The waves were so fierce that they flooded large areas of Sakura Country in an instant.

Endless polluted waters roared and swept through the buildings within the city walls.

Those civilians who were close to the city wall had just walked out of their homes and were flooded with sewage before they could look up at the sky.

Evil qi seawater burrowed into their mouths, and a trace of black qi quietly burrowed into their flesh and blood.

People are struggling in the sea, their eyeballs are bloodshot, their tendons are bursting, and black lines are emerging from all over their bodies.

Some people were overwhelmed, spitting out a mouthful of black blood, and there was no more life.

Others barely withstood the pollution, and as they struggled to reach the surface, a sudden chirping sound came from the waves.

Then a powerful stream of water first slammed into him, and then a huge pincer smashed heavily on him.

The sea beasts of the Spirit Rain Realm are not strong, but it is still very easy for them to kill an ordinary person who has just been polluted by evil qi with one blow.

The man was smashed by pincers and turned into a pile of minced meat floating in the sea.

The crab sea beast of the Spirit Rain Realm passed through the minced meat and smoothly took a piece and stuffed it into its mouth.

If you are already living in polluted seawater, it does not hurt to eat some contaminated meat.

The crab waved its hand forward, and countless pairs of eyes suddenly appeared behind it, emitting a dark green light.

A giant octopus stretched out its tentacles to push the crab aside and walked in the front itself.

"Spirit Rain Realm brat, do you want to be the boss?" The octopus Spirit Sea Realm aura emanated, and the sea beasts around it gave way.

The octopus led thousands of demon beasts forward, and everywhere it passed, ordinary people turned into minced meat.

It was then devoured by sea beasts.

Above the waves, seven Spirit Abyss Realm sea beasts stepped on the waves, controlling the direction of the waves.

From a distance, you can see densely packed sea beasts in the 100-meter-high waves.

The waves destroy buildings, and sea beasts kill polluted humans.

Where the waves pass, no one can live.

In the National Master's Mansion, Bai Feng was pinched by the old man's neck and screamed.

"Stinky old man, you're finished

!" "I already feel the breath of my companion

!" "If you don't let me go, be careful that my grandfather Niu beats your out!" The

old man looked at the rattling Bai Feng, and was puzzled for a while.

He couldn't understand what Bai Feng was calling, he thought it was frightened and scared, but there was still a threat in its eyes.

The old man looked at Bai Feng indifferently, with a chuckle.

"I don't know if I'm alive or dead, do you know what you're doing?"

the old man put on an expression that he thought was extremely defiant, but in fact he was beaten up, and he was close to Bai Feng.

"You are looking for death!" The

words fell, and the old man held Bai Feng's neck and suddenly smashed Bai Feng's to the ground.


Bai Feng's internal organs were shaking, and the pain was incomparable.

A few feathers on his body were smashed off.

"Who gave you the courage to look at your husband like this!" "

The old man thought you would be a phoenix family, and he would eat and drink to entertain you."

"I didn't expect to be an idiot!" Every

time the old man said a word, he picked up the white phoenix and smashed it on the ground.

Several times, Bai Feng spat out blood in his mouth, and the feathers that fell from its body flew all over the house.

Some fell to the ground, some fell on the old man's belt.

But more often it floated on Miling Shirakawa, covering her bare skin.

The old man snorted coldly and threw the white phoenix against the wall.

"Do you think the tsunami outside can threaten me?" "

The old man is an Earth Spirit Realm cultivator, and I can pinch them to death with my finger on those beasts in the sea

!" "Even that cow can't save you!" "

There is also a gap between the Earth Spirit Realm!" The

words fell, and the old man's spirit palace appeared, and thousands of black lotuses were born above the thousand-zhang deep spirit abyss, exuding a strange aura.

Above the black lotus, a black crescent hanging in the air, and in the crescent, a book could be faintly seen.

Bai Feng couldn't lift his head by this breath, so he could only open his eyes with difficulty and look at the old man.

I saw the old man stretch out his right hand, and a pitch-black book appeared in his hand, exuding dazzling aura fluctuations.

The old man said coldly, "The old man has refined the existence of the Origin Earth Treasure!" "

It is a world away from ordinary Earth Spirit Realm cultivators. "

What do you savage monster beasts compare with me!"

the corner of the old man's mouth flashed with a sneer, with pride in his eyes.

He looked at the feathers on his body, his brows furrowed slightly.

"Beasts are dirty!"

The words fell, and the black book in his hand quietly turned a page.

Then a black flame was released from the book, burning the white feathers on his body.

The old man dispersed the black fog around him and walked out of the mansion with his chest bare.

Looking into the distance, the old man said disdainfully: "Seven have come to die,"

and then the old man stepped into the sky and came to the emperor's side and stood side by side with the emperor.

When the emperor saw the old man, a smile appeared on his face: "National Master, can this girl Meiling be taken care of?"

The old man hehe responded: "Then there is His Majesty Emperor Lao." The

emperor was stunned for a moment, and suddenly felt some disgust in his heart, but he did not dare to show it.

"But this wave will soon drown the group of untouchables, and then there will be more deaths, and it will be difficult for good girls to find!" Seeing

that the waves were getting closer and closer to him, the sea beasts were becoming more and more presumptuous.

Those ordinary people were almost killed, and now they are fighting with soldiers with evil soldiers.

The purified demon beasts, the evil soldiers did not do much damage to them.

Plus they carry the waves and fight in the environment to which they are adapted.

Those low-level cultivators couldn't stop it at all.

Although these soldiers delayed the advance of the sea beast, the waves still swept through.

In just a moment, thousands of evil soldier cultivators were surrounded by sea beasts.

They looked around in horror, full of glowing sea beasts.

With the order of a certain sea beast, 20,000 sea beasts surged and set off a wave, and they rushed towards this group of cultivators, tearing one person apart three or two.

A moment later, only armor and evil soldiers drifting with the water remained.

The emperor looked at several battlefields in the country, and he was always calm, and he was a little gaffe.

"One hundred thousand sea beasts

!" "How dare they

!" "The subordinates cultivated by this emperor are almost killed!"

the emperor roared in his heart, anger showing on his face.

"Find death!" the Emperor roared, and endless aura condensed around him.

Before the emperor could assimilate the aura with black qi, the old man on the side stretched out his hand to stop him.

"Let me do it, just in time for you to see the new weapons. The old man looked at him deeply.

Hearing this, the anger on the emperor's face instantly dissipated, and he was replaced by a smiling face: "Then it will be a labor for the national master." I

saw the old man wave it lightly, and the ring on his hand radiated.

Then an object shaped like a volcano, three meters high and one meter in caliber, appeared in front of the old man and was suspended in the air.

Immediately after the old man's finger tapped, one formation after another emerged from this cannon barrel.

After checking it, the old man nodded in satisfaction.

I saw that the black qi of the old man's hand condensed, mixed with the spiritual qi, and compressed together.

The other hand pressed on the barrel of the cannon, urging the formation and warming up the weapon.

A moment later, a black compressed sphere with a diameter of nearly one meter had condensed on the old man's right hand.

He stuffed the sphere into the barrel and moved the direction of the barrel towards the place where the sea beasts were most dense.

"This blow can not be blocked under the spirit abyss. "

Enough to kill you!"

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