, it's not difficult at all."

Hearing this, the other demon beasts also nodded in agreement.

"There are still powerful demon beasts here, and today I encountered a tiger demon beast from the Spirit Sea Realm."

"Although it doesn't look strange, it feels strange to me, and the breath on its body makes me sick." Little Wolf said.

The other demon beasts also nodded one after another.

While the beasts were chatting, there was a sudden agitation around them.

A few invectives were heard.

"These beasts, how can their resistance be so poor, it's only been a few days, they are all deformed."

"Seeing their disgusting appearance, I don't even want to eat meat."

Then another voice responded: "Disgusting is disgusting, but the meat is still delicious, isn't it?"

"I don't know what some people think, they insist that these monster beast meat can't be eaten, we have already eaten it, isn't it still good now?"

The man scratched his neck casually, scratching a bloodstain but not caring.

When the words fell, Bai Feng and other demon beasts quickly lurked.

They were very close to these humans, but thanks to the fact that these humans were not high in cultivation, there were only three Lingchuan Realms.

They can't be found for the time being.

Eggman looked at them and frowned.

Just because those people have a smell that makes it sick.

It's the same as those monsters.

"Right here, quickly dispose of these evil qi, my wife is still waiting for me at home."

Saying that, several people stood by the sea and took out a black ring with the cherry blossom logo printed on it.

Immediately afterwards, a trace of black qi was injected into the ring, and several meter-tall black stones appeared out of thin air.

The stones exuded black qi, and several people quickly retreated after seeing them, watching these stones fall into the magnificent sea and splash.

"I won't do it two more times, I can't stand this evil qi." A man said with a frown.

Others didn't say anything, after all, they had only been in contact for a few days, and they did it because of high pay.

Several people quickly retreated from the sea cliff and returned the same way.

And the sea surface where they threw black stones was quickly covered with a layer of pitch-black substance.

After a few moments, countless sea creatures floated to the surface of the sea, motionless.

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