Just as Zhou Mu was about to ask the system for the information of this fruit, the system prompt sounded again.

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for triggering the collection task - Shanhailu. 【

Mission Name】Shanhai Lu

【Mission Content】Collect mountain and sea monsters of the same type.

【Mission Reward】Mountain and Sea Array (covers 50 meters).

After that, for each Mountain and Sea Type Demon Beast collected, the radius of the Mountain and Sea Array increased by ten meters, the ordinary monster beasts in the Mountain and Sea Array increased by 1% in all aspects, and the Mountain and Sea Type Monster Beasts increased by 10% in all aspects.

[Shanhailu: A monster beast created by the system that collects mythological information of a certain plane and creates it based on the information.

【Since the demon beast appears for the first time, when it dies, the system will evaluate it according to all its strength and determine its potential.】 】

【The monster beasts in Shanhai Lu will appear randomly in the eggs provided by the system, please try to collect the Shanhai monster beasts and test the strength of the Shanhai monster beasts.】

A series of system prompts sounded in Zhou Mu's mind.

The words that were ready to ask for information about the fruit were also stuck in their lips and did not come out.

He turned his head again and looked at the prompt box before the system.

There is no prefix in front of that calf!

Zhou Mu looked a little embarrassed.

"I was in a hurry, I made such a mistake."

He sighed secretly in his heart and shook his head helplessly.

I didn't expect it! If you live again, you will also make this mistake of not examining the question.

The system prompt tone ended, and a message poured into Zhou Mu's mind.

It is the way the Mountain and Sea Array is used.

As for the items that arrange the Mountain and Sea Array, they are stored in the system backpack.

Zhou Mu carefully read the task information.

The corners of his mouth rose slightly.

All-round improvement!

Moreover, this mountain and sea record of the system is to collect the mountain and sea scriptures in your previous life!

After all, there is also a calf inside.

If the guess is correct, there are at least 469 demon beasts in Shanhailu.

Collected all, the combat power of ordinary demon beasts in the Mountain and Sea Array can soar by more than four times, not to mention the Mountain and Sea Demon Beasts.

I just don't know what the potential of the monster beast created by the system is.

If you estimate it according to the strength of the demon beasts in the Mountain and Sea Scriptures in the previous life.

These demon beasts are at the lowest level of spirit beasts.

However, what the system created should be stronger than the mountain and sea monster beasts that he knows, right?

That starting hand must not be an immortal beast level?

Although the system did not measure the potential of these demon beasts, Zhou Mu already had a speculation in his heart.

With this means, who else in this world is their opponent!

Zhou Mu was excited for a moment in his heart, and then regained his composure.

"It's still too early to think about this, and I don't know how many points I need after collecting them all."

"And it takes a lot of time, which is not something that can be done in a short time."

Zhou Mu took out the array plate and array flag of the Mountain and Sea Great Array from the system backpack.

Then, according to the way you use it in your mind, you will play the formation flag.

In an instant, a large array of mountains and seas spanning fifty meters emerged.

In the formation, stretches of mountains and winding rivers emerge in a small array.

Vaguely, you can also see strange-looking monsters.

The quaint aura rushed to his face, and the demon beast in the large array felt extremely clear-headed at this moment.

Even the trace of evil qi that overflowed from the kamikaze bay dissipated without a trace at this moment, no longer affecting them.

Seeing this, Zhou Mu was not surprised in his heart.

Although this large array must have two mountain and sea demon beasts to play a role, it will improve the ability of demon beasts in an all-round way.

But it's a formation, and it's somewhat functional.

However, what Zhou Mu didn't expect was that the function of this large array turned out to be purification and the like.

Zhou Mu took back the Great Array, which was really of little use.

It takes a lot of spiritual energy to maintain the large array, although for Zhou Mu of the Thousand Chuan Spirit River Realm, this bit of spiritual energy is not a problem.

But this purification and refreshment did not have much effect on Zhou Mu, who was outside the kamikaze bay.

It was also this moment when Zhou Mu paid attention to the system.

Bai Feng, who was reprimanded, finally couldn't resist the fragrance of the spirit fruit, slowly stepped forward, fell from the tree, and landed at the feet of Shirakawa Meiling.

It straightened up and just reached Baichuan Meiling's chest, and looked up at her slightly.

Bai Feng looked at the spirit fruit in her hand, ready to move.

Perhaps knowing that he couldn't eat outsiders' things casually, Bai Feng had been struggling in his heart.

"Eat? Or don't eat?

Shirakawa Miei looked at the beautiful white bird in front of her, and her love in her heart became even stronger.

As if sensing Bai Feng's concerns, Shirakawa Meiling snorted lightly: "You bird is quite smart" Shirakawa Meiling

was a little dissatisfied with Bai Feng's distrust of herself, but thinking that the other party was just a bird, this dissatisfaction dissipated.

She huffed and picked up a spirit fruit with her other hand and took a bite fiercely, and the fragrance of the spirit fruit burst out along with the juice.

The white phoenix salivated.

"She ate it, this should not be poisonous, right?"

Shirakawa Meiling handed the bitten spirit fruit to Bai Feng's mouth, raised her head and said, "Eat, it's not poisonous!" When

the words fell, Bai Feng's eyes flashed with light, but he was still motionless.

Shirakawa Miling was puzzled: "Why, you still dislike me for eating?"

Bai Feng shook his head, waiting for Zhou Mu to speak.

After all, Zhou Mu had scolded it before, but now it had ignored Zhou Mu's reprimand and approached this woman.

If he eats her again, he will be too rebellious.

"Hmph, I don't know how to be a villain!"

Shirakawa Miling said angrily, and immediately wanted to take back the spirit fruit.

"Alas, only once!"

At this moment, Zhou Mu's words echoed in Bai Feng's mind.

Bai Feng's eyes instantly lit up, and she snatched the spirit fruit in her hand with lightning speed.

Although a little disgusted is eaten, but who makes this thing too fragrant.

Seeing Bai Feng's relish, Shirakawa Meiling's eyebrows curved, and she was very happy.

A moment later, she took out a few more spirit fruits and handed them to Bai Feng, although it did not have the fragrance before, it was also a variety that Bai Feng had not eaten.

Zhou Mu saw this scene through the system, and his heart suddenly felt a little surprised.

"Isn't it just a spirit fruit, my Ten Thousand Beast Forest can also cultivate it!"

Zhou Mu whispered, already having a plan in his heart.

Seeing that there was nothing wrong with Bai Feng, Zhou Mu was no longer worried about it.

As long as she wasn't poisoned, then it was impossible for this Lingchuan Realm woman to pose a threat to the White Phoenix of the Linghai Realm.

Feeling the evil aura emanating from time to time in the kamikaze bay, the little mermaid on the side was anxious.

Ever since it came here, it has been angry.

But because of Zhou Mu's blockage, the little mermaid could not enter the kamikaze bay for the time being, so he had to work outside in a hurry.

Seeing this, Zhou Mu was also a little anxious in his heart.

"You guys need to hurry! The later these evil qi are purified, the more demon beasts will be victimized! Just

when Zhou Mu was about to open the task and check the degree of exploration.

The system seemed to hear Zhou Mu's appeal, and suddenly sounded a prompt sound that the task was completed.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for completing the trial - exploring the kamikaze bay. ] 【

Mission rewards are being distributed.】 】

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