Sakura Country.

Manchukuo red makeup, the whole country celebrates.

Red lanterns were hung in front of every house, looking festive.

I don't know, I thought that their family had happy events.

"What is His Majesty the Emperor going to do this time?" said an old man with dark skin and a leaning body.

"I heard that I want to marry my daughter!" a middle-aged woman responded, with a little doubt on her face.

Hearing this, the old man scratched his head and said, "When did His Majesty the Emperor have a daughter?

At most, chat with neighbors in private.

You also have to be careful when chatting, in case you say something wrong and put a handle in someone else's hands.

So many things, the people of Sakura Country simply do not know the reason.

It's like today's red makeup.

If he hadn't asked today, he might not know what happened when the red lantern in front of the door was taken down.

As for why,

although the national red makeup is made, how can these ordinary people deserve to participate.

To put it bluntly, let you hang red lanterns in front of your door to give you face, and want to get close to the wedding?


this, the old man let out a long sigh and looked at the gorgeously dressed street, with helplessness in his eyes.

"Look at this situation, it consumes a lot of money!" "

I don't know how much tax will be levied."

"My old bones can't hold on."

The two sighed one after another, with a little despair in their eyes.

At this time, a group of soldiers dressed in black armor and sabers at their waists passed through the street.

Their black armor exudes black aura.

With this red makeup on the street, it is extremely weird.

Seeing this, the people on the street quickly lowered their heads and did not dare to look directly.

"Princess Shirakawa got married today, and the untouchables will stay in the house today, don't come out and spoil the wedding atmosphere. "

Those who disobey, behead!" The

black-armored man at the head suddenly pulled out the black knife at his waist and made a crisp ringing sound.

His body exuded a rich murderous aura, and his eyes scanned the surroundings coldly.

In an instant, all the people on both sides of the street knelt on the ground, grabbed the ground with their heads, and trembled with fear from the solemn murderous aura.

The black-armored soldier snorted coldly, collected his knife and continued to move forward.

After they left, those people slowly got up from the ground, sighed helplessly, and honestly returned to the house.

Such scenes take place in various parts of Sakura Country.

It is said to be a country, but in fact, the people at the bottom are just tools to collect materials on their behalf.

Here, ordinary people can become part of the state, but absolutely cannot overthrow it.

Because absolute power is in the hands of the violent emperor.

The only thing they can do is live.

Time passed quickly, people didn't know what was going on outside, and they didn't dare to go out until someone removed the red lantern in front of their door.

In the National Master's Mansion, the old man with white hair sat leisurely on a chair.

He was dressed in a red robe with a slight smile on his lips.

Opposite him, sat a woman in red with a red hood, and her white and tender chin could be faintly seen.

The old man chuckled, waved his hand with a slight wrinkle, and then the whole room was sealed by a force.

Under the Earth Spirit Realm, you can't spy on this room.

Feeling the evil aura emanating from the old man's body, two lines of clear tears ran across the woman's cheeks, dripping down her chin onto the red wedding dress.

Not far from Shirakawa Miei, a white and flawless bird is incompatible with this scene.

It was locked up in a cage with the word "hi" in red.

The old man got up slowly, and his gaze fell on Shirakawa Mirei.

The red wedding dress perfectly outlined her figure, and coupled with this special dress, it was extremely attractive.

The old man couldn't wait to lift her red hood and looked at her cute face with fiery eyes.

"I can't blame this, if you want to blame, blame your uncontending father." The old man laughed.

In an instant, a black mist erupted from around the old man, quickly drowning the two of them.

Bai Feng's brows furrowed, staring at the evil aura that made the beast hate.

Bai Feng heard Shirakawa's beautiful spirit begging for mercy and the lewd laughter of the old man in the black mist.

How could Bai Feng, who often wandered around the farm, not know what he was doing.

"Spring is here again. Bai Feng muttered in his heart.

As time passed, there was a heavy gasp and a crying groan from the black mist.

Bai Feng didn't understand why the emotional gap between the two was so large.

It is clear that the demon beasts do not have this situation of despair on one side and comfort on the other side when mating.

"Humans are weird. Faced

with such a situation, Bai Feng only had this one feeling.

For Shirakawa Meiling, Bai Feng didn't have much affection for her, just a few spirit fruits.

Moreover, if it weren't for Shirakawa Miling, it wouldn't have been taken away.

Compared to a few fruits, Bai Feng felt that the gain was not worth the loss.

But fortunately, this old man did not abuse it.

Bai Feng didn't know why.

A quarter of an hour later, the old man's comfortable voice came from the black mist.

The black fog cleared, and the old man stood beside Shirakawa Miei in a thin robe.

And Shirakawa Miei's clothes were messy, and there was no place to cover it.

She lay on the ground with her eyes blank, tears flowing uncontrollably down the corners of her eyes.

The old man's gaze fell on Bai Feng, and he no longer paid attention to Shirakawa Meiling.

For him, before he got it, he was lusted for beauty, and when he got it, this feeling dissipated.

Now it is more interested in the white phoenix.

This creature resembles a phoenix in ancient books.

And for some reason, Bai Feng always gave him a peculiar feeling.

This feeling he had only felt in those guardian holy beasts in the Holy Land.

"I hope you don't let me down. The old man reached out to open the cage and grabbed Bai Feng's neck with one hand.

At this moment, the earth under the old man's feet trembled violently.

A roar came from a distance.

Outside the Kokushi Mansion, the Emperor of Sakura Kuni has been guarding the outside to prevent his daughter from escaping.

Although he also knew that this situation was impossible.

The earth trembled, and the Emperor frowned, a little displeased.

He soared into the air and looked out.

In the distance, a wave hundreds of meters high hit Sakura Country like a mad dog.

Everywhere it passed, it was completely submerged by the sea and turned into a Ze country.

The magnificent giant waves suddenly came to the gate of Sakura Country.

Facing the 100-meter-high waves, the city wall tens of meters high was like a baby, and it was submerged by the sea in an instant.

The emperor was indifferent and had no intention of making a move.

"Dead is just a pariah, death is death. This

wave can be stopped by waving his hand, after all, it is still common to be by the sea.

But now he wants to use the waves to clean up these useless untouchables.

Or rather, he wanted to see if the polluted waters would make a special difference for his untouchables.

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