On the other side of Kamikaze Bay, the Frost Dragon and the Skybreaker galloped all the way.

The two beasts pushed all the way with their strong strength, and everything that tried to block their steps was violently dealt with by them.

Originally, they were still a little rusty because of the first cooperation, but after finding that the other party's means of acting were in line with their own, the tacit understanding became higher and higher.

Today, they are almost invincible under the Spirit Abyss Realm on the land of Kamikaze Bay.

At least on the shore, he has not encountered a demon beast that can block the two of them.


The two beasts roared up to the sky, and then slapped down with one paw each.

The body of a Spirit Sea Realm mutant demon beast shattered, and blood and flesh were splashed.

The two beasts quickly dodged so as not to be contaminated with flesh and blood containing evil qi.

Afterwards, the blue light in the mouth of the frost dragon condensed, and the spiritual energy surged, and an extremely cold trend appeared in its mouth in an instant.


The Frost Dragon spat towards the area contaminated with corpses.

In the blink of an eye, the land was frozen.

Then the two beasts nodded and continued to gallop forward.

They guessed that the owner of this area would come to pick up the beasts in the future, so they took precautions in advance.

Just because flesh and blood contaminated with evil qi will pollute these lands, and there is no way for them to completely eradicate evil qi.

Fortunately, the Frost Dragon's Ice Dragon Breath was powerful enough, and these breaths could not leak out at all after the ice was sealed.

As long as the evil qi does not spread, the rest will be handed over to the owner when the owner comes.

Even if the owner of the field does not intend to receive this smoky kamikaze bay, it doesn't matter.

Sealing these evil qi is only good for them, no harm.

"We're so smart! This wave we have a great achievement! Heaven-breaking horse raised his head and said triumphantly to the frost dragon.

Hearing this, the frost dragon also grinned proudly.

Remembering that he had sealed a wave of evil qi, this wave of great achievements, can make a request to the owner.

We just want Grandpa Niu to teach us how to use ice.

It's not that difficult, is it?

The Frost Dragon's mind flashed a picture of itself roaring frozen for thousands of miles.

It seems that his heart is stirring, and the frequency of flesh wings behind the frost dragon is much higher.

The Skybreaker was briefly distanced, but quickly chased after him.

The two beasts continued to gallop, exploring the land.

The white phoenix wandered in the sky, and by mistake came to the top of the two beasts.

I saw the frost dragon flap its wings and hang in the air, sensing the arrival of the white phoenix, and the two beasts looked up at the white phoenix in unison.

The movements in his hand kept stopping, and he smashed a Spirit Sea Realm demon beast in three or two strokes.

In an instant, flesh and blood splattered.

Immediately afterwards, the frost dragon spewed out a breath, freezing these flesh and blood.

A set of actions comes down and is very skillful.

The two beasts grinned, their faces full of pride.

They just wanted to say hello to Bai Feng.

But when Bai Feng saw such a brutal battle, he immediately turned around and flew into the distance.

"These two guys don't need my luck at all, see what kills."

"I can't even pretend in front of that group of little guys, let alone the two of them."

"Alas, why don't I have the ability to fight!"

"I want to kill and kill too!"

Bai Feng complained in his heart while flying into the distance.

A moment later, the white phoenix disappeared from the field of vision of the two beasts.

They glanced at each other in bewilderment, shook their heads, and stopped paying attention to Bai Feng.

Its luck is not something they can imagine, even if Bai Feng is allowed to run around, there will be no accidents under normal circumstances.

What's more, they can't let Bai Feng have an accident if they have an accident.

After all, luck is rarer than simple strength.

And so it was until dusk the next day.

The Frost Dragon and the Skybreaker stand on a sea cliff.

From the sky, patches of frozen land are scattered behind them.

The two beasts looked out at the wide ocean and quietly listened to the sound of the crashing waves.

The setting sun slowly sank into the sea level, and the afterglow filled the distant sky, dyeing the sky red.

The afterglow that falls on the surface of the sea is reflected by the waves, shimmering gold.

From time to time, the sea breeze is blowing in your face.

If it weren't for the sea breeze mixed with the smell of evil qi, the taste was strange, and the two beasts would have sunk into such a beautiful scenery at this moment.

They frowned, looking into a pitch-black area of the ocean.

There is a strong evil aura there, and from time to time you can see mutant fish jumping out of the water.

They fight each other, but they don't know what they are fighting for.

This situation is commonplace for both beasts.

On the ground, an eyeball with a large human head poked out from the surface of the sea, and there were flesh and blood covered with black stripes underneath.

Then a huge shadow slowly surfaced on the surface, and a giant mouth that spread for a hundred meters opened up, swallowing the group of fighting fish into its belly.

I saw a giant whale covered in black stripes jumping out of the water, and countless black and red tentacles wriggled on it.


A long mournful cry came from the mouth of the giant whale.

It struggled to shake its body, as if it wanted to break free from these tentacles, but in exchange for endless pain and gradual fusion.

The aura of the peak of the Giant Whale Spirit Abyss Realm was released, but it could not cause damage to those wriggling tentacles.

"Is this parasitism?"

Zhou Mu saw this scene through the perspective of the Heaven-breaking Horse, and he couldn't help but guess in his heart.

After all, whales are huge and indispensable for parasites.

But this creature is somewhat outrageous, obviously extremely weak, but it tortured such a strong giant whale like this.

Those creatures exuded a black aura that was visible to the naked eye.

Seeing this, Zhou Mu couldn't help frowning, "Is there still a need to receive this place?"



The giant whale wailed two times in succession, in addition to endless sadness, Zhou Mu also heard its words from it.

"Save me!"

"It's good to kill me!"

Zhou Mu was stunned for a moment, and then his eyes were resolute: "I am a man who wants to become the master of all beasts, and I must not abandon any demon beasts."

"But a little evil qi, I still have the ability to clean it up."

Zhou Mu looked at the little mermaid who spat bubbles on the side, and then looked at the burning fire in his hand.

I have more confidence in myself.

"Full speed ahead!"

With Zhou Mu's order, the demon beasts burst out with aura and moved forward at full speed.

The Frost Dragon and the Skybreaker were restless and a little uncomfortable.

But in the face of such a scene, they can do nothing.

The two beasts sighed one after another.

All they can do is get the job done quickly and let the owner come over.

Maybe the owner has a way.

"Our land area is over, and the owner says there is still an area in the sea."

"Are you going? We don't seem to be fit to fight in the water. Breaking

Tianju looked at the sea with a solemn expression and said slowly.

The frost dragon opened its mouth and spewed out a cloud of cold air, and the water mist in the air instantly condensed into ice crystals and scattered down.

"We don't fit, then the little wolf are they suitable?"

"There are some things that must be done by beasts, and we are more suitable for this than them."

The words fell, and the frost dragon flapped its wings and flew to the sea.

The spiritual energy on its body surged and the surging spiritual energy gathered in its mouth.

The ice-blue light bloomed in its mouth, and the biting cold air could not be suppressed.


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