The Frost Dragon roared, and endless icy blue cold qi gushed out from its mouth.

It roared past the sea, its breath swept across the sea, freezing a path of solid ice.

The frost dragon stood at the end of the ice road and said to the broken sky: "Come on, there is me, no accident." Looking

at the frost dragon's confident expression, the Skybreaker slowly stepped onto the ice road.

But for its words, Tianju can only believe half of it.

After all, he had seen the Frost Dragon's magical sense of direction.

Let it lead the way in front, and the broken horse is afraid that he will be lost.

"Remember to stop when you walk for a while, and I'll show you the direction." Breaking Heaven said directly.

The frost dragon laughed awkwardly twice and agreed.

It also knows that it does not have a strong sense of direction, and let it lead the way and it will be completely finished.

In this way, the frost dragon sprayed and spit ice in the sky to seal a road, and the heaven-breaking horse advanced on the ice road.

The two hands join hands and gallop above the sea.

But this time it is not as easy as on land, after all, they will not fight underwater.

More mutant monsters escaped than killed.

But as long as the degree of exploration is rising.

Watching the exploration degree gradually rise to 56%, Zhou Muxin also calmed down.

If the Frost Dragon couldn't think of this method, Zhou Mu was ready to personally guide him.

Unexpectedly, this little dragon also has a brain, except that he can't discern the direction, and the brain is still online in other places.

This made Zhou Mu extremely gratified.

They've all grown up!

Sure enough, actual combat allows them to accumulate experience and gradually grow.

Between sighs, time passed quietly, the east turned white, and another day came.

In order to reach the kamikaze bay as soon as possible, Zhou Mu chose a closer route.

Originally, he was going to march in a straight line, but considering that there was also a cherry blossom country on the route, in order to prevent being dragged by the human cultivators, he had to choose to take a slight detour.

It was also thanks to Zhou Mu that they burst into the Spiritual Qi march, and the speed was extremely fast.

Although they were discovered by the cultivators of the Sakura Country, before they could organize a pursuit force, the demon beast army had already run and they could not catch up.

A group of Sakura Country cultivators chased out thousands of meters, and then returned in vain.

They also have one less person in their ranks.

"These demon beasts are really cunning, and they actually broke a brother!" The squad leader beat his chest and looked resentful.

But there was a different kind of light in his eyes, and he looked at the rest of his subordinates one by one, as if he was signaling something.

I saw a monk bowing his head in frustration and said: "Captain, as a soldier, it is normal to be killed and injured, now that the National Master wants to marry, let's not be so discouraged."

The rest of the people also looked sad and nodded repeatedly.

Finally, the captain snorted coldly, withdrew the hand placed on the handle of the knife, and glanced at them with satisfaction.

Then sighed helplessly: "The national teacher is in a high position, and marrying a relative should be celebrated by the whole country, we really shouldn't be so depressed." "

Let's go, go back before the national teacher's big joy."

"I heard that the national master married Princess Shirakawa!"

"Isn't that His Majesty's favorite little daughter? How did you marry Princess Shirakawa to that old thing of the national master?

"Isn't this a wronged princess?"

Such a voice was transmitted in the squad, and I don't know if it was intentional or unintentional.

It wasn't until the captain yelled that they shut their mouths.

But there was no dissatisfaction on his face, but some happiness.

Passing through the cherry blossom country, Zhou Mu saw the scene of the lights inside, and couldn't help but sneer: "Such a big battle can't cover up the evil spirit in your country."

"Contaminated the demon beast, when this matter is over, I will definitely ask you for an explanation."

Not far away, a cultivator dressed in armor and unable to see his face rushed away from the side of the demon beast army.

Her figure flickered, her speed was extremely fast, but her breath was only in the Lingchuan Realm.

For a long time, she surpassed the army of demon beasts in the Lingchuan Realm who was advancing at full speed, leaving Zhou Mu and the others who suppressed speed behind.

