Under the respectful gaze of all the beasts, Zhou Mu slowly walked to the front.

The old man's gaze froze, and his expression was strange: "Lingchuan Realm?" His

attention had been on Qingniu before, and he didn't pay attention to Zhou Mu at all.

Now Qingniu was willing to stand behind the young man, which made the old man have to pay attention.

You must know that at this time, the emperor's position will be half of his own position.

This Lingchuan Realm kid He De He could make the Earth Spirit Realm demon beast willingly stand behind him.

Why don't I remember that there is a green bull in the Southern Spirit Domain. The

old man thought so in his heart, but he was not afraid of Zhou Mu's identity.

To abandon the Heavenly Sect is to be free.

If you give up your goal because of an identity, what is it called abandoning the Heaven Sect?

Apart from the sect leader, who else can find himself?

"Boy, the white phoenix you said is a phoenix clan

?" "If so, what if I stand in your way?"

the old man answered Zhou Mu's previous words, raising his hand to shake the National Master's Mansion in the distance.

Bai Feng in the National Master's Mansion was pulled by a force, smashed through the wall, and flew towards the direction of the National Master.

Bai Feng, who was already injured, fainted when he was smashed through the wall.

The white feathers were stained with red blood, and faintly the coercion of immortal beasts emanated from the blood.

Bai Feng flew all the way, and a little blood spilled along the road.

A moment later, the white phoenix flew directly into the old man's hands.

The bloody white phoenix was carried in the hands of the old man, and he carefully felt the breath in the white phoenix's blood, and the corners of his mouth rose.

"I didn't pay attention before, but I didn't expect that this bird is really unusual. The

old man casually threw the white phoenix to the Emperor of the Sakura Country beside him.

No, the Sakura Kingdom has been flooded, and now he is just a Xuanling Realm cultivator.

When Zhou Mu saw Bai Feng's tragic state, his eyes widened angrily, and there seemed to be flames flickering in his eyes.

Then there was some disbelief, his brows frowned slightly, and he was a little puzzled: "How did Bai Feng become like this, not lucky enough?" The

green bull on the side heard Zhou Mu's words and said softly: "Don't worry, it's all some skin trauma, and Bai Feng's coma is also pretended."

"There will be more interesting in a moment.

Qingniu looked at the bloody Bai Feng and smiled meaningfully.

Hearing this, Zhou Mu put down his heart, and couldn't help but feel a little sorry in his heart: "I thought I could make Bai Feng suffer a loss."

"This guy is getting naughty. The

anger in Zhou Mu's eyes was fleeting.

The old man originally thought that Zhou Mu would be embarrassed and angry when he saw this scene.

But Zhou Mu's indifferent expression made the old man unable to understand.

No, didn't you kid come to bring this bird back

? Why suddenly it doesn't matter?

It's all beaten like this by me!

Zhou Mu didn't say a word, and the Ten Thousand Souls Star Bow instantly appeared in his hand.

Ten thousand beast tips also urged together, and a vast beast soul starry sky appeared behind him.

Those few shining stars exude a suffocating aura.

The two old men reacted instantly, and he would take a step back and retreat behind the old man with Bai Feng.

A black glow erupted in the old man's eyes.

A pitch-black spirit palace appeared in the center of his eyebrows.

A dark crescent glowed eerily.

Immediately after that, a looming shadow of books appeared, gradually flying out of the spirit palace and turning into reality in the hands of the old man.

"Beast, let you see the gap between the Earth Spirit Realm

!" "Origin Earth Treasure, Book of Greed

!" "Demon beast, can never catch up with humans!" The

old man shouted violently, holding up the book that exuded a strange aura in one hand, extremely confident.

Zhou Mu did not squint, and the three divine beasts and beast soul stars fused to form a three-color arrow, exuding terrifying power.

The man behind the old man frowned, it was not that Zhou Mu's arrows posed a threat to him, but that it was too unusual for Lingchuan Realm to have such a power.

"Boy, the means are good, but it's a pity that your strength is not enough!" the man held the white phoenix in his hand, feeling Zhou Mu's attack lock himself, and said in a loud voice.

The old man snorted coldly: "It's quite clever, but not much, he vainly tried to shake the high-level cultivators with the Lingchuan Realm cultivation."

"I don't know how thick the sky is

!" Bai Feng ignored it, and the beast seal transmitted: "Bai Feng, it's time to get up, if you don't get up again, my arrow will hit you!" The

words fell, Zhou Mu released the bowstring, and the three-color light arrow sounded out, carrying a terrifying power to hit the man.

I don't know which beast soul acted, the light arrow flew out not far away, and then disappeared into nothingness.

The old man and the man looked at this scene in surprise, they could feel that the arrow had not dissipated, but they could not determine the specific location of the arrow.

It was only because the arrow moved too fast in the void, and the old man did not have the ability to break through the void and probe the spiritual mind inside.

Qingniu looked at the two playfully.

How could the light arrow not be stopped?

The two snorted coldly, their faces full of disdain.

Even if your attack is very weird, how much damage can you do to us?


an instant, there was a majestic aura fluctuation from Qingniu's body.

The next moment, a scene that stunned the two appeared.

I saw a golden spirit palace appear in the center of Qingniu's eyebrows, with unknown patterns engraved on it.

The two clearly felt the almost impossible aura reserves in the Qingniu Spirit Palace.

Ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-eight spirit rivers converged into a sea.

Ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-eight zhang deep spirit sea deposited into an abyss.

Ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-eight golden lotus flowers floated above the spiritual abyss.

In mid-air of the Spirit Palace, a round of golden disk-like spheres was hanging high, exuding dazzling light.

In the golden sphere, a pair of horns are engraved in it, exuding a mysterious charm.

Qingniu's Spirit Palace was huge, but most of it was covered by fog, and only so much was revealed.

"Origin Earth Treasure?"

"I also have it!" The

words fell, and the green bull's eyes burst with golden light, and a pair of ordinary black bull horns above his head were instantly covered by the golden horns in the Spirit Palace.

In an instant, the green bull exuded supreme coercion, like a god.

"This... Impossible!" said the old man in horror.

He couldn't believe that an animal could actually cultivate a method unique to the Terrans.

And the difference

in breath between their earth treasures is not a star and a half

!" "There is also a gap between the earth spirit realms!" "

You live, but I want you to live."

"It's not that you have the ability to live!" The

green bull's eyes flashed with golden light, the horns exuded a supreme aura, and his body was filled with a faint charm.

Its spiritual thoughts entered the ears of the two like the whispers of the gods and exploded in their minds.

In an instant, the man was overwhelmed and bleeding.

The old man's body shook and he barely came back to his senses.

It was at this moment that the arrow of light hidden in the void came to the man, broke through the space, and attacked him directly.

The three divine beast souls on the arrow released their breath, and the startled man lost his mind for a moment.

At this time, the comatose Bai Feng took the opportunity to break free from the man's restraints, covered in blood, and rushed to the sky.

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