The wind dissipated, and there was silence all around.

Even the captain who committed suicide could not escape the fate of being shredded by the wind blade.

The little wolf looked coldly at the minced meat scattered all over the ground and sneered.

Crooked ways cannot resist absolute power in the end.

The little wolf turned and walked towards Xiaozi to check on its injuries.

Eggman did not forget Cat Linger, trotted to Cat Linger's side, and was relieved after making sure that it was okay.

At this time, Bai Feng came over with the other six chicken cubs.

Bai Feng looked at them squirmingly, a little embarrassed.

After all, he was also a Spirit Sea Realm, but when he encountered a battle, he could only retreat behind them.

The little wolf and the egg looked deeply at Bai Feng, with a little admiration in their eyes.

Cat Linger also looked at Bai Feng, her eyes full of apologies.

Seeing this, Bai Feng looked surprised.

What's going on?

Shouldn't you scold me for not being useful?

How can there be admiration in their eyes!

Cat Linger's eyes drifted, and she said softly, "Bai Feng, I'm sorry, I shouldn't doubt your judgment."

"I should have listened to you and killed them in advance."

The beasts also nodded one after another.

Think of Bai Feng's luck against the sky.

Then it must have its meaning in doing so.

They shouldn't doubt Bai Feng's decision!

Even if Bai Feng was just a whim, it was likely that he was just bumped into by it due to luck.

The little wolf said in a serious tone: "Just say what you want to do in the future, we will try to cooperate with you."

The egg wagged his tail, admiring Bai Feng's previous behavior of letting these people kill: "Boss Bai, you are really too powerful!"

"Tsk!" The seven chicken cubs still didn't understand what was going on.

But seeing that other beasts are praising the boss, then you must boast yourself!

Bai Feng looked at this scene in front of him and felt a little unrealistic.

But thinking about it, he is the incarnation of Xiangrui, and it is still very reasonable to have this bit of luck.

Thinking of this, Bai Feng was a little fluttering, and gradually lost himself in the admiration of the beasts.

"Ahem, it's good to know, after all, I was the first demon beast to follow the owner."

"Follow me, your benefits are indispensable."

Saying that, Bai Feng carried a frame where the heavens and the earth were not as big as mine, and walked with a step that the six relatives did not recognize, and walked with his back to the beasts.

Seeing this, the words of praise in their mouths were stuck in their mouths, and they glanced at each other with some embarrassment, watching Bai Feng go farther and farther.

After Bai Feng raised its head and walked for a while, it tilted its head slightly, wanting to see the adoring gazes of a group of demon beasts behind it.



When Bai Feng turned around, he saw that there was no beast behind him, and it hurriedly returned the same way, embarrassed.

"Oh, it's overdone!"

After returning the same way, he saw the little wolf and other beasts looking at Bai Feng with a smile.

"What are you doing over there, we've already explored over there."

"Time to go here."

With that, the little wolf stretched out his paws and pointed in one direction.

"Boss Bai, are you following us, or are you going by yourself?" Eggman asked.

Bai Feng's face was a little strange.

I just lost face, how can I continue to follow you now?

"The beast is always alone, and only the lambs are in a herd." In order to make his face better, Bai Feng said nervously.

When the words fell, Bai Feng flapped his wings and flew in a random direction.

"Boss Bai! Something squeaks! "Eggman screams.

"Squeak... Whoops! The

white phoenix's chirping faded away, and the beasts continued to explore.

At the same time, the army of demon beasts led by Zhou Mu had been running wildly in the middle of the night.

Zhou Mu sat on the back of the green bull and couldn't help but laugh when he watched what happened to Bai Feng.

"This white phoenix, the beast will not show the saint!"

Zhou Mu complained and looked up at the surrounding environment.

The army of demon beasts was galloping on an empty flat land, and there was an undulating mountain range not far away.

There was no other noise around except for the sound of the army of monsters rushing to the ground.

Zhou Mu's brows frowned slightly, and he always felt that something was wrong with the atmosphere.

"All on alert!"

Zhou Mu's voice was transmitted to them through the beast seal.

In an instant, more than 2,400 demon beasts emitted air fluctuations one after another.

The coercion of the five Beast Kings Spirit Abyss Realm was even more unscrupulous, suppressing the creatures around them except for the army of monster beasts.

Although I am not sure if there is any danger, it is always right to be on guard, not to mention that the atmosphere is not right.

"There's a bunch of scraps in that mountain." Qingniu's spiritual thoughts spread across thousands of miles, and he easily found a large group of human cultivators.

Qingniu glanced at Zhou Mu approvingly.

After so many days, the owner has finally improved!

Feeling the breath of that group of cultivators, Qingniu had a smile on the corner of his mouth and said softly: "Interesting." The

latter sentence Zhou Mu listened to in the clouds, but Qingniu said this, indicating that the group of people was very unusual.

Otherwise, according to Qingniu's personality, he will stop talking after a reminder.

And the group of human cultivators hiding in the mountain range were a little panicked at the moment.

"Boss, their strength is a bit strong!"

"Can we use this evil soldier?"

When the words fell, a man in an earthy yellow military-style uniform put his hand on the long knife at his waist, and two pieces of yellow cloth hung on the sides of his helmet to cover his ears, shaking as his head swung.

A trace of black qi emanated from inside through the scabbard, quietly burrowing into his body.

The man they called the boss laughed, and the ring on his hand flashed a black light.

Then dozens of wooden boxes fell in front of the five hundred soldiers.

The soldiers lifted the wooden cover, took out the black spherical crystals inside, and looked at the location of the demon beast army.

These weapons, they practiced how to use them before they came.

"This time, use this pile of demon beasts to test the new evil soldiers."

"Spirit Abyss Realm, it's not that I haven't killed." The boss's eyes flickered, and he slowly pulled out the long knife with purple patterns engraved on his waist, and stretched out his tongue that was a little longer than ordinary people to lick it on the black knife.

In an instant, a raging black qi lingered around him, and his pupils became pitch black in a blink of an eye.

He raised his long knife, pointed forward, and shouted: "Charge! Immediately

afterwards, five hundred soldiers held the black sphere in their hands, suddenly ran forward two steps, and then threw the sphere with force.

The black ball emitted a rich black aura in the sky.

From a distance, it looks as if the sky is covered with a black cloth.


The beast soul starry sky behind Zhou Mu appeared, and the beast soul of the Fire Vermilion Bird turned into a blazing red starlight, which fell on the bow of ten thousand souls stars.

"Dare to expose the location?"

"Then you die!"

The words fell, and a red arrow of light condensed successfully.


Light arrows burst out and pointed directly at that Spirit Sea Realm cultivator.

The Spirit Sea Realm and Spirit Abyss Realm demon beasts around Zhou Mu also moved.

The five beast kings stood in the air, roared angrily, and countless attack methods attacked the black ball in the sky.

The Spirit Sea Realm Demon Beast also unleashed its own attack methods.

In an instant, the sky is full of brilliance.

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