"The speed of the Lingchuan Realm is so fast?" Zhou Mu was puzzled in his heart.

"It's just a treasure." Qingniu's voice sounded and told Zhou Mu the answer.

Hearing this, Zhou Mu lost interest.

It's only to get the treasure to this extent!

The Spirit Sea Realm can easily catch up without suppressing speed.

"You have to know each other, it's best not to follow me all the way."

Zhou Mu muttered, looking at the figure that gradually faded away, Zhou Mu's eyes couldn't help but become cold.

It's just a Lingchuan realm, and it can't turn over any waves.

He didn't believe that anyone else would be as systematically assisted as he was.

The red sun is getting oblique, and the exploration of the mission has reached 80%.

"It's pretty fast, we'll be able to explore it tomorrow, right?"

Thinking of this, Zhou Mu dispersed the army of demon beasts and stationed outside the boundary of the Divine Wind Bay.

Just wait for the mission to be completed and rush into the kamikaze bay.

In the kamikaze bay, Bai Fengfei was tired and found a dense tree to rest.

Just as it whispered comfortably, an armored figure emerged from the bushes on the side.

She noticed Bai Feng, and the pretty face hidden in the helmet was full of surprise.

"Why doesn't this bird have an evil aura on it?"

"Doesn't it mean that Kamikaze Bay is polluted?"

Bai Feng also noticed her, and it tilted its head and "cooed".

As if she found this white bird interesting, she slowly took off her helmet, revealing a beautiful face.

Bai Feng was slightly surprised when he saw this.

"Just like that, a level with Lingmei."

Shirakawa Miling didn't understand what Bai Feng meant, but she felt a trace of contempt in her eyes.

"Hmph, what do you mean this stinky bird?" Shirakawa Miei crossed her hands at her waist, and her armor collided, making a low sound.

Hearing this, Bai Feng looked strange.

How does this feel a bit like the cat Linger used to be!

But it doesn't matter, I have learned the trick from the owner and specialize in treating princess disease!

Looking at the smug smile on Bai Feng's face, Shirakawa Meiling was even more curious about Bai Feng!

She pulled out a beautiful necklace from her wide breastplate.

Aura was injected, and the necklace flashed with light.

Then a shimmering fruit appeared on her hand, exuding a refreshing fragrance.

"Hello little bird, my name is Mirei Shirakawa, this thing will send you, will you come down?"

Shirakawa Miling changed her previous attitude and spoke much softer.

Smelling the fragrance emitted by the fruit, Bai Feng couldn't help but be a little shaken.

Although the ration is very nutritious, but always eat the ration, it has long been tired of eating, and now there is such an attractive fruit, Bai Feng is difficult to hold.

Seeing that Bai Feng was a little hesitant on the tree, Shirakawa Meiling took out another spirit fruit.

The aroma of this one is even worse.

"Ugh!" Bai Feng let out a long sound, his face showed a tragic look, and fluttered his wings and flew down.

Farmers! If I have an accident, you remember the long lesson and make more delicious food.

Don't let your juniors die because they can't stand the temptation!

Zhou Mu, who was far outside the kamikaze bay, also saw this scene, and couldn't help but raise his forehead: "If you die like this, no matter how good luck you are, it won't be enough!" Zhou

Mu hurriedly reprimanded Bai Feng, wanting to use the system to query the information of these spirit fruits.

[Ding, the two glittering eggs in the incubation room have hatched successfully. 【

Congratulations to the host for obtaining the calf.】 【

Congratulations to the host for obtaining the spirit beast Crimson Serpent.】 At

this time, the system prompt sounds.

However, Zhou Mu's attention at this time did not focus on this, but he just took a cursory look and turned off the prompt tone.

And did not notice that the word was not prefixed before.

He still has to pay attention to Bai Feng!

If necessary, even if the mission fails, he will pick up Bai Feng and other demon beasts.

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