Seeing that the giant dog was coming, Zhou Mu, who lacked actual combat experience, just wanted to dodge at this time.

However, the other party's speed was too fast, and just about to run to the side, the giant claw had already whistled.

In a hurry, Zhou Mu held the rock knife in front of him to resist the giant claw.

The giant claw hit the rock knife, making a sonorous sound.

This illusion is not real, how claws hit stones will make the sound of iron clashing.

Zhou Mu was in a fantasy realm, but guessed that this dog was the one who fought when he first entered the cave.

Zhou Mu couldn't help but complain in his heart, the illusion realm is too levelless, and he can see it with an impact on subjective judgment.

I thought I would be slapped out.

As a result, he caught the blow steadily.


Mu suddenly came confident, and the corners of his mouth grinned.

The Spirit Palace emerged, the aura moved, the dark golden phantom appeared behind him, and ten points of light flashed one after another like stars.

Then Zhou Muzhou's aura shook, and the phantom exuded a mighty force.

The power spread, and then Zhou Mu's foreground changed, and in the blink of an eye, all the scenery receded like a tide.

His eyes changed back to the appearance of a cave.

The red-pupiled spirit cat in the distance shivered, and its whole body curled up into a ball, and it really couldn't maintain the illusion.

The man's eyes in front of Zhou Mu also returned to clarity, and he watched blankly as the demon beast in front of him suddenly turned into a human.

Zhou Mu seized the opportunity, the rock knife pushed away the sword in his hand, and slashed forward.

The man reacted instantly, leaning back, bending down at the waist, and the rock knife skimmed above the tip of his nose.

Then he quickly retreated and distanced himself from Zhou Mu.

After standing firm, he looked around, as if looking for something.

Then his gaze fell on the two corpses not far apart.

The man roared in grief, his eyes red.

It seems that he really doesn't know how his classmate died.

"You actually killed them!?" the man roared.

In fact, the man knew that the two classmates killed themselves, and he did this to make himself feel better.

Seeing this, Zhou Mu couldn't help but sneer.

The acting is very good, if I hadn't seen him kill another dog with my own eyes, I would have believed it.

"I'll kill you!" the man was grief-stricken and rushed over viciously.

The spirit palace emerged from the man's eyebrows, and the spiritual energy floated in the spirit palace.

This man is only in the middle of the Aura Realm.

And Zhou Mu had already transformed into spiritual qi and entered the Spirit Rain Realm with half a foot.

Spiritual energy was injected into the sword, a faint white light emerged from the sword, and the ordinary iron sword instantly became a little sharper.

Zhou Mu snorted coldly and stood motionless in place.

Just make a chopping gesture and wait for the man to approach.

Originally, Zhou Mu was still a little panicked, even if his cultivation was not high, he had no actual combat experience.

But now he is not panicked, the other party is lower than his cultivation, and he still has the rock knife of the green bull.

No matter how it is said, it is also made by the Xuan Spirit Realm, and it is definitely stronger than the ordinary iron sword in the hands of the Spiritual Qi Realm.

I saw Zhou Mu pouring spiritual energy into the rock knife, and a bright white light emerged.

Then he urged the Ten Thousand Beast Technique, and a red star flew out from the beast soul starry sky and hovered near the rock knife.

Then slowly stick to the knife.

In an instant, there was a faint red brilliance in the white light.

The light illuminated Zhou Mupu's ordinary face.

Reflected in his eyes, it was as if his eyes could burst into white light.

The man was imposing, holding the sword in both hands, and walked in front of Zhou Mu in three or two steps.

With a loud roar, he swung his sword and slashed at Zhou Mu.

The man's sword shot surprised Zhou Mu.

He had thought that the man would split horizontally, but it turned out to be chopped from the top of his head.

Zhou Mu, who was not yet agile, had to use a rock knife to resist the sword that was about to fall on his head.

The iron sword fell.

A crisp voice sounded.

The iron sword broke.


The broken sword fell to the ground.

Zhou Mu's eyes narrowed slightly, and in addition to the man's shock, he kicked him in the chest.

