Forest of Ten Thousand Beasts.

Ye Hao went around in circles and finally found the Ten Thousand Beast Forest in Master's mouth.

"This place is so remote, what can make Master pay so much attention!" Ye Hao held a fishing rod, giving people the feeling of a servant in the dust.

In the heart of the Southern Spirit Domain before, he had never heard of this place.

But in this border area, the forest is still famous.

Just ask a random practitioner.

Ye Hao let out a long sigh, looked at the blood stains on the fishing rod and said helplessly: "Poor mountains and evil waters raise the people, I just asked for directions and wanted to kill me."

"Without even asking, I started to do it, and a group of Spirit Rain Realms actually hit me on the head, which is really funny.

"Do you see that I am honest and a bully?" Ye Hao pouted, like a riffraff.

He pulled the bushes around him and took two steps forward.

As if he felt overwhelmed, he scolded again: "Damn, I, a peak cultivator of the Xuan Spirit Realm, actually let a group of Spirit Rain Realm miscellaneous pieces put a knife on his neck, it's a shame!"

Ye Hao complained while advancing towards the depths of the Ten Thousand Beasts Forest.

"This demon beast is not very good, I haven't seen a Spirit Sea Realm for so long.

"Why did the old man let me befriend this place

!" "And here are all low-level demon beasts, and they can't transmit spiritual thoughts, and I can't understand what they say!"

Ye Hao stared at it for a while every time he encountered a demon beast.

He also didn't understand why these monster beasts didn't attack when they saw him.

"Could it be that I look majestic and domineering?"


he dismissed the idea.

Because these monsters only have vigilance in their eyes, not fear and fear.

Ye Hao was playful, and suddenly released his Xuan Spirit Realm coercion, which was controlled within a hundred meters.

He wanted to see the reaction to what was to be said.

But he saw that the demon beast was only frightened for a moment before returning to normal.

Under Ye Hao's surprised gaze, these demon beasts slowly retreated, widening the distance between them and Ye Hao.

And Zhou Mu, who was rushing to the kamikaze bay, frowned when he saw this.

"What the hell does this person want to do

?" "I told the demon beasts to leave him alone, why are you still looking for trouble

?" "Do you really think that the Ten Thousand Beasts Forest can't kill you?" Thinking

of this, Zhou Mu immediately wanted to teleport back to ensure the safety of the demon beasts.

At this time, a soft milky white brilliance suddenly appeared above the Ten Thousand Beasts Forest.

Light descended from the sky and fell on the top of the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain.

Ye Hao looked up at this vision in surprise, Rao was unable to see through this light in this realm.

Immediately afterwards, a white and flawless figure slowly appeared in the light.

"Teleport?" said Ye Hao in surprise.

"What kind of power is this?" As

the figure gradually solidified in the light, the milky white light gradually dissipated.

A large white bird with beautiful tail feathers appears in the sky.

"Ugh!" Bai

Feng shouted as soon as he came out of the teleportation array, and the aura of the Spirit Abyss Realm was mixed with the call.

In an instant, almost the entire Ten Thousand Beast Forest heard the white phoenix's cry and also felt its cultivation.

Bai Feng raised his head proudly in the sky.

"Look, I'm in the Spirit Abyss Realm

!" "You must also come on!" This

message reached the ears of many demon beasts, and many demon beasts burned the flame of struggle in their hearts.

Ye Hao in the distance suddenly widened his eyes, his face full of disbelief.

"How come, Immortal Beast Breath!" He

felt the momentum of the Infinity Sword Pavilion Guardian Saint Beast from this white bird.


Hao's eyes were cold: "Catch it?" "

This may be the reason why Master let him come." "

If there is another Immortal Beast Guardian Saint Beast, then the strength of the Wuji Sword Pavilion will rise to a higher level, and then the other three Holy Lands will no longer be their opponents.

Ye Hao suddenly burst out, and in a blink of an eye, he flew to the same height as Bai Feng, looking at Bai Feng.

Zhou Mu looked at this scene, his finger already hanging over the teleportation option on the system panel.

As long as this person took one step closer to Bai Feng, Zhou Mu planned to pass.

Bai Feng and Ye Hao looked at each other for a long time, and did not move.

Bai Feng was frightened and was beaten not long ago.

Although it still looks very skinny, this trauma cannot be recovered in a short time.

Ye Hao struggled in his heart: "The old man said that let me befriend the Ten Thousand Beast Forest, how can I forget my purpose because of

an immortal beast!" "But, that's an immortal beast!"

In front of the door, six came out one after another.

They were covered in blood, but they had excited looks on their faces.

They quickly looked back at the portal.

"Ugh!" came

a chirping sound that pierced thousands of miles from the portal.

The voice carries endless divine beast coercion, which is shocking.

In an instant, the demon beasts of the bloodline under all the immortal beasts in the Ten Thousand Beasts Forest stopped and looked at the place where the bloodline pool was far away.

Bai Feng no longer cared about this human being, and flew to the bloodline pool with an excited face.

His little brother is about to become a

divine beast! His boss has a face on his face!

The divine beast has not yet appeared, but there is a trace of thunder lingering near the portal.

The portal emitted a hum, and a large purple bird with its wings spread five meters flew out from inside.

The body carried the supreme thunder light, and everywhere it passed, it left a galloping purple electric arc.

Xiao Zi looked up at the sky, suddenly flapped his wings, and swayed up.

The beautiful purple tail feathers are a little longer than its body.

The thunder on his body kept moving, leaving a trace of thunder and lightning in the sky.

When flying 10,000 meters in the air, Xiaozi finally stopped.

Looking at the expectant gazes of the other six siblings, Xiaozi was extremely moved.

It spun in the air and suddenly spread its wings.

In an instant, endless thunder emanated from its body.

Thunder and lightning are all over the sky, and supreme light competes with the corona.

The whole world was eclipsed at this moment, leaving only the thunder that was constantly beating in the sky.

Ye Hao in mid-air looked at this scene stunnedly, and his mouth was so open that he could stuff an egg.

"This... Above the fairy beasts... Divine beast?"

shimmering purple light reflected on his incredulous face.

"I think I, the junior, should listen to the elders. Ye Hao muttered.

It's not that I'm afraid of Xiaozi, but the potential of this forest is somewhat terrifying.

In just a few minutes, he actually saw a divine beast that the old man had never seen before!

"This life is worth it

!" "I didn't expect that there were really divine beasts in this world!" Ye

Hao fell to the ground again, and his mentality had changed in these few minutes.

When he looked at these demon beasts again, there was a little tenderness in his eyes.

The light of thunder was reflected in his eyes, and Ye Hao slowly took out his storage ring.

In the blink of an eye, a pile of spirit fruits like a small mountain appeared in front of him.

Ye Hao held up a bunch of spirit fruits and revealed a kind smile.

"Come brother, eat some spirit fruit, take care of it in the future!" Ye Hao grabbed a wolf of the Lingchuan Realm and put the spirit fruit in front of it.

"Come, brothers have a share!"

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