Qingniu really couldn't stand it on the side.

The aura condensed into a big hand, grabbed the six chicken cubs and eggs, and glanced at Bai Feng.

Seeing this, Bai Feng also ran over.

So Qingniu began to teach this group of rookies to cultivate.

It's a bit of a hassle, but it's better than them chattering and running silly.

On the top of the mountain, there is one less lazy cow and one less bunch of silly birds.

The sunset covers the western sky, and the red sun quietly disappears into the hills.

Night has arrived and the stars are ticking.

Zhou Mu stopped running the Ten Thousand Beast Technique, and ten points of light slowly flew out from the meridians and landed again on the small night sky behind the shadow.

The phantom dissipated, and Zhou Mu looked at the atomized aura in the Spirit Palace and smiled with satisfaction.

[Trigger an urgent task.] The

system's beep suddenly sounds.

【Emergency Mission】Rescue the red-eyed spirit cat.

【Mission Reward】Body Magic Skill - Phantom, Random Bloodline *1, 500 points.

【Mission duration】4 hours

【Mission suggestion】There may be battles, please take protective measures with the host.

Red-eyed civet? This name is a little familiar.

Not much to worry about, look at the task reward.

Then Zhou Mu's spirit was shocked, except for the beast seal, he had no other spiritual skills.

And the body magic technique is essential for a practitioner.

You must know that the flying leaves that hid the four seasons deer in the first two days were barely avoided.

The pace is unorganized.

If you have a body magic skill, you won't be so embarrassed.

Seeing that there might be a battle in the mission, Zhou Mu just smiled gently, there was a green bull, and he didn't have to think about this at all.

Zhou Mu got up and walked out, with a smile on his face.

As soon as I walked out the door, I saw the six chicken cubs playing with each other, and the green cow next to them was pushing them, mooing from time to time.

"Little Green, you jumped early, you have to see Little Red's movements clearly and learn to judge.

"Xiaohuang is good, and I know that playing a false shake blow, Xiaolan, you have to refuel, practice more against each other, and increase actual combat experience."

"Actual combat experience is very important, which is why I asked you to practice against each other after cultivation.

"If you have cultivation in the void and have no actual combat experience, you can't become a strong person."

"Being strong is what is really strong." Hearing

this, the smile on Zhou Mu's face disappeared.

I was stunned in place for a while, thinking about my situation in the past few days.

I found that I seemed to rely on the green bull, no matter whether the opponent was strong or weak, I never made a move.

Qingniu's words were not only telling the group of chicken cubs, but also hinting at Zhou Mu and admonishing him to fight more.

Zhou Mu glanced at Qingniu gratefully.

Zhou Mu didn't understand these truths, but because he could finally cultivate, he was a little overjoyed, and he only had cultivation in his mind, forgetting the actual battle.

It was also some thoughts of seeking stability in his previous life that influenced him.

I thought about waiting for my cultivation to go up and then hone the actual battle.

Anyway, it's still early, and there are green bulls to support it.

But thinking about it, he only tried to fight the four seasons deer once, and it was not satisfactory.

This also made him understand that he lacked actual combat experience and relied too much on Qingniu, and always felt that Qingniu made a flat threat to save time and effort.

But this made him lose the opportunity to temper and find no shortcomings.

"Old cow, go out with me. You may have to fight this time, and when the time comes, you will teach me how to fight." Zhou Mu scratched his head and smiled awkwardly.

Qingniu showed a teachable expression and followed Zhou Mu down the mountain.

Before leaving, he also asked the group of chicken cubs, and they kept practicing without returning.

After listening, the chickens were about to fry.

But they are still honestly obedient, they don't want to be eaten.

However, Bai Feng still went his own way, did nothing, and cultivated to self-rise.

Luck is really good.

Along the way, Zhou Mu humbly asked for advice, and Qingniu also told him some combat skills little by little.

In the communication of one person and one beast, unknowingly has come to the system marking location.

The vision at night was not good, and after looking for a circle without results, Zhou Mu couldn't help but wonder.

"It should be this, how can I not find it." Seeing

that the purple punctuation on the system map coincided with his location, Zhou Mu couldn't help but think.

It won't be underground.

It just so happened that the Qingniu Spirit Nian came.

"There's a hole here, come and take a look. Hearing

this, Zhou Mu walked over.

The entrance of the cave was under a rocky mountain, one person high, just enough for Zhou Mu to enter.

The green bull is a little big, and it may get stuck when you go in.

Although he could let Qingniu expand the mouth of the cave, Zhou Mu did not intend to do so.

This time he intends to fight once.

As early as when he looked at the entrance of the cave, he found the footprints of people near the entrance of the cave.

To rescue the red-eyed spirit cat, most of them will have to conflict with that group of people.

Qingniu condensed a rock sword to Zhou Mu.

"With a knife. "Zhou Mu doesn't like to use swords, and it's not very comfortable to cut.

I saw the floating rock sword change in form, and in the blink of an eye it became a long knife.

Zhou Mu held the rock knife and swung it twice, the length was just right.

"If something happens to me, you hurry up." Zhou Mu was not very confident in his heart, and turned back to Qingniu and said.

"Don't worry, it won't let you have an accident. Qingniu replied.

If something happens to the owner, I don't know when I will come out next time.

After getting the green bull, Zhou Mu turned around and walked into the cave.

The cave was pitch black, and he couldn't see his five fingers, and Zhou Mu touched the stone wall the whole time.

On the way, you can faintly hear the sound of metal clashing.

Could it be that there are two waves of people?" said Zhou Muxin.

After a while, Zhou Mu saw the cave, and the cave emitted a faint white light, which made the cave much brighter.

Not only that, the closer he got to the cave, the stronger Zhou Mu felt the aura became.

Shouldn't it be a spirit stone mine?

Thinking of this, Zhou Mu was even more careful.

In this bad world, the spirit stone mine is enough for these people to fight among themselves.

Zhou Mucat leaned over and quietly entered the cave.

The cave is full of blue spirit stones.

Spirit stones come in large and small, scattered on the ground, on stone walls and on the top of caves.

The white light they emit makes the cave very bright.

Zhou Mu also saw the mission goal.

A white cat with red eyes is kept in a cage while two others are fighting.

His mouth also shouted words such as "how can there be a demon beast here" and "demon beast, look for death".

And beside the two of them there was also a woman who fell in a pool of blood, motionless.

The three of them also wore uniform red clothes.

Most of them are also disciples of a certain sect.

Thinking of this, Zhou Mu couldn't help but laugh.

How about joining the sect, giving your life for a little benefit, the gain is not worth the loss.

Thinking about it, I couldn't help but worry.

The small sects are like this, is there such a person in the Hehuan Saint Sect that Zhou Li joined.

Taking a long breath, Zhou Mu shook his head.

When you are strong enough, you have to take her back.

Zhou Mu raised his head and looked at the red-eyed spirit cat.

In a trance, the line of sight was distorted, and everything around him suddenly became different.

When he came back to his senses, all the spirit stones around him disappeared, and the white cat was nowhere to be seen, and I saw two huge dogs biting each other there.

"How can there be two dogs here?" thought subconsciously.

A dog suddenly screamed and fell to the ground.

The other dog turned his head to look at Zhou Mu and spat out words: "How can there be a demon beast, give me death! The giant

dog flew over, and Zhou Mu heard the dog spit out words, and his brain instantly sobered up.

I understand that I am now in a fantasy realm.

Remembering that I really thought they were two dogs just now, I was horrified.

"This illusion can also affect subjective judgment!"

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