[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the golden egg*1, the Thunder God Phoenix bloodline*1, the growth rate of the marked demon beast is +50%, and the points are 120,000. ]

In an instant, all the demon beasts marked by the beast seal surged with spiritual energy, and the growth rate increased again.

Today, these monster beasts have a 600% growth rate.

It was also the increase in growth rate that thousands of demon beasts of various realms broke through.

The realm breaking points turned out to be nearly 10,000.

[Current point balance: 130,000]

Seeing the reward of the system, Zhou Mu couldn't help but shout "good" in his heart.

Thunder Divine Phoenix! This chicken cub should be able to use it!

[Name] Thunder Divine Phoenix

[Racial Potential] Divine Beast [Racial Talent]


Feather, Thunder Control, Nine Days Thunder Hell, Nirvana, Seven Dawn Divine Power (not activated), Endless Chain.

【Introduction】A natural warrior in the Phoenix clan, who controls the power of domineering thunder and also has the power of Nirvana of the Phoenix. However, this bloodline seems to be a little different.

The introduction of the system was a little vague, and Zhou Mu also saw the unactivated talent, so he didn't know why.

But the introduction said that it is special, maybe there is a chance to activate?"

"Now you can finally fulfill a little of the promise you once made!" Looking

at the bloodline in the system's backpack, Zhou Mu felt a burst of ecstasy in his heart.

Then there was another wave of fear.

This group of chicken cubs has limited strength, can they really successfully receive the bloodline of the divine beast?

While Zhou Mu was thinking, Bai Feng had already eaten the spirit fruit in Shirakawa Meiling's hand.

Shirakawa Miling seems to like Bai Feng, and there is irrepressible love in her eyes from when she sees Bai Feng.

Shirakawa Miling is still taking things from the storage necklace and has been feeding Bai Feng.

No way, she has been locked up at home by her father and has little contact with the outside world.

I have never seen a creature like Bai Feng.

Somewhat similar to the phoenix she sees in the book.

This is also why she is willing to feed Bai Feng all the time.

On the ground, Bai Feng unceremoniously finished the spirit fruit she took out, and then glanced at her with a grateful face.

At this time, Bai Feng, who was about to turn around and leave, saw Shirakawa Miling take out a black crystal.

After seeing it, Bai Feng and Shirakawa Miling fell silent together.

Bai Feng secretly complained in his heart: "Don't hold it hard without it, I have a good appetite, but I can't eat stones

!" while Shirakawa Meiling was at a loss: "What is this thing? I don't remember this thing in the storage necklace!" The

words fell, and one person and one bird watched the stone burst out with a dazzling light, devouring them in an instant.

It's time to come back!" came a majestic male voice from the light.

Immediately afterwards, there was a fluctuation in the space in the area where the light spread.

Then a man wearing a dragon costume with a resolute face walked out of it.

When Shirakawa heard the voice of the comer, she was like a cat whose tail had been stepped on, and her hair exploded instantly.

"I don't want to marry that dead old man

!" "I'm your daughter, not your tool!" "You've

been restricting my freedom since I can remember!"

"I've been a victim since the beginning, haven't I?"

Shirakawa Miei's eyes gradually reddened, and tears couldn't stop flowing back when she said it.

Bai Feng shivered on the side, not daring to move.

In the face of his daughter's roar, a trace of unbearability flashed under the man's eyes, but he didn't know what he thought of, and his face was grim.

"I don't want to explain so much to you, whether you want it or not, I'm going to take you back today."

"Sakura Country needs your sacrifice. Saying

that, the man reached out and grabbed Shirakawa Miei through the air.

Seeing this, Bai Feng on the side immediately panicked.

In an instant, Bai Feng's speed increased to the extreme and disappeared in place.

The man noticed Bai Feng's breath and snorted coldly: "The beast of the Spirit Sea Realm

!" "It seems to be a little different!" At

this moment, an idea suddenly appeared in the man's heart.

Can you use this bird to exchange with the national master for evil soldiers?

But think about it, he has already promised to let him take care of his daughter.

Repentance will make the national master dislike him.

I saw the man's aura erupt, and the aura of the peak of the Xuanling Realm crushed over.

Bai Feng, who had just flown not far away, was suppressed by this powerful coercion and could no longer fly.

"Farm owner

, save me!" "Grandpa Niu, save me!" "

Xuanling Realm, Bai Feng can't stop it!


for help is the only thing he can do now."

When the words fell, Bai Feng was grabbed by a large hand that exuded black qi.

The man found Bai Feng to his side in the blink of an eye, and grabbed Shirakawa Miling with his other hand.

At this time, an even more powerful coercion covered the entire kamikaze bay.


Qingniu said lightly, but the entire area was shockingly quiet.

"Well, this broken place actually has an Earth Spirit Realm?" the

man frowned, and quickly stretched out, replaced by a defiant face.

"If you don't have something important to do, this emperor will definitely have two moves with you. The

man believes that although the other party's strength is stronger than his own, his own means are also not to be underestimated, even if he accidentally loses, he has a way to survive.

I saw the man snort coldly, and the light emanating from the black stone slowly dissipated.

A spatial fluctuation also came from here.

Just as the man was about to step into the space and return to the cherry blossom country.

Two figures suddenly appeared on the side.

At this moment, the space in front of the man was suddenly locked, and no matter what treasure he used, he could not open this space.

Zhou Mu's face was flat, and his voice carried awe-inspiring killing intent: "I don't care about the woman, return the bird to me." Feeling

Zhou Mu's cultivation, the man sneered: "Yours? wrote your name? What does this emperor want, he has never been able to get!"

After speaking, he slowly looked at Qingniu, his eyes full of vigilance.

Zhou Mu snorted coldly, and it was transmitted in the minds of the demon beasts, like an instruction.

In an instant, all the demon beasts outside the kamikaze bay rushed into the kamikaze bay.

And Qingniu also suddenly came to the man's side.

The man was terrified.

His body couldn't even move

! What was the situation!

Seeing that the attack of the green bull was about to fall.

He in the Xuan Spirit Realm could not directly withstand a blow from the Earth Spirit Realm.

The man's previous defiance instantly dissipated, and then he shouted with a look of shame: "National Master save me!"

The words fell, and a black-robed old man with a breath comparable to the green bull appeared out of thin air, and Sheng Sheng received a blow from the green bull.

"Leave things on the line, and see each other in the future."

"But it's just a bird, what about giving it to us?" the

old man's voice was hoarse, and every sentence was tinged with a little contempt.

He glanced at Bai Feng casually, and his eyes instantly lit up.

Without waiting for the green bull to attack, the old man took two people and a bird into the broken space and disappeared without a trace.

Before leaving, the hand he received from Qingniu's blow trembled a little.

A wail from Bai Feng came from the shattered space.

In the blink of an eye, the broken space was restored.

Qingniu glanced at Zhou Mu meaningfully and looked apologetic.

Zhou Mu was stunned and did not see Qingniu's expression.

"Bai Feng, was captured?"

muttered Zhou Mu, unable to believe it.

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