The light arrow that shot out exuded fiery energy, and in an instant, the light arrow ignited a raging flame.

There was a breathtaking cry in the flames.

Then the flaming arrow exploded, forming a flaming bird shadow with wings spread for more than five meters.

The bird shadow danced and spun towards the Spirit Sea Realm cultivator.

The man sneered, looked at Bird Shadow's slow speed, and said disdainfully: "So slow, can you touch me?" The

words fell, and the man stepped forward, ready to meet the bird shadow.

Endless black qi surged and quickly condensed on the blade body.

The man took a step across, his eyes were fierce, and he raised the knife above his head in both hands, and he was about to swing the knife.

The bird shadow seemed to be conscious, and when he saw such an unmeasured behavior of the man, he immediately roared angrily.

The bird's shadow soared with flames, carrying the momentum of burning the sky.

I saw the corners of the man's mouth rise, and the spiritual energy mixed with black qi surged and quickly condensed on the soles of his feet.

The man snorted coldly: "A dead thing is a dead thing, and it will never be comparable to humans." The

words fell, and the man's figure flashed, leaving an afterimage in place.

The flaming bird shadow passed over the afterimage, and the scorching flame magically burned on the afterimage.

In an instant, the man who flashed dozens of feet away screamed.

The burned parts of the afterimage were also visible on his body.

However, because it is burned by shadow, the damage caused is not as great as expected.

The man covered his wound tremblingly, and he turned to look at Zhou Mu standing with a bow in the distance, his eyes full of horror.

"What is this means?"

The man's voice trembled a little, and suddenly, an incredible thought came to mind.

Originally, he thought that he would dodge the arrows, but thinking that Zhou Mu had such a strange method, his heart couldn't help but jump wildly.

"The arrow that comes out won't turn a corner, will it?"

When the words fell, the Flaming Bird Shadow seemed to feel that he had burned an afterimage and lost his identity, let out a long sound, flew for a distance, and then turned around and flew back to the man.

Zhou Mu looked at this scene with a smile.

"My arrows are all beast souls, a little intelligent, and it is a basic practice to lock on the target."

"What are you proud of?"

Zhou Mu's voice was flat, implemented in the aura, and reached the man's ears.

The man's expression changed drastically, and the muscle memory formed by years of fighting made him subconsciously dodge.

However, Bird Shadow has learned the lesson of last time, and the flight speed after this U-turn is not only fast, but also tricky angle.


Simply impossible!

Zhou Mu stared at a flame that suddenly ignited on the mountain in the distance.

A moment later, the flames dissipated, and a red starlight flew back into the beast soul starry sky.

Zhou Mu held the Ten Thousand Souls Star Bow in one hand, and held the other behind him, looking at the black clouds above the sky.

As for that Spirit Sea Realm human, Zhou Mu didn't put him in his eyes.

At this time, the black cloud had been bombarded with spiritual techniques and many gaps.

But no matter how the beast kings attacked, they could not all be scattered.

Not only that, those shattered black balls also sputtered out some black liquid, scattered like rain.

If it weren't for the Qingniu striking out the black liquid in time, many demon beasts would have been contaminated.

Looking at some grass and trees around him that withered instantly after being contaminated with black liquid, Zhou Mu could already imagine what it would be like for this thing to drip onto the flesh.

Zhou Mu frowned, looking at the sky with a solemn expression.

Seeing this, Qingniu mooed softly, his eyes flickered, and he wanted to help Zhou Mu solve this problem.

Because after Zhou Mu showed this expression, he basically wanted to ask it for help.

So Qingniu prepared in advance.

But seeing Zhou Mu patting Qingniu's back, he said softly: "Don't make a move first, let me come, I know how to solve it." "

Fire Suzaku can ignite that man and burn the spiritual energy clean, so can this method be used to deal with this black cloud."

Qingniu looked at Zhou Mu in amazement.

Huh, grown up?

Got a solution?

I saw that the Fire Suzaku Beast Soul once again separated from the beast soul starry sky and fell on the bow again.

The bowstrings chimed, and the shadows of the flaming birds flew out again.

The blazing fire is like a big sun, instantly illuminating the entire night sky.

The flames ignited black gas, carrying the momentum of the burning plain and instantly igniting a raging fire.

Zhou Mu looked at the rapidly spreading fire in the sky and seemed to have thought of something.

He freed up one hand, and the fire instantly burned in his palm.

"Suzaku's flame is out of fire, so can I achieve this effect with this fire?"

Zhou Mu muttered to himself and stretched out his hand towards the remaining black clouds in the sky.

Immediately afterwards, a fiery pillar of fire burst out from Zhou Mu's palm, straight into the black cloud.

The pillar of fire touched the black gas and instantly burned.

"That's true."

Seeing this, Zhou Mu withdrew his hand with satisfaction, and the fire he had just released was enough.

In just a few moments, this black cloud will be burned out.

Qingniu looked at Zhou Mu with satisfaction.

I finally know how to rely on my own strength.

Zhou Mu watched the last cluster of flames in the sky dissipate, looked at the palm of his hand, and said in his heart: "I still know too little about my own strength.

Zhou Mu looked at the group of fleeing soldiers on the mountain and said coldly, "Clean it up." When

the words fell, thousands of demon beasts roared and rushed up.

Zhou Mu sat on the back of the green ox, quietly running the Ten Thousand Beast Technique cultivation, without wasting a little time.

A moment later, silence returned to the mountain, and thousands of demon beasts returned to the team.

Zhou Mu gave an order.

The army is back on the march.

Because the bodies of those people were polluted by black gas, Zhou Mu did not let the demon beasts eat it, and the demon beasts were not willing to eat it.

In the end, it had to be burned with fire.

Qingniu passed by those weapons that exuded black qi, and when he saw that Zhou Mu did not move, he sighed softly.

Then those weapons ignited purple-red flames, turned into a cloud of flying ash, and were stepped into the dirt by the iron hooves of the demon beasts.

Zhou Mu saw these actions in his eyes and understood his mistakes.

He took a long breath and moved on.

Sakura Country.

An old man with gray hair and a black robe sat on the side.

Opposite him was a middle-aged man dressed richly and with a resolute face.

"National division, the actual combat tests of the new weapon seem to have failed, and no news has been received overnight." The man said respectfully.

I saw the old man open his flickering black eyes, and slowly said: "It's okay, this can't work, just change another weapon." The

man replied, "Then it will trouble the national teacher." For

a long time, the man did not hear the old man's words, he looked up at the old man with an indifferent face, and his expression was a little unnatural.

As if thinking of the old man's contribution to the Sakura Country, he finally gritted his teeth and said, "Master Guoji, now you already have the right under one person, and I will also offer you a lot of money."

"Now I really don't know what to exchange for."

Hearing this, the old man laughed softly: "I told you a long time ago that old age covets power, money, beauty, knowledge and everything else that can be coveted.

"You think, what else can you take in exchange?"

For a long time, a fierce color flashed in the man's eyes.

"The little girl has just passed two decades, her appearance is outstanding, it is the age of marriage, and I see the young generation of the great cherry blossom country like a pile of mud."

"If the national teacher does not dislike it, how about the little girl being taken care of by the national teacher?"

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