Zhou Mu exclaimed, instantly let go of his hand, and pushed Bai Feng out.

Then quickly stopped the system.

At this time, the point balance is only 400,000.

"Not bad, good luck. Zhou Muxin said.

Bai Feng was bare, without that beautiful feather, and now it was like a chicken that had been plucked out.

The white phoenix stumbled a few steps, and the breeze around it blew on its skin, and it instantly shivered.

Not frozen, but frightened.

Bai Feng stiffly looked down at his body.

"Gah!" Bai

Feng screamed, and they all shouted broken.

"Why are my feathers gone!" "Why

are my beautiful feathers gone?" Bai

Feng trembled all over, looking at his body in disbelief.

On the ground, two lines of clear tears flowed from the corners of Bai Feng's eyes.

It turned to look at a few chicken cubs not far away and found that they were looking at him with strange eyes.

In an instant, Bai Feng's heart to die was there.

It quickly flapped its naked wings, and found that after losing its feathers, it couldn't fly at all, and it was a little uncomfortable for a while.

But fortunately, it is already a spiritual abyss realm and can fly in the air.

In the blink of an eye, the white phoenix flew away.

Chu Wei's small mouth on the side opened and closed slightly, covering her mouth with one hand, and she was surprised.

"Why do birds still take off their clothes!"

After speaking, he couldn't help but laugh.

She didn't really think that Zhou Mu had that strange proclivity.

Just to find some fun in this somewhat monotonous life.

After all, except for Zhou Mu, the entire forest is a person, and the others are all demon beasts.

Although it is much easier to get along with than humans, there is still some generation gap between humans and animals.

Zhou Mu scratched his head a little embarrassedly and looked in the direction where Bai Fengfei was going.

He also didn't expect that holding the luck consumed by the white phoenix would actually consume the feathers on his body.

It's kind of magical.

And didn't Bai Feng know that this would consume the feathers on its body

, or did it feel that Zhou Mu's luck could only trigger a few feathers, and the result was unexpected, and it consumed all its feathers.

Zhou Mu tuned Bai Feng's image through system monitoring.

I saw that Bai Feng in the picture breathed a sigh of relief, not at all feeling distressed by the feather just now.

It looked back in the direction of Ten Thousand Beast Mountain, its eyes burning, and said softly: "It's just a feather, just be able to help them."

After speaking, Bai Feng found a cave and drilled in.

Although Bai Feng really didn't care much about that feather, he still didn't want others to see him like this.

Seeing this scene, Zhou Mu was extremely moved in his heart.

Without saying a word, he quickly contacted the Spirit of the Sea in Kamikaze Bay.

Immediately afterwards, he teleported back the spirit of the vicissitudes of the sea.

"Bai Feng is in this cave, you hurry up and help Bai Feng cure his hair. Zhou Mu transmitted the information to the little mermaid's mind through the beast seal.

The little mermaid who received the order hurried to the target location.

Therefore, Zhou Mu no longer focused his attention on Bai Feng.

He turned his head to look at Chu Wei not far away: "Came back, didn't leave the Ten Thousand Beasts Forest, right?"

Chu Wei nodded, but finally did not hold back, and asked: "Xiaobai, what's wrong?"

Hearing this, Zhou Mu responded: "It's not a big deal, Xiaobai's feathers can bring good luck to people."

"But once good luck comes, the feathers are consumed."

"Then I did something and my luck was used too much, causing the white phoenix to go bald." Zhou

Mu's fluttering words made Chu Wei's eyes widen.


as Chu Wei weighed it up, she was about to ask Zhou Mu what he had done.

Zhou Mu looked at her and smiled mysteriously: "Come, I'll let you see something interesting." Chu

Wei's words came to her lips and swallowed again, and she stared at Zhou Mu seriously to see what that interesting thing was.

I saw that Zhou Mu would beckon a few chicken cubs to come over.

"I have done what I promised you before.

"Now it's up to you to accept these bloodlines." Chu

Wei was confused when she heard Zhou Mu's words.

What bloodline, what promise?

Just when she was puzzled, Zhou Mu opened his arms.

As an energy fluctuation came out in front of him, six bloodlines exuding monstrous coercion appeared in front of Zhou Mu.

Zhou Mu smoothly let the system block the breath of the bloodline of the divine beast,

he looked at the chicken cubs and said, "Come, see which one you can accept." When

the words fell, the six chicken cubs involuntarily stepped forward.

At the same time, the six bloodlines in Zhou Mu's arms suddenly emitted a burst of phoenix sounds.

The six chicken cubs with longing faces suddenly stopped, wanting to pass, but they could not take that step.

Zhou Mu frowned, puzzled: "What's going on?"

[Ding, these bloodlines and the Thunder God Phoenix bloodline are somewhat special, it is recommended that the host put them into the bloodline pool and then let the demon beasts absorb. ]

Just as Zhou Mu was about to listen to the system's opinion, a strange energy fluctuation suddenly came from the Thunder Divine Phoenix.

Its body emitted a brilliant purple light, flapping its wings and flying high, and it roared.

The sound of phoenix carries the sound of thunder and runs through the entire sky.

The Thunder Divine Phoenix spread its wings and hung above Zhou Mu's head, and the strange energy fluctuations resonated with the six bloodlines in Zhou Mu's arms.

In an instant, the sound of phoenix chirping in the bloodline became clearer.

After a while, one after another phoenix phantoms flew out from the bloodline and flew to the same position as the Thunder Divine Phoenix.

There are seven phoenix figures hanging in the sky.

They used the Thunder Divine Phoenix as a medium, and their bodies all exuded strange energy fluctuations.

When these energies were connected together, there was a sudden hum on the bloodline.

The six chickens standing in place also emitted a buzz, and the energy fluctuations were the same.

Above the sky, those six bloodline phantoms slowly fused into the body of the Thunder God Phoenix.

On the ground, the Thunder Divine Phoenix shone with colorful light.

There was also a faint tendency to change Xiao Zi's body

, but because it was only a phantom, these rays did not last long.

But it was also the emergence of these colorful rays of light that made the six bloodlines in Zhou Mu's arms fly out by themselves.

Flew straight to the six chickens.

Emerald Spirit Phoenix, Little Green.

Flame Divine Phoenix, Little Red.

Ice crystal divine phoenix, little blue.

Curse Golden God Phoenix, Little Orange.

Iwawa Shenfeng, Xiaohuang.

Cangqing Shenfeng, Xiaoqing.

Six blood veins slowly wrapped them.

Magical power is slowly entering their bodies, quietly transforming their bodies.

In the sky, the Thunder God Phoenix returned to normal.

It looked at the chickens below with a look of surprise.

Somehow, the connection between them seems to be closer.

Chu Wei watched the whole time, and she had been in shock since the pile of blood cells that exuded monstrous coercion.

Unseen means, unseen scenes.

She thought that the cultivation of the Lingchuan Realm before had been able to contact this world more.

Unexpectedly, after seeing Zhou Mu, he found that he was too conceited.

So far, he had never seen any of the means Zhou Mu had shown.

She looked at Zhou Mu stunnedly.

Zhou Mu stared intently at the six chicken cubs that gradually emitted light.

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