Zhou Mu held a palm-sized triangular prism pillar, not knowing why.

This stone pillar Zhou Mu looked a little familiar.

It seems to be the one that Chen Ruoxi robbed at that time.

But now it has fallen into his own hands again.

Seeing Zhou Mu's doubts, Wu Si opened his mouth to explain: "This secret realm can only be entered under the Xuanling Realm, but I am a cultivator above the Xuanling Realm, and I don't meet the conditions."

"It's not easy to give other people the sect leader, and you have some special secrets now."

"It's fitting for you. Wu

Si held two eggs in both hands, and his eyes were bright.

How could it be so simple to give away the eggs that hatched immortal beasts at will.

Although he was bullied in the past ten years with the sect leader, those who had bullied him had disappeared!

But seeing that the former waste boy had such a magical method, he couldn't help but secretly Daoist Sect Master was brilliant.

And Zhou Mu gave himself an egg without care, which also made Wu Si's good impression of Zhou Mu improve a lot.

Although that egg is not as good-looking as Chen Ruoxi.

But Wu Si is mainly for the study of knowledge, and the demon beast is secondary.

After all, these monster beasts are not like themselves, absorbing emotions can improve themselves.

The demon beast also had to provide resources and time for them to cultivate, and the investment was too great.

Zhou Mu nodded and put the stone pillar away.

It just so happened that he needed to go to the secret realm to find the Hui Saint Dao Fruit that repaired the Dao Seed.

I was confused before, but now that I have the key, finding the secret realm is not a problem.

I just don't know if there's anything I want in it.

Wu Si nodded in satisfaction, and said again before leaving: "Don't forget to use that hatred trick."

"I look good at the woman in that house."

Her hatred could be felt from so far away.

"It's a good seedling.

"I just don't know if you can accept it, huh."

Wu Si glanced at Zhou Mu meaningfully, and then stepped into the air.

Zhou Mu looked at the house that Wu Si said.

In his hand, he took out a black stone that exuded evil aura.

"This thing has always been placed here for yourself, and it is of no use, since there is someone to show the way now, it just happens to use you." Saying

that, Qingniu took Zhou Mu to the National Master's Mansion.

"It's worthy of the National Master's Mansion! Zhou

Mu stepped on the hard pavement and went to a room according to the spiritual guidance of the green bull.

The white phoenix in the sky had magically broken through the Spirit Abyss Realm.

Instead of learning the lesson of being beaten, it became more mischievous.

It hovered over the National Master's Mansion, muttering in its mouth.

"Farm owner, that woman is beautiful! Just a step ahead of Chu Wei!"

"Farm owner, your human spring is so strange! Why do you laugh and one cry!" "Farm owner

, why do you humans still bleed when you are in heat?"

Bai Feng didn't understand anything, and asked what he saw.

Zhou Mu, who asked, looked embarrassed.

"Shut up!"

Zhou Mu's eyelids jumped, and he couldn't help but scold.

Then with a wave of his sleeve robe, a milky white light descended from the sky and fell on Bai Feng.

"Hey, I don't want to go

!" "Let me go!"

Bai Feng flew at full speed, vainly trying to break away from the system's teleportation light.

Zhou Mu snorted lightly, and the Heaven-robbing Ten Thousand Frontiers rope around his waist flew out, directly binding Bai Feng.

"Unexpectedly, the first time this thing was used on you. "

You're so lucky!" Bai

Feng was tied up and fell straight down from the sky.

When it was about to land, the teleportation light took it away, leaving only the Wanjiang rope in place.

With a wave of his hand, Zhou Mu put the Wanjiang rope back and hung it around his waist again.

He pushed open a door and saw Miei Shirakawa lying on the ground.

She was dressed in a red wedding dress but was torn apart, and although some parts were covered by white phoenix feathers, her white and smooth skin could still be faintly seen.

Zhou Mu looked at her cheeks, the previous immaturity and purity no longer existed, and she didn't meet a little charming.

Zhou Mu saw some blood stains around her, and also knew why Bai Feng asked that.

Zhou Mu couldn't help sighing and looked at her with pity.

Shirakawa Miling closed her eyes in pain, not wanting to see Zhou Mu's gaze.

She wanted to commit suicide, but she was completely weak after being raped by the Earth Spirit Realm cultivator.

I didn't even have the strength to open my mouth, let alone bite my tongue and commit suicide.

Zhou Mu stood in place and watched for a while, and found that Shirakawa Meiling didn't even tidy up her clothes, motionless

, looking at the feathers on her body, Zhou Mu couldn't help but say: "You are quite lucky."

"Not only is he not dead, but now I can give you a chance for revenge." Saying

that, Zhou Mu handed the black stone to Shirakawa Miling: "Accept it, you will gain strength."

Shirakawa Miei was still unmoved, bent on death.

Zhou Mu sighed: "Forget it, I shouldn't ask for your opinion."

"Even if you want to die, you have to wait until you have the strength to seek death."

Zhou Mu freed up a hand, and a beast seal condensed in the palm of his hand.

He slowly approached Shirakawa Miei and looked her straight into the eye.

Zhou Mu punched the beast seal into Shirakawa Meiling's eyebrows, and in an instant, the stirring aura fluctuations blew the feathers on her body away.

Shirakawa Miei's face turned red and her lips pursed.

Zhou Mu subconsciously glanced at it, thinking that it would be a scene that made people's blood rush, but after watching it, Zhou Mu suddenly felt very uncomfortable in his heart.

I feel that Shirakawa Miling is even more pitiful.

"The old stuff is pretty rough. Zhou Mu cursed lowly, and his gaze moved away from her bruised and purple part.

Qingniu glanced at Zhou Mu on the side: "You don't

let it go!"

In a moment, her strength recovered a lot, and she was about to commit suicide.

Zhou Mu snorted coldly, and the rope of the heaven-robbing frontier extended infinitely, instantly tying her up in a shameful posture.

The mouth is also stuffed with rope, and it is impossible to bite your tongue and commit suicide.

Zhou Mu threw the black stone to her.

In the blink of an eye, the black stone merged into her body, and the aura in the Spirit Palace instantly turned into black evil qi.

The whole person's temperament seems to have become different.

Feeling the soaring power in her body, Shirakawa Miei froze for a while, and the thought of seeking death disappeared at this moment.

If he can coerce the world, who dares to chew the root of his tongue again.

If he kills everyone who knows, then who knows that he has been violated?

Shirakawa Miei's eyes flickered, not knowing what she was thinking.

Zhou Mu picked up the bound Shirakawa Meiling with one hand and grinned, "You know how powerful I am."

"I know what you're thinking, kill everyone right?" "

It's a pity you can't kill me!"


the words fell, Zhou Mu urged the beast seal.

Shirakawa Meiling looked at Zhou Mu again, and only felt an inexplicable closeness on Zhou Mu.

The murderous thought that had existed in his mind for a few seconds also excluded Zhou Mu.


greeted Zhou Mu.

Many demon beasts left one after another.

Then the sea receded, and tens of thousands of sea beasts retreated into the sea along with the sea.

Leaving behind a messy cherry blossom country site.

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