Zhou Mu stood not far from Qingniu, looking at the empty area stunnedly.

White Phoenix.


a light hidden under its eyes, Qingniu lowered its head and came to Zhou Mu's body, full of apologies: "Farm owner, it was my incompetence that did not leave that person behind." Hearing

Qingniu's words, Zhou Mu came back to his senses.

He was in disbelief.

In the past, Qingniu was his own dependency, and in Zhou Mu's eyes, Qingniu was invincible.

Even in the face of the same rank, the green bull with the potential of an ancestral beast should be able to defeat the other party.

But this time, that Earth Spirit Realm cultivator actually left with Bai Feng from under Qingniu.

Zhou Mu only cultivated to the Lingchuan Realm, and he couldn't understand the battle in the Earth Spirit Realm, nor did he understand the door inside.

It is clear that Qingniu's spatial attainment is so high, why will it be broken through.

For a moment, Zhou Mu felt that his sky had fallen.

But it's more about hating yourself.

It is clear that he is the owner of the farm, but he can't even protect his own demon beast.

I thought that with the system and the green bull, as long as I don't die, there will be no problems.

But this suddenly appeared Earth Spirit Realm actually took Bai Feng away from under their noses.

Zhou Mu's fist clenched, his fingers pierced his palm, and a trace of blood dripped down his thumb.

There was a little confusion in his eyes, and then he was surrounded by endless anger.

Zhou Mu's body trembled a little with anger.

Bai Feng,

that's my own luck!

Most of his divine beasts and immortal beasts are related to Bai Feng.

After a

brief period of anger, Zhou Mu regained his composure.

Anger can't solve the problem, and dazedness can't bring Bai Feng back.

Zhou Mu stood in place, quietly listening to the roar of the monster beasts around him.

He frowned, wondering what to do next.

Through the beast seal, Zhou Mu knew Bai Feng's life and death.

And you can also see the state of the white phoenix.

At this moment, Bai Feng has been locked up in a small black room, and there is no danger to his life for the time being.

This is also why Zhou Mu can stay calm.

When Qingniu saw Zhou Mu's expression, he suddenly felt a little guilty.

Am I being too him.

He had only been cultivating for more than three months.

Isn't it good to use the white phoenix to force him to become stronger?

Qingniu spoke: "Farm owner, this time I was careless, I didn't expect him to run so fast

" "That Earth Spirit Realm cultivator is not strong, and it is not easy for him to take my blow."

Qingniu took a deep look at Zhou Mu, and his somewhat ashamed eyes seemed to tell Zhou Mu: "I am still your backer

" "As long as you are growing, I can protect you." Hearing

this, Zhou Mu was stunned for a moment.

If it weren't for Qingniu taking the initiative to speak, Zhou Mu hadn't thought about Qingniu.

How could Qingniu be careless!

Before there were accidents, Qingniu reminded itself in advance.

No matter what, Qingniu can almost do the prophecy.

Although this time, due to the mission, it was not possible to enter the kamikaze bay in advance.

But at the end of the mission, Qingniu slowed down noticeably.

In Lenovo Qingniu's words, it seems to be telling himself something.

Zhou Mu did not complain about the green cow, nor was he dissatisfied with it.

After all, from contact with Qingniu to now, everything Qingniu has done is for his good.

Qingniu must have its deep meaning in doing this.

After figuring it out, Zhou Mu smiled helplessly.

He was also too failed to ask Qingniu to motivate himself in this way.

But he didn't have long to cultivate to the Thousand Rivers Realm, and he had already surpassed many people.

[Ding, please aim to become the master of all beasts, and don't be limited by the world. Oh

, got it.

It turns out that I myself am too easily satisfied.

"The next time I meet that person, there won't be any more problems, right?" asked Qingniu, already having a decision in his heart.

Qingniu was stunned for a moment, sighed helplessly, and nodded.

It's over, I tried my best to make trouble, and I wanted the owner to work harder in the future, but I was soft-hearted, and I messed things up again in two sentences.

It had already guessed what Zhou Mu was asking about.

Zhou Mu's ten thousand beasts moved, and a phantom figure tens of meters high appeared behind him.

Zhou Mu stretched out his hand and made a gesture, and the phantom also made this gesture slowly.

"The gentleman does not take revenge overnight, Bai Feng is in danger, and delaying one point is more danger. Zhou

Mu saw the location of Bai Feng through system monitoring.

"Sakura Country.

"Before I could find you guys, you came to me first!" said Zhou Mu coldly.

The words fell, and not far away, above the sea, the spirit of the sea floated there.

The spirit of the sea slowly opened his eyes.

In an instant, an invisible fluctuation spread from its side and spread to the entire sea area through the seawater.

The Spirit of the Sea fluttered and shimmered with a faint light.

No matter what the creatures in the sea were doing, they stopped at this moment.

They slowly swam to the surface of the sea, revealing a head, with unprecedented serenity and a trace of respect in their eyes.

They don't know why they are like this, they only know that they have an inexplicable sense of intimacy when facing this little mermaid.

It will feel comfortable around it.

The sea surface of the entire kamikaze bay was crowded with all kinds of sea creatures at this moment, densely packed.

Especially those mutated creatures, Zhou Mu's back was cold.

"Damn Sakura Country!" Zhou Mu cursed in a low voice, holding a grudge for these creatures.

When the words fell, the small hand of the spirit of the sea on the sea was held in front of him, and a water ball with white light slowly condensed in his hand.

Radiant, it is like a goddess of the sea at this moment.

Hands hold the purifying light, tens of thousands of sea creatures worship.

The little mermaid looked at the demon beasts exuding evil aura around him, and his eyes gradually moistened.

The vast ocean, polluted by these evil spirits, is no longer as good as it used to be.

On the ground, a crystal teardrop turned into a tear-like crystal from the corner of the little mermaid's eye and fell into the ocean below.

The crystals are small, but the monster beasts that crowd the sea surface make way for a piece of space and let the tear crystals fall into the sea.


crystals entered the sea, forming ripples on the sea surface, and the monster beasts that pulled the entire sea surface with great power rose and fell with the waves.

The light mass in the hands of the Spirit of the Sea was as big as his own head, and the sphere was surrounded by some pure water droplets.

I saw its small hand spin and lift this ball of light above its head.

In an instant, the evil qi on those demon beasts was suppressed, and the evil qi emitted was much less.

Then the ball of light exploded above the little mermaid's head, forming a circle of aura and spreading out.

Where the aura passed, the evil qi seemed to be burned by flames, and part of it instantly dissipated.

And with the release of several auras one after another, the evil qi on the demon beast's body was gradually removed.

In the huge sea, tens of thousands of demon beasts were purified by the little mermaid themselves.

But those demon beasts that had mutated only removed the evil qi and did not make them change back to their original form.

This is irreversible.

And because the little mermaid has limited strength, with the blessing of the power of the sea, he can barely purify the evil qi of the demon beast.

The polluted little mermaid of the sea has no strength to purify it for the time being.

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