Wu Si sighed lowly, looking at Zhou Mu with a little surprise in his eyes.

I wasn't surprised to see my sister like this, it

was worthy of being a man who could make the Earth Spirit Realm demon beast work for him.

Qingniu and Zhou Mu stood in place, looking at Wu Si from afar.

The other demon beasts retreated far away, and without Zhou Mu's instructions, they did not dare to move forward.

Several Spirit Abyss Realm demon beasts had complicated expressions.

I didn't expect this day to come so early.

Spiritual Origin Realm cultivation could no longer help the owner solve the problem.

They have also become the ones who have been sheltered.

The demon beasts in Kamikaze Bay didn't feel much about this, but the demon beasts in the other two farms felt a lot about it.

Most of them have witnessed the rise of farms.

They also participated in battles with them as the main force.

Now suddenly tell them that they are not strong enough to join the battle.

It's inevitable that the mood will be a little low.

"I didn't expect the owner to be so powerful, with the same cultivation as me, but facing enemies so much stronger than us. I

don't know which demon beast said a word, and then thousands of demon beasts fell silent collectively.

Especially the current top combat power of the Ten Thousand Beast Forest such as the Wind Wolf King.

The field owner Lingchuan Realm encountered such a formidable enemy, so when the field owner reaches the Spirit Abyss Realm or even higher, how strong will the enemies they face be?

"Time, we need time!" Even

if it is a year, their strength will be greatly improved.

As long as the owner can stay in the Ten Thousand Beasts Forest for a year, their strength will be reborn.

At this moment, they have long been no longer compared with the demon beasts of other forces.

That would be pointless.

It is their goal to become a demon beast that is useful to the owner.

Zhou Mu didn't know what the demon beasts were thinking.

He was watching intently as Wu Si fused the Book of Greed.

I saw that the Book of Greed slowly submerged into the black moon, and in an instant, a raging aura spread.

Black qi fluctuations came out from the black moon, stretching for thousands of miles.

The huge energy set off a fierce wind, and the Wu Si robe was hunting.

The Black Moon Shadow, which fused with the Book of Greed, reappeared in the Spirit Palace.

At this moment, a book shadow also appeared in the black moon in the Spirit Palace, and an even deeper black glow emanated around it.

The corner of Wu Si's mouth grinned, and a black book appeared in his hand.

He glanced coldly at the half-dead old man.

"The Book of Greed is really wasted in your hands!" the

old man raised his eyelids with difficulty, and said angrily: "You... How the hell did it appear. He

didn't understand why there were two divine secrets in this world, and the same divine recipe, why he was much weaker than the other party.

Wus did not answer his question, with pity in his eyes.

"You should be glad that the Heavenly Dao is still there, and you still have use value.

"Otherwise, you're a dead man by now!" With

that, Wu Si picked up the old man with one hand and threw it in one direction casually.

In the blink of an eye, the old man disappeared into the sky.

Wu Si was satisfied, and the wrinkles on his face stretched a lot.

He dispersed the aura fluctuations on his body and slowly fell to the ice.

Seeing this, Zhou Mu waved his hand towards the green bull, signaling it to disperse its spiritual skills.

Qingniu was a little worried, and at the same time sighed in his heart for Zhou Mu's guts.

But since Zhou Mu asked for it, he couldn't help it.

If something happens, it can only try to save him.

Although Zhou Mu was not worried about Wu Si, he was relieved of Zhou Li.

If Zhou Li wanted to kill herself, then she didn't have to wait until now to take her own life.

I saw Wu Si showing a kind smile and holding a photo stone in his hand.

"Don't be nervous, Sect Leader's brother, I didn't intend to do anything to you.

"Give, this is the photo stone for you, that content... Not very real. Hearing

this, the corner of Zhou Mu's mouth twitched, took the photo stone, and roughly checked the contents inside.

The whole time was Zhou Li's sweet smile, not as real as the one who pinched the cultivator.

"Thank you sir. Zhou Mu thanked him, there should still be etiquette.

Seeing this, Wu Si waved his hand and said, "Don't make these false things with the old man, just feel free."

"By the way, is that Hatred Guardian inheritance in your hands?"

"If it is, you quickly find someone to pass it on."

"These broken legacies are still important today." Hearing

this, Zhou Mu nodded.

This is mostly related to the fight against the Heavenly Dao.

Wu Si looked at the green bull behind Zhou Mu and the many demon beasts in the distance, and nodded slightly.

As if thinking of something, Wu Si's eyes flashed with fanaticism.

He couldn't wait to ask, "How did you control so many demon beasts that were higher than your cultivation in the Lingchuan Realm?"

The fanaticism in his eyes disappeared instantly, and he said apologetically: "I'm sorry, I was affected by evil qi, and I subconsciously want to know about strange things."

Looking at Zhou Mu's puzzled expression, Wu Si smiled and explained: "The old man is greedy, you don't need to understand this, as long as you know that the old man covets everything in the world."

"Sometimes when you encounter something good, you even lose control of your consciousness."

"Last time, I coveted the secret vault of a country in the Western Spirit Domain, lost control of consciousness, and killed those people.

Speaking of this, Wu Si's face showed guilt.

Zhou Mu nodded, since he didn't delve into it, he didn't plan to tell him.

Zhou Mu took out a [Golden Egg] and handed it to Wu Si.

"Please give it to Zhou Li, you may not have time to see her during this time. Seeing

the egg in Zhou Mu's hand, Wu Si's eyes once again burst out with greed, and Zhou Mu trembled when he saw it.

"By the way, tell me quickly, why do tiger monster beasts hatch out of eggs

!" "Since hearing Chen Yatou's words, the old man has traveled all over the Southern Spirit Domain, and even part of the Northern Spirit Domain, and he has never found an example of an egg-born tiger!"


at Wu Si, who was constantly approaching him, Zhou Mu couldn't stand it.

"I'll give you an egg, you can study it yourself, okay? I don't know!"


that, Zhou Mu handed the golden egg and the exquisite egg to Wu Si.

"The golden light is for Zhou Li, you can take this ordinary point and raise it."

"Just ask Chen Ruoxi about the hatching method, I won't say more." Wu

Si took the two eggs excitedly, caressing them like a baby, his eyes full of anticipation for finding the truth.

At this moment, he did not have the slightest appearance that a Heavenly Spirit Realm powerhouse should have.

"You know, I have asked Chen Yatou a long time ago, and I still think that what she said is a little inappropriate in the way of hatching, and I changed it myself.

"I'll experiment this time." Saying

that, Wu Si flew directly and couldn't wait to return, wanting to experiment with this egg.

Zhou Mu raised his head and looked at the sky: "It's really a free old man."

In the blink of an eye, Wus Si disappeared into the sky.

Zhou Mu also planned to lead the demon beasts back.

After the thousands of chocobos left, the green bull's hooves lightly stepped on.

The thousands of miles of ice instantly melted and turned into a Ze country again.

Just as Zhou Mu was about to leave, Wu Si hurriedly returned with two eggs.

"I forgot about this thing!" "

Give, this is a secret key, and the secret opening location key will sense it." Wus

handed over a triangular prism pillar engraved with mysterious patterns.

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