A few people walked leisurely in the jungle, not afraid that fierce beasts would rush out.

The demon beasts near Kamikaze Bay they know best.

In the past, there were several Spirit Sea Realm demon beasts, and there was even a Spirit Abyss Realm.

But after such a long period of evil qi infestation, these demon beasts either fell in strength or became delirium.

But if they have a little longer brain, there will be no danger if they are careful when walking.

Even if something happens to them, they have the means to solve it.

"Captain, what do you say if we encounter a Spirit Sea Realm demon beast?" A bearded man said worriedly.

The cultivation of the highest talent in their team is the Spirit Chuan Realm, even if they encounter the delirious Spirit Sea Realm demon beast, it is also the material for death.

I saw a mysterious smile on the corner of the man's mouth called captain, and his hand involuntarily put on the long knife on his waist, slowly groping.

"Don't worry, there will be no accident, we have the means."

Saying that, the Lingchuan Realm Captain and the other two Lingchuan Realm cultivators looked at each other, their eyes full of confidence.

Seeing this, the rest of the monks stopped worrying.

A monk moves his joints as he walks, making a clicking sound.

Everyone turned to look at him when they heard this, slightly surprised.

It was just that the noise was too loud, and his joints were almost ringing all over his body.

"Whew, comfortable." After moving his joints, the monk let out a long sigh of relief.

"I find that I don't know how recently, and I always feel very tired." The monk touched the blood scab on the back of his neck and said in puzzlement.

"Eighty percent is too intimate with your wife, just rest more."

After speaking, everyone laughed.

The egg-and-egg and other beasts in the distance watched this scene and admired them in their hearts.

Cai Lingchuan Realm cultivation was even more confident than them.

Bai Feng frowned and looked at those people, the disgust on his face was undisguised.

It turned to look at Eggman and Cat Ling'er, spread one wing, gestured sideways at its neck, and then pointed its wings at the group of people.

They understood what Bai Feng meant, but they didn't respond.

"The breath on these people is indeed very annoying, but the task given to us by the owner is to explore this area and not cause trouble." Cat Linger licked her paws and said softly.

The egg nodded slowly, and the excited chicken cubs suddenly lowered their heads in disappointment.

Seeing this, Bai Feng did not die: "The owner said that cultivation is a freedom, and you can't be bound by too many rules.

"When we get stronger, don't we just want to change the things we hate?"

Bai Feng's impassioned remarks stunned the beasts.

When did the owner say that?

How do we not know?

But it seems to make sense.

Just as the beasts hesitated, several people who had not entered the jungle suddenly exclaimed.

Then came a roar.

"Fuck, Spirit Sea Realm!"

"Captain! How can this be done!

"It's all to blame on your crow mouth!"

Several Spirit Rain Realm cultivators hurriedly retreated and ran out of the jungle.

After a while, three more figures flew out of the jungle, carrying a little black liquid on their bodies.

Bai Feng and the other demon beasts were a little nervous at first, but they were relieved after seeing Eggman's breezy expression.

Then gloated at the annoying humans in the distance.

I saw a two-meter-tall giant black dog slowly walking out, with a strange pace.

Bai Feng's eyes lit up after seeing the black tiger, and he said to them with a grin: "Look, this is the five-legged spitting dog I said."

"Look at the bald piece on its head, it's its own phlegm."

Bai Feng laughed while speaking, and the beasts couldn't help but laugh when they saw the appearance of the black dog.

Gradually, Bai Feng's laughter grew louder.


Bai Feng's laughter suddenly came out, and in this silent night, this laughter seemed to have magic power, spreading all around.

Bai Feng quickly covered his mouth and shrugged in the helpless eyes of the beasts.

Suddenly, there was silence all around.

The imposing black dog froze.

How is this laughter so familiar?

When I looked at it, it turned out to be the stinky bird!

"Roar!" The black dog roared with its bald head, and stared at Bai Feng with green eyes.

Those humans also quickly turned their heads to look at the white phoenix beasts.

"Why are there so many demon beasts?"

"Fortunately, it's some spirits..." Before

the words fell, he saw a cloud of black liquid gushing out of the black dog's mouth, directly hitting the white phoenix.

Before Bai Feng and other beasts could react, the red light burst out in the eyes of the little wolf, and a blue-white wind blade roared, and in a blink of an eye, it collided with the black liquid.

The black liquid scattered and dripped onto nearby plants, making a "zi" sound.

The aura on the little wolf's body shook, and even the nearby sea water set off waves.

"Fuck, another Spirit Sea Realm?"

"Captain, didn't you say that there are means? Use it quickly! "


As soon as the man's words fell, his heart was pierced by a long knife that was extremely black.

He looked at the black knife on his chest in disbelief, only feeling that the power in his body was being replaced by something.

In an instant, endless black qi gushed out from the black knife, a large part of it poured into the man's body, and the other small part entered the knife holder's body.

The captain's face was hideous, and a black line appeared in his pupils.

Pulled out the black knife, turned around and stabbed another person to death.

The same was true of the other two Lingchuan Realm cultivators.

The three of them stabbed to death two Spirit Rain Realm cultivators one by one, and black qi was permeated both on the knife and on their bodies.

The aura of the three climbed step by step, and in the blink of an eye, they reached the peak of the Lingchuan Realm.

On the ground, the three of them spoke to the corpses: "Stand up!" In

an instant, the black qi inside the corpses surged, supporting their corpses and slowly standing up.

The three waved their hands gently, and the six corpses rushed towards Bai Feng and the other beasts.

And the three of them killed the black dog with knives.

"I said we should kill them!"

"Look how disgusting they do!" Bai Feng complained to the beasts, and then looked at the cultivators who emitted black qi with a solemn expression.

The little wolf and egg egg egg gave Bai Feng a glance.

Cat Linger's eyes flashed with golden light, and the countless plants in front of him became extremely thick in a blink of an eye, forming a plant barrier to resist the advance of the corpse.

The little wolf snorted softly, and hundreds of wind blades appeared behind him.

It stood above the plant and looked contemptuously at the corpses.

"What a big deal, what to complain about!"

The words fell, and the wind blades of the sky concentrated on the six corpses.

In an instant, flesh and blood flew and the wind was raging.

The flesh and blood with evil qi splashed in all directions, and wherever the flesh and blood was, all the plants within a radius of two meters withered.

A lot of flesh and blood splashed on the plant barrier, and these plants that had been transformed by the cat spirit were also instantly withered.

The little wolf quickly jumped down from above, looking solemn.

Seeing this, Eggman spoke, "No wonder the owner set the trial here.

"It didn't turn out to let us fight the demon beasts."

"It's here to fight these weird people!"

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