In just a moment, Ye Hao used a bunch of spirit fruits to mingle with hundreds of demon beasts.

Zhou Mu watched this scene through system monitoring, and was speechless.

Just because that Ye Hao actually called brothers and brothers with the demon beasts without any lower limit.

Although most of those demon beasts looked disgusted, the spirit fruit was only accepted and not eaten.

But he couldn't bear Ye Hao's thick skin.

Seeing that the other party was strong but not malicious, the monster beasts could not make a move.

They can only be left to this self-acquainted human being.

Ye Hao found that the demon beasts had been avoiding him, and smiled awkwardly, and the "brother" in his mouth could not be spoken.

"These monsters have brains more than that group. Ye Hao said secretly, amazed.

He looked up at the big purple bird in the sky.

The majestic aura was surging into its body, and the purple arc in the sky gradually contracted and submerged into its body again.

The small purple body emits a dazzling purple light, allowing people to only see an outline and not see the specific face.

"This is a divine beast!"

"But how can there be so many rare beasts here?"

"What powerful layout is this?"

Ye Hao looked at Xiao Zi, his eyes flashing, both shocked and envious.

In an instant, he lost interest in the rod-shaped Wuji Sword in his hand.

Ye Hao scratched his hair frantically: "I, a person who wants to preach with a sword, actually disliked his sword for a moment!"

He followed the breath of those two demon beasts and began to walk towards the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain.

Along the way, Ye Haobi was respectful and did not move on the demon beasts of the Ten Thousand Beasts Forest.

Ye Hao no longer hangs his children, his face is serious.

Feeling the breath of the big purple bird in the sky, after breaking through the Spirit Abyss Realm, it stopped growing, and let out a long sigh of relief.

He didn't believe that this divine beast was the owner of this forest.

Otherwise, with the previous cultivation, it would be impossible to survive here safely.

Here, there must be a more powerful existence.

That person must be the reason why Master let himself befriend the Ten Thousand Beasts Forest.

Kamikaze Bay.

At the request of the little mermaid, Zhou Mu let it stay in the kamikaze bay.

Just in case, Zhou Mu also left hundreds of demon beasts in the Divine Wind Bay, including the Bishui Snake King.

This sea area is of great help to the spirit of the sea and the Bishui Snake King with the bloodline of immortal beasts.

Subsequently, in order to save tens of thousands of points, Zhou Mu let the remaining demon beasts return the same way.

Thousands of monster beasts roamed and returned along the road.

When passing through Sakura City, the whole city was on guard.

What was even more unexpected was that the "cherry blossom castle" on the city gate was changed to "cherry blossom country".

Zhou Mu doesn't care about these, as long as you don't mess with yourself, what do you like to call.

At the same time, the news of the destruction of the cherry blossom country spread.

Many cultivator forces on the border had received this news.

In an instant, they were all agitated.

Part uneasy, part horrified.

The Sakura Kingdom is also considered to be one of the few forces on the border of the Southern Spirit Domain.

A little stronger than most of the sects here.

Moreover, recently, they know that the Sakura Country has grown by leaps and bounds in strength with a weapon, and it is almost becoming the top force on the border.

But it didn't take long to hear the news of the annihilation.

These people don't want to believe it.

It wasn't until it was heard that Sakura City had been renamed Sakura Country that everyone accepted the news.

Sakura Castle, a subsidiary city of Sakura Country.

The lord of Sakura Castle once competed with Shirakawa Shinzo for the position of emperor, but only retired to the position of lord of the city after losing the defeat.

Now that Sakura Country has been destroyed, his ambitions have been revealed.

For a time, the high-level of the forces was panicked.

If you can destroy the Sakura Country, you will definitely be able to destroy them.

But none of them knew when such a force appeared in this place.

Some people who knew that the five trials failed some time ago linked the information to the Ten Thousand Beast Forest.

Although I can't believe it, now there is no more suitable target for suspicion than it.

They began to quietly send people to the Ten Thousand Beasts Forest to check the specific situation, while quietly sorting out their finances, preparing to flee immediately after they were defeated.

After Zhou Mu settled these demon beasts, he immediately used the teleportation anchor to return to the Ten Thousand Beasts Forest to see what this Xuanling Realm cultivator wanted to do.

Ye Hao shuttled through the forest, and the closer he got to the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain, the more surprised he became.

Not only is the strength of the demon beasts getting stronger and stronger, but even the types of demon beasts are extremely rare.

Those spirit beasts that are not common in the outside world, six of the ten demon beasts near the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain are spirit beasts.

Not to mention the alien beasts, it is simply everywhere.

The more Ye Hao looked at it, the more frightened he became, and his steps became slower and slower.

"Can I really see that person?" Ye Hao felt weak, doubting himself for the first time.

After Zhou Mu returned to the Ten Thousand Beasts Forest, he did not immediately go to find Ye Hao, but quickly went to the incubation room to bring the calf out.

He has horned teeth, a long body, as wide as a dog, red hair and chestnut, and a murderous appearance, which is extremely intimidating.

And at birth so long, there is no juvenile at all.

I don't know how the egg fits it in.

"The system is really magical. Zhou Mu stroked the body of the beast and slowly punched into a beast seal.

The murderous-looking Qian actually rubbed on Zhou Mu's hand.

The behavior is diametrically opposed to what it seems.

Zhou Mu did not finish reading the Mountain and Sea Scriptures in his previous life, but only saw some pictures of rare beasts and understood a little.

And the image of this calf in front of him is still quite in line with Zhou Mu's imagination.

After taking it away, Zhou Mu put another golden egg on the hatching tank.

He walked out of the incubation room, and the white phoenix and Xiaozi in the sky fell at the same time, extremely excited.

The six chickens on the floating island of the Bloodline Pool also ran over one after another, chattering non-stop.

Even if Zhou Mu didn't read the meaning of the chicken cubs, he could feel their excitement and happiness.

Although the six of them have no bloodline

, Xiao Zi has it! Since Xiao Zi has it, then they will also have it sooner or later! If

there is hope, then there is motivation!

Zhou Mu looked at the two phoenixes with emotion.

Before you know it, they are almost as tall as themselves.

It's all to their chins.

I think that Bai Feng was just like a sparrow, and he could still land on the horns of the green bull and bounce.

Now it's Turin.

Although he still can't be alone, Zhou Mu is sincerely happy to see them grow.

Xiao Zi rubbed affectionately on Zhou Mu's chest, and the thunder on his body was a little out of control because he was too happy, and he kept jumping out of the feathers.

The lightning arc whipped on Zhou Mu's face, if it weren't for Zhou Mu's thunder, he would really be injured by these arcs.

Xiao Zi also realized that he was too excited, and quickly put away the thunder and lightning on his body.

Then he looked at Zhou Mu cautiously.

Seeing that Zhou Mu did not blame himself, his heart felt more comfortable.

Zhou Mu looked at the other six chicken cubs and said with a smile: "If you are lucky, you will soon be able to get the bloodline." Saying

that, Zhou Mu's gaze inadvertently fell on Bai Feng.

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