After a while, the bloodlines including the chicken cubs were all integrated into their bodies.

The Thunder Divine Phoenix soared above them, exuding a purple aura that shone on the chickens below.

The chicken cubs were illuminated by this light, and then they saw them soaring into the air, their eyes shining, suspended in midair.

As there were fluctuations of spiritual energy from their bodies, the six chicken cubs emitted six rays of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and blue one after another.

Brilliant and shining into the sky.

The Thunder Divine Phoenix flew to the end very cooperatively, emitting the last purple light.

In an instant, the top of Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain was like a long rainbow crossing the heavens and the earth, which was magnificent.

Fortunately, there is a system to shield the vision, and this colorful rainbow can only be seen within the range of the Ten Thousand Beast Forest.

In a certain cave, Bai Feng had just been treated by the little mermaid, and small fluff had already grown on his body.

The two of them walked out of the cave and looked in the direction where Changhong was.

That mighty momentum spread throughout the Ten Thousand Beast Forest.

At this moment, all the demon beasts stopped and looked at Changhong.

Bai Feng felt the breath of chicken cubs in that momentum, and was immediately relieved.

"The feathers were not in vain.

"You can fly higher and farther." The

little mermaid didn't understand what Bai Feng was talking about, but his little face was full of surprise as he looked at the long rainbow that crossed the heavens and the earth.

Then he suddenly slapped his head and quickly ran towards Ten Thousand Beast Mountain.

"My kamikaze bay hasn't been purified yet, so I have to let the owner send me back quickly."

Qingniu looked at the chicken cubs, and for the first time there was appreciation in his eyes.

With a smile at the corner of his mouth, Zhou Mu stood with Chu Wei, bathed in the colorful rainbow.

The colorful rainbow soon drowned the figures of the six chicken cubs.

When their figures appeared from the rainbow light again, their bloated and round bodies had turned into perfect phoenix bodies.

They let out a long sound, and the sound of seven phoenix sounds penetrated the forest of ten thousand beasts.

The colorful rainbow dissipated, and seven phoenixes of different colors spread their wings and flew high, hovering over the top of Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain.

[Congratulations to the host for meeting the conditions and unlocking the building: Sycamore Divine Tree.] 【

Sycamore Divine Tree】Phoenix inhabiting sycamore, each branch and leaf is a small world, which can provide an excellent ecological environment for organisms, tap biological potential, and improve the growth rate of organisms. Points: 2 million (construction conditions: have a world)

The prompt of the system was very sudden, and Zhou Mu was also very surprised when he saw it, and the corners of his eyes jumped.

Are you sure you're not kidding me

, owning a world

? This is what my little Lingchuan Realm can think of?Zhou

Mu is not surprised by the world that the system said, after all, those demon beasts from various worlds before are still in the farm.

It is only a matter of time before it comes into contact with other events.

However, Zhou Mu really did not expect that the system wanted to let himself contact so quickly.

"System, are you sure this construction condition is correct

?" "Are you trying for me to take this world down?"

When the breeding level is reached, the system will open the Ten Thousand Beast Realm for the host.

Zhou Mu was slightly surprised: "Does the Ten Thousand Beast Realm belong to me?"

Zhou Mu was embarrassed, and couldn't help but complain: "What's the use of opening it!" [

The Ten Thousand Beast Realm is the masterless realm, which is controlled by the system to cultivate ten thousand beasts, and if the host has the ability, it can take over the Ten Thousand Beast Realm. 】

【The specific role, please explore by the host after opening the Ten Thousand Beast Realm.】 The

system said a piece of information, and then sent Zhou Mu away with a cliché, falling into silence.

No matter how Zhou Mu asked, the system didn't say a word.

"To upgrade the breeding level?"

"You told me the upgrade conditions!"

[Ding, please improve the cultivation of the host first.] Hearing

this, Zhou Mu was silent.

He had been in contact with cultivation for a short time, not even half a year.

He thought that his current cultivation speed was fast enough, but he still underestimated the world's heroes.

In such a short time, Zhou Mu had been very restrained from going out, and as a result, there were still people looking for trouble.

And the enemy is getting stronger.

This time it even touched on the Holy Spirit Realm.

"Qingniu took his holy weapon, and he will definitely come back to get it."

"At that time, the green bull will not be able to hold on." Thinking

that the system had said before that the farm could be blocked and outside creatures were prohibited from entering, Zhou Mu had a decision in his heart.

"Unexpectedly, I would also choose this method. Zhou Mu laughed helplessly at himself.

A moment later, he summoned all the demon beasts outside to return to the Ten Thousand Beasts Forest within three days.

Three days later, except for those monster beasts that were hatched by others, the rest of the living monster beasts all returned to the farm.

"System, turn on the lockdown state. Zhou Mu thought silently in his heart.

[Blockade is on.]

In an instant, hundreds of formations were covered in three farms.

When the formation was arranged, these three places seemed to have disappeared from this world, and no signs could be traced again.

No creatures outside will come in, and the monster beasts inside can't get out.

Zhou Mu's voice spread in the mind of the demon beast: "Guys, now you only need to do one thing, that is, make yourself stronger.

"There's no need to worry about outside intrusions.

"They can't do it!" "I'll

make progress with you."

"I hope that every time we meet, we can see each other's progress!" When

the words fell, Zhou Mu turned and left, filling the automatic feeding device in the farm.

All are premium rations.

At the same time, the three holy lords looked at the Hehuan holy lord with solemn faces.

"Yun Mu, can you do it?"

"You've been tinkering for three days, and you haven't moved." Yun

Mu's expression was solemn, and one after another talisman seals were suspended beside him, tinkering with the first Heavenly Dao talisman seal.

"Shut up, the Heavenly Dao Talisman Seal is so easy to solve?" Yun Mu scolded impatiently.

The three of them let out a long sigh, the Heavenly Dao Rune Seal was indeed difficult to solve, but Yun Mu, who had evil qi, could still try it.

But how long it will take is unknown.

However, they are not in a hurry, it seems that the Heavenly Dao can still hold on, and they still have time to layout.

And that demon beast that snatched the holy weapon, even if it was given for decades, it would be difficult to break through the Holy Spirit Realm.

The four thought to themselves.

From spring to autumn, the long years of the year have been like quicksand held in the hand, silently and silently lost.

In just one year, the outside world has changed.

There was a half-orc who had gained fame in the Southern Spirit Domain before, and no one of the same rank dared to fight.

Later, a group of cultivators who claimed to have abandoned the Heavenly Sect quickly subdued a group of cultivation sects.

What was even more shocking was that there were suspected Holy Spirit Realm cultivators among this group of cultists.

This group of cultists was unscrupulous, but none of the four holy lords came forward.

For a time, the bold cultivators directly let go of themselves, and some even joined the Heaven Abandoning Sect.

This year, the Southern Spirit Domain was very chaotic.

And Zhou Mu, who stayed in the farm, didn't know much about these things.

After all, he still has three demon beasts outside.

As for the egg given to Zhou Li, I don't know why, it has not hatched for a year.

Zhou Mu, who was sitting next to Qingniu, slowly opened his eyes.

There was a mighty aura fluctuation on his body.

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