The three were not surprised that the six corpses were shattered, after all, their original intention was to let the corpses temporarily drag Bai Feng and other demon beasts.

But I didn't expect these corpses to be so unbeaten.

Can't even hold on for a breath.

Secretly cursing in his heart, the long knife in the hands of the three burst out of black light, and they all slashed at the black dog.

The monstrous black qi suddenly soared from the blade body, engulfing the black dog in an instant.

The figures of the three were attached to a layer of pitch-black matter at this moment.

The corners of their mouths curled, revealing their white teeth, and their pupils flashed with black light, which was extremely strange.

The black dog roared, and its body erupted with a little aura shaped like a thin black line, trying its best to resist the attack of the three.

The black qi of the three seemed to have corrosive power, and when the black dog's aura touched these black qi, the black thin lines in the aura suddenly skyrocketed.

In an instant, the aura was assimilated by the black qi.

The aura that he was proud of turned into a threat to him.

The black dog's pupils shrank suddenly, and three black blades came towards him.

I saw the knife brush over its body, and then the black dog's eyes were scattered, and its breath disappeared.

The three turned to look at Bai Feng and the other demon beasts, and their hearts couldn't help but become cautious.

Because there are no traces of mutation on their bodies, most of the weapons in their hands cannot restrain them.

Thinking of this, the captain shouted at the black dog that had just fallen down: "Stand up!" The

black dog, who had no breath, slowly stood up.

It has no life breath, and it is full of strange black qi.

I saw the black dog roar, and endless black qi gushed out directly from its body, and pounced on Bai Feng and other demon beasts with a roar.

At this time, the black dog was even stronger than before death.

Bai Feng and the chicken cubs retreated one after another.

This is no longer a battle they can intervene in.

Originally, I thought that the group of Spirit Rain Realm cultivators could allow the chicken cubs to practice their hands, but the little wolf suddenly cut them into slag.

Now they can only try not to drag their feet.

I saw that the golden light in Cat Linger's eyes dissipated, replaced by a scarlet light.

The broken plant barrier in front of him returned to its original state, and Cat Linger looked at the three of them, and forcefully pulled them into the illusion realm, temporarily restricting their movements.

Seeing that the black qi was coming, the little wolf raised his head to the sky and roared, and then the aura around his body fluctuated, and the endless wind began to condense around.

Immediately afterwards, a wind vortex slowly emerged in front of the little wolf, and as the fierce wind gathered, it became more and more intense.


An explosive wind sound sounded, and the wind vortex in front of the little wolf went straight towards the black qi.

In an instant, the wind vortex swept the black qi and re-attacked the black dog.

As if this level was not enough, Eggman summoned dozens of skull phantoms on the side, roaring and flying towards the black dog.

Although it has not yet reached the Spirit Sea Realm, it is the bloodline of immortal beasts, and there is still not much problem in fighting across realms.

Since the three cultivators were all pulled into the fantasy realm by Cat Linger, the black dog that no one controls now is like a living target, except for regular counterattacks and dodges, nothing else.

It is precisely because of this that the attack of the little wolf and the egg is hitting the black dog.

However, in the same Spirit Sea Realm, the wind vortex that the little wolf randomly condensed did not cause much damage to the black dog.

"Hurry up and solve it, I can't hold it anymore!" The red light in Cat Linger's eyes flashed, and she couldn't help but urge.

Hearing this, the little wolf and the egg suddenly burst out and hit the black dog directly.

The chickens in the back are also jumping around in a hurry.

Seeing this, Xiao Zi frowned, and his feathers burst out into an arc.


A sound of thunder and lightning sounded, and I saw a purple electric trace passing in front of the eyes of all the beasts, pointing directly at the three Lingchuan Realm cultivators.

A flash of electricity!

In the blink of an eye, Xiao Zi suddenly stabbed in front of the three people.

Xiao Zi's speed did not decrease, stretching out his hard beak, vowing to break the legs of these three!

The good villain is also the only Lingchuan realm among the seven chicken cubs, but you can't lose the chicken!

Feeling the breath on Xiaozi's body, Eggman and Little Wolf didn't care too much.

The little wolf carried endless winds around him, and there were countless wind blades hidden in the wind, which smashed down when he was about to approach the black dog.

Seeing the smoke and dust rising around the black dog, Eggman had to summon a head phantom in order to avoid accidentally eating its flesh during close combat.

Use this to mend the black dog.

The smoke and dust cleared, and the black dog was already covered in injuries after receiving the blow of the little wolf, but now it is just a corpse that does not know the pain, so the wound has little effect on him.

But immediately after, hundreds of heads appeared from the sky.

They roam the sky with curses, pleas, and roars.

With an order, the head phantom roared and rushed towards the black dog.

Seeing the phantom engulfing the black dog, there was a rattling sound of chewing from time to time.

The little wolf and the egg looked at each other, silently turned their backs to the battlefield behind them.

At the same time, the little purple figure flickered wildly.

In an instant, dozens of purple electric marks were drawn around the three people, of which more than a dozen electric marks passed through the three people, but only two or three caused damage to them.

Just because the black matter defense on their bodies is too strong.

Those two or three were still pierced by Xiao Zi's repeated attacks.

"Meow!" Cat Linger screamed, sitting weakly in place, and the red light in his eyes dissipated.

"Ugh!" The three screamed one after another, and they felt a sharp pain under them in an instant after they left the illusion.

"What about my legs!"

"Damn it! My bird!

"I haven't married my wife yet!"

One of them thundered violently, roared angrily, and his eyes were bloodshot.

His lower body was bleeding, and his loss seemed to be greater than that of the other two who had broken legs.

At this time, another thunderbolt roar passed between the three people.

In an instant, Xiao Zi stabbed more than a dozen times.

But this time because they woke up, they didn't let Xiaozi succeed.

The birdless man saw the opportunity and reached out to grab Xiao Zi.

"Bring it to me! Damn birds! "


Xiao Zi was grabbed by the man, and suddenly panicked and kept calling.

"Go and die!" The man roared, and the strength in his hand continued to increase.

Just when Xiao Zi thought that he was going to be pinched to death, a gust of wind suddenly blew beside him.

Immediately afterwards, I felt that the hand holding me suddenly lost its strength, and my body still felt like falling.

When it opened its eyes, it saw a smooth cut on the birdless man's arm, bleeding profusely.



The little wolf roared coldly, and along with the words, there was also the wind blade in the sky.

Xiao Zi, who was out of control, instantly used an electric flash to escape the coverage of the wind blade.

Its front foot went out, and the back foot of the endless wind blade fell.


The wind blade was like rain, smashing unscrupulously on the ground.

Feeling that the black matter on their bodies was gradually disintegrated by the wind blade, countless blood stains appeared on their bodies.

The captain showed determination, and while he could still hold the long knife, he held the long knife back, and the tip of the knife pointed directly at his abdomen.

"Your Majesty the Emperor! Subordinates are incompetent! When

the words fell, the captain stabbed a long black knife into his abdomen and committed suicide.

Because the other two reacted slowly, they were cut into slag by the wind blade before they could commit suicide.

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