Wu Si held a black book in his hand, hanging in the air.

A hoarse voice entered Zhou Mu's ears.

Zhou Mu smiled bitterly in his heart.

What is the meaning of your question? If I don't let you take it, won't you take it away?

Sure enough, Wu Si just said the words and couldn't wait to put away the black book.

It didn't matter at all, Zhou Mu replied no.

He looked at the old man who only had a breath left, and said indifferently: "The old man has been looking for you for five years."

"I didn't expect that you are so unafraid of death now, and you blatantly control a country."

Then Wu Si looked up at the sky, the folds on his cheeks piled together, revealing a smile: "But you are still useful."

"At least now Heavenly Dao doesn't have so much strength to manage this world. Saying

that, Wu Si's eyes burst with black light, and monstrous black qi suddenly gushed out from his body, and a black spirit palace appeared in his eyebrows.

In the Spirit Palace, two rounds of black spheres hang high in the sky, one round of black moon and one round of black sun.

"Look, I'm so presumptuous, Tiandao didn't react at all!" I

saw Wu Si open his arms, and the book of greed appeared in front of him.

In the Spirit Palace overhead, a black moon emitted light.

The light pierced through the Spirit Palace and projected the black moon shadow behind Wu Si.

"The Book of Greed, I accept it!" a

hoarse voice carried through the aura, and instantly spread in all directions, as if announcing to them.

Saying that, the Book of Greed slowly rose and floated towards the Black Moon Shadow.

Feeling the power exuding from Wu Si's body, Zhou Mu and the other demon beasts looked solemn.

Most demon beasts did not know Wu Si's realm, only knew that his coercion was a little stronger than Qingniu.

Zhou Mu was not sure whether the old man in front of him was hostile to him.

Originally, seeing this breath, Zhou Mu should have quickly run or kill him.

But since I knew that my sister also had such an aura on her, and it seemed that she still ruled some of these people.

Zhou Mu was always cautious in dealing with these Heaven Abandoning Sects.

People who are afraid of killing their sister.

Just when Zhou Mu was about to let Qingniu stop Wu Si, he seemed to sense Zhou Mu's intentions.

"Zhou Mu.

Wu Si's voice was hoarse and he called out Zhou Mu's name.

In an instant, Zhou Mu and the other demon beasts were stunned in place at the same time.

How did he know the name of the owner?

Many demon beasts were very puzzled.

Because some of them didn't know Zhou Mu's name, they only knew that they were called the owner of the farm.

Now everyone who met for the first time knew the name

of the owner of the farm! What kind of identity was this?The

spiritual technique condensed by the green bull hung beside it, and it turned its head to look at Zhou Mu with an inquiring look in its eyes.

Zhou Mu was stunned for a moment, and then remembered Zhou Li in an instant.

He is dispensable in this world, and he has no hidden talent.

Even if the system allowed him to own the Ten Thousand Beast Forest, the outside world did not know that these things were all because of him.

So in this world, in addition to the demon beasts, only Zhou Li can remember his name.

Thinking of this, Zhou Mu looked up at Wu Si, and just about to ask, he saw him throw out a blue spar.

"I don't know what you're trying to ask, but this thing should answer it." Saying

that, Wu Si no longer paid attention to Zhou Mu and concentrated on fusing the Book of Greed.

Although Qingniu did not feel hostility from Wu Si, its spiritual skills did not dissipate.

The Heavenly Spirit Realm is not those scraps that it can kill with a roar.

The slightest negligence can result in significant casualties.

Qingniu himself will not have a problem, but Zhou Mu and those demon beasts may not be able to tell.

Zhou Mu held the Shadow Stone in his hand and injected Spiritual Qi into it.

The shadow stone gradually lit up, and a blue light curtain appeared in front of Zhou Mu's eyes.

In the light curtain, is a beautiful little girl.

Seeing this face, a smile appeared on Zhou Mu's face.

"Little girl, pretend to be quite similar.

Looking at the unchanging innocence in Zhou Li's eyes, Zhou Mu couldn't help but whisper.

"Brother, I haven't seen you for a long time!"

"You must complain that I don't write to you, right, I also want to, but you didn't give me the address at all!

"I have a good life in the Hehuan Holy Sect, except for a large number of male disciples who want to say that they have a double cultivation with me or something, everyone else treats me very well."

"Don't worry about me. Zhou

Li in the picture is like an innocent little girl, telling her brother about her life.

She had a smile on her face, and the dimples on her cheeks had not gone down, and Zhou Mu was in a trance when she saw it.

For a moment, Zhou Mu wanted to let the scene he saw in the Ten Thousand Beasts Forest be fake.

He still wanted this innocent sister.

But his ideas were not destined to come true.

I saw that after Zhou Li sweetly told her story in the past few months, she suddenly said aggrieved: "Brother, didn't you say that you would come to see me for a while?"

"When are you coming to see me!" the

words fell, and an attack suddenly flew behind Zhou Li.

Zhou Li's eyes were cold, and he could feel the killing intent emanating from Zhou Li's body through the light curtain.

I saw Zhou Li's immature little hand raised, and suddenly closed into the distance, and a man in a blue robe was dragged near Zhou Li.

Then Zhou Li's small hand shook, and the man exploded, splashing flesh and blood.

Blood was sprinkled on Zhou Li's frosty face.

Then a trace of black qi gushed out from her face, eroding the blood on her face.

"Sect Master! The subordinates are derelict in their duties.

In the picture, a person with a figure similar to Wu Si knelt in front of Zhou Li on one knee and said.


is the fifth time!"

Zhou Li puffed out her cheeks in dissatisfaction, which was diametrically opposed to the image of the female devil just now.

"Forget it, so be it.

"Anyway, you should be able to guess something when you see Old Man Wu.

"Stinky brother, remember to come and see me quickly

!" "I'm still waiting for your gift!" "It

must be better than the one given to Sister Chen

!" "Otherwise, I'll be angry and ignore you!"

Zhou Li in the picture wrinkled her little face, and she looked very fierce with her little tiger teeth.

If it weren't for the casual pinching of a person just now, Zhou Li's appearance would have fascinated countless men.

As Zhou Li's words fell, the light curtain flashed, the picture disappeared, and there was silence.

Zhou Mu smiled helplessly. He didn't care about Zhou Li's identity.

Since I still recognize myself as a brother, then I will stand by her side.

No matter what Zhou Li wants to do, Zhou Mu will support her.

What's more, the Abandoning Heaven Sect was confronting the Heavenly Dao.

And he just has a task to overthrow the Heavenly Dao.

I thought I was going to go alone, but Zhou Li's appearance made Zhou Mu's heart feel a little warm.

"Accompany me to the end, sister. Zhou

Mu put the photo stone into the storage ring, and looked at the stunned Qingniu, a little puzzled.


the distance, Wu Si looked at Zhou Mu with a spiritual thought, and after seeing the picture inside, his heart seemed to miss a beat.

"It's not my fault, Sect Master, it's you who gave me too many shadow stones! I forgot which is the best!" Looking

at the

more than fifty photo stones in the storage ring, Wu Si wanted to cry without tears.

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