The formation around the giant cannon barrel suddenly lit up, and the runes emitted various colors of light, dazzling.

Then a majestic energy fluctuation spread out from the cannon port.

The emperor felt the power of this weapon and was only shocked for a moment.

Because he felt that this weapon was not suitable for mass production, and it was difficult for low-level cultivators to exert the full power of this weapon.

He was somewhat dissatisfied with the weapon, but did not speak.

The old man's cultivation was higher than him, and the emperor always followed the old man's wishes.

After all, if you provoke him, your life will not be guaranteed.

However, it is strange to say, it is clear that he can directly take the Sakura Country for himself, but he has to use his talents to obtain a monetary status.

"I can't resist anyway. The emperor smiled in his heart and sighed helplessly.

Perhaps this is the Heaven Abandonment Sect.

Never do things according to common sense.

Watching the people of his country continue to die, the emperor's heart did not wave.

Only if the cultivator above the Spirit Sea Realm died, he would have a little regret.

But how many cultivators above the Spirit Sea Realm would there be in a remote country?

The cannon barrel controlled by the old man burst into the place where the sea beast was dense.

Compressed black gas shells erupted with black light.

A black column of light of one meter caliber shot out from the barrel.

The fiery aura spread from the pillar of light, and a cannon pierced through the wave wall, evaporating a void.

The pillar of light locked onto the pile of sea beasts with the momentum of annihilating everything.

The highest cultivation among those sea beasts was no more than the Spirit Sea Realm, and in the face of this desperate blow, there was no way to fight back.

The powerful power pressed their nerves, and they were stunned in place for a while.

Fear flashed in their eyes, dazed.

Just as the pillar of light was about to fall into their position.

That space suddenly shattered, and a pitch-black spatial crack appeared.

Then majestic aura fluctuations came out from the spatial cracks.

The green bull slowly stepped out of the spatial crack, standing on the surface of the sea, his eyes were like torches, and the coercion of the Earth Spirit Realm was released, instantly counteracting the suppression of the pillar of light, allowing the sea beasts to regain their ability to move.


the green bull roared, his eyes bursting red.

The fiery law of fire circulates in the eyes.

In an instant, endless flames gushed out from the surroundings of the green bull, and the surrounding sea water was evaporated by the flames, and the water vapor lingered.

I saw the green bull glaring angrily at the black light, and the flames around it instantly condensed between its horns.

The endless flames formed a fiery pillar of flame, which was shot out by the green bull and collided head-on with the black light.

In an instant, the energy of the two attacks collided, stirring up layers of energy ripples.

The hot energy like the sun evaporates the surrounding seawater, forming a thick mist.

Qingniu snorted coldly, and the wind was fierce, instantly blowing away the water mist.

The evaporated seawater is refilled by seawater that comes from nowhere.

As if considering that some demon beasts could not withstand the aftermath of the energy, an earthy yellow light flashed in the green bull's eyes.

Subsequently, a protective cover covering thousands of meters protected the nearby low-level demon beasts.

The red light in Qingniu's eyes dissipated, and the black light in the sky also dissipated.

The crisis was lifted, and the Frost Dragon arrived from afar as fast as he could.

It passed over the head of the green bull, and the abdomen was filled with an ice-blue light, and a trace of cold air spread.

The frost dragon opened its mouth, and endless frost aura shot out, spreading across the sea.

Where the frost dragon breathed through, it instantly condensed into a line of ice.

The green bull slowly landed on the ice surface and whispered: "Boy, look good."

"This is the use of extreme cold!"

the words fell, and the ice blue light burst out in Qingniu's eyes.

The sea water under its feet instantly condensed into ice, stretching tens of meters deep.

The extremely cold aura erupted from it, spreading out like a storm.

In just a moment, this extremely cold aura swept through the entire cherry blossom country.

Thanks to the sea beasts submerging the entire cherry blossom country, the extreme cold aura of the green bull froze all the seawater.

Similarly, the cherry blossom country, which was submerged by the sea, was frozen.

The huge region of the cherry blossom country was frozen by the extremely cold aura of the green bull.

Qingniu glanced at the frost dragon and raised his head slightly.

The frost dragon looked at the surrounding scene with a shocked face, and his jaw couldn't close.

"Grandpa Niu, I want to learn!" said the frost dragon as it descended from the sky.

Without paying the slightest attention to the ice under their feet, there were tens of thousands of sea beasts sealed in the ice, and they were at a loss, not knowing why they were sealed.

Seeing the Frost Dragon's reaction, Qingniu felt a burst of satisfaction in his heart.

Before it could open its mouth to point at the Frost Dragon, Zhou Mu rushed to the Sakura Country with thousands of demon beasts.

The demon beasts stepped on the ice, their faces were extremely strange, and they looked up at Zhou Mu from time to time.

They want to laugh, but they don't.

Zhou Mu came to Qingniu with a face.

"Old Niu, why are you confused at this time!" Zhou Mu cried and laughed.

"Look at you, you've sealed the sea beasts!" Zhou Mu pointed to the densely packed sea beasts at Qingniu's feet.

Qingniu was stunned when he heard this, and then coughed lightly in embarrassment.

Spiritual thoughts cover the Sakura Country and unseal the sealed sea beasts.

Qingniu complained in his heart: "The one who came to save Bai Feng was actually infected by Bai Feng."

"I blame myself for being too impulsive and anxious to teach my juniors." "

Under the ice, the sea beasts regained their mobility, but the sea surface was still frozen by ice.

After all, the monsters need a place to stay.

The icy aura emanated from the ice, and if it weren't for the demon beasts that came to the Lingchuan Realm, at least this breath might not be able to stand it.

"Not a big problem. Qingniu smiled.

"It's time to fight. Without waiting for Zhou Mu to respond, Qingniu continued.

I saw two aura fluctuations in the distance.

The old man and the Emperor of Sakura Country came not far from Zhou Mu.

The two stood in the air, not putting Zhou Mu and other demon beasts in their eyes at all.

They are only wary of green bulls.

"Good means for beasts!" the old man said angrily, looking at the frozen Sakura Country.

Without people, how can you draw the power of greed from them

! How to improve your strength!

Of the seven evil guards of the sect leader, one died and two were destroyed.


pressure on them by the sect leader is also increasing, otherwise he would not show up and come to a country to become a national teacher.

The old man's invective did not anger Qingniu.

After living for so long, if he couldn't tolerate even a word of insult in his heart, he wouldn't become an ancestral beast.

Zhou Mu carried his hands on his back, and although he was wary of this old man of the Earth Spirit Realm in his heart, his apparent momentum could not be lost.

His eyes narrowed: "The main seat came to pick up Bai Feng home, and you want to stop me?"

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