The man was kicked down and slid two meters close to the ground.

Zhou Mu did not hesitate and slashed it with a knife.

The blade roared and fell on the man's head.



Frightened, the red-eyed spirit cat snorted.

The man's eyes widened and his pupils dilated.

Seeing this scene, Zhou Mu's legs suddenly trembled.

The first time in two lifetimes to kill someone, it is difficult to adapt.

But fortunately, Zhou Mu only had some nausea and trembling in his legs, and did not vomit.

[Congratulations to the host for overcoming his fear, successfully killing a fellow for the first time and obtaining a random intermediate beast soul*1]

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the shadow beast soul. 【


Shadow Beast [Potential] Spirit Beast

[Talent] Shadow Hiding

[Introduction] Creatures from the Shadow Realm like to hide in the shadows, and they may appear where there are shadows.

Before Zhou Mu could slow down, a series of prompts sounded in his mind.

After seeing it clearly, Zhou Mu couldn't help but laugh.

There is a spirit beast beast soul, this will be stronger.

As for the talent, Zhou Mu didn't expect to get it.

After a pause, Zhou Mu walked towards the red-eyed spirit cat.

After getting closer, Zhou Mu found that this was the white cat that fell into the water before.

The white cat in the cage saw that Zhou Mu had won effortlessly, and suddenly felt hopeless to escape.

When Zhou Mu looked at it, it actually looked at Zhou Mu with pitiful eyes.

Red eyes, white hair, meow calls.

Fortunately, Zhou Mu is not a cat slave, otherwise he would really lose.

Subconsciously, I wanted to condense a beast seal to mark it, but I found that I couldn't mark it.

Zhou Mu patted his head and thought about it.

It turned out that it had been marked before.

Only twenty years old, so forgetful.


Zhou Mu inquired about the Book of Ten Thousand Beasts.

[Name] Red Pupil Spirit Cat (Cat Linger) [Gender] Female

[Cultivation] Late stage of Reiki

Realm [Race Name] Fantasy Spirit Cat

[Race Potential] Immortal Beast [

Talent] Red Pupil

Illusion Realm, Cat's Life (can withstand nine fatal injuries).

【Introduction】The little princess of the Cat Forest of the Northern Spirit Domain was calculated at birth, resulting in impure bloodline and barely reaching the potential of spirit beasts. Go out to play, be besieged by enemies, and use the teleportation stone to escape.

Zhou Mu's hand that was just about to open the cage stopped.

This turned out to be an immortal

beast? So I met myself?

Oh, the bloodline is not pure, it is a spirit beast.

Talent is not noticed, and cats have nine lives and are often heard.

It's that the name and introduction are something.

The names of other monster beasts are all race names, and this cat actually has a name

! It's still a little princess!

What is the teleportation stone

? This is not something that I can touch now

? Will it bring trouble to leave it behind?

Thinking about it on the other hand, the Northern Spirit Domain seemed to be quite far away.

Once Zhou Mu heard that a Xuanling Realm powerhouse had to fly at full speed for half a year to cross a domain.

Open the system monitoring map, and after zooming out, the Holy Spirit Continent will appear.

He is in the southernmost part of the Southern Spirit Domain, and the Cat Forest is at the northernmost point of the Northern Spirit Domain.

Zhou Mu let out a long breath, the Cat Forest should not cross the two domains for a Aura Realm princess, right?

Moreover, it is just a spirit beast.

Thinking of this, Zhou Mu's hand began to move again, and he opened the cage in three or two clicks.

"This cage is still iron, can this trap the Spiritual Qi Realm?" Zhou Mu shook his head and released the red-pupiled spirit cat.

[Congratulations to the host for completing the emergency task and obtaining the body magic skill - phantom, fantasy spirit cat bloodline *1, 500 points. ]

Zhou Mu looked at the white cat with a strange expression.

At this time, the white cat was honestly licking its paws and did not run.

After feeling Zhou Mu's gaze, the white cat raised his head to look at him and spoke.

"Human, are you here to protect Princess Ben?"

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