Zhou Mu looked up at the sky coldly.

As the power of the Heavenly Dao in the sky shook, the golden dragon of Qi Luck that emerged was dispersed again and returned to the hands of the Heavenly Dao.

Zhou Mu looked at this scene calmly, with a playful smile on the corner of his mouth.

Heavenly Dao actually remembered him, which made Zhou Mu a little surprised.

This place of his own did not make Tiandao lose face.

It's not bad if you don't fall a thunderclap.

"Do you really think I'm rare?" Zhou Mu scoffed.

The arrival of luck will only bring him endless trouble.

Moreover, if you collect its luck, it will be a little difficult to do with it in the future.

To be honest, Zhou Mu actually wanted Heavenly Dao to drop the thunder to kill himself.

In this way, he can go against the Heavenly Dao without psychological pressure.

But there doesn't seem to be much psychological pressure now.

Qingniu looked at Zhou Mu with admiration: "I have seen a lot of scenes of Heavenly Dao sending extreme realm luck.

"You let the luck sent by Heavenly Dao take it back, it's the first time I've seen it." Zhou

Mu and Qingniu looked at each other and smiled, both of them felt very interesting.

"It's better to have less contact. Zhou Mu said softly.

Then Zhou Mu turned his head to look at Chu Wei, and said with a serious face: "You will have to go to the Dao in the future."

"Don't learn that thing.

Zhou Mu stretched out his finger and pointed to the sky to educate Chu Wei.

Chu Wei nodded, blinked, and didn't say anything.

When the power of the Heavenly Dao dissipated, Zhou Mu stretched his body.

Feeling the strength in my body, the weekend was happy and depressed.

Happily, the realm has finally broken through, and more than 90,000 spirit rivers have been condensed in a year, and there may be no one in this world who is faster than him.

Frustrated, it had been a year before he broke through from the Spirit Chuan Realm to the Spirit Sea Realm.

And those demon beasts under his command seemed to be reborn.

In just one year, it really changed them.

Just as Weekend Mu was about to check the strength of the demon beasts, the power of the Heavenly Dao that had just dissipated appeared again.

This time, he came with the power of robbery and thunder.

Seeing this, Zhou Mu was stunned for a moment.

When I thought that I had unblocked the Ten Thousand Beasts Forest, I thought of the reason.

"Who broke through the Xuan Spirit Mirror again?" Because

it was blocked before, the Heavenly Dao could not find the location of the demon beasts, so when the demon beasts broke through, there was a little more aura around them, and there was no other vision at all.

Feeling the coercion of the thunder, Zhou Mu already knew that this was the heavenly calamity of the Xuanling Realm.

"Meow!" The

thunder pressure was as vast as the sky, slowly condensing in a certain corner above the Ten Thousand Beast Forest.

There, a white cat barked in horror.

"Fieldmaster, what's going on

?" "Why will there be a heavenly calamity if I break through the Xuanling Mirror?" "

I won't fight! Will I be killed by lightning!" Cat

Linger stood in the thunder area with a sad face, raising her head to face the heavenly thunder.

"Brother Tianlei, it was my fault before, I shouldn't have laughed at you along with the owner.

"My first time, can you be lighter?"

the cat Linger's limbs were a little soft, and she kept muttering in her mouth.

It didn't expect it to be so unlucky.

Hearing Cat Linger's voice, Zhou Mu suddenly felt a little funny, and quickly comforted: "I just lifted the blockade, it's really not the time for you to break through."

"But don't worry, Heavenly Thunder can't kill you, don't worry."

"This day thunder is not enjoyed by other demon beasts. Hearing

this, Cat Linger cried out in a wow: "I don't want to be struck by lightning, it's not fair, they haven't been slashed by lightning!"

It seems that the stimulation of Cat Linger is not big enough.

In the blink of an eye, the little wolf, egg, frost dragon, heaven-breaking horse, spirit of the sea, flame fire dragon, seven chicken cubs and other monster beasts all arrived.

Ah no, the chickens are phoenixes now.

Their bodies all exude the aura of the Xuan Spirit Realm, but the strength of the breath varies.

With the Flame Fire Dragon, the Heaven-Breaking Horse and the Spirit of the Sea are the strongest, the seven divine phoenixes are second, and the rest are the little wolves and these immortal beasts.

But in a year, the benefits of bloodline strength began to be felt.

Although their strength is uneven, it does not affect the relationship between them.

I saw these demon beasts surrounding Cat Linger, looking proud.

"Oh, Sister Ling'er, how can you be struck by lightning.

"Why don't we have heavenly thunder!"

said several demon beasts simply, while the others nodded in agreement.

Cat Linger looked at their smug expressions, more uncomfortable than being struck by lightning.

"Okay, you guys wait for me

!" "Look how I clean you up!"

After speaking, Cat Ling'er exploded her hair, hunched over, and her pupils flashed with golden light.

It roared angrily towards the sky, but its voice was extremely soft: "Thunder come!" In

an instant, a purple light streaked through the sky, and then a purple thunder carrying a heaven-destroying aura suddenly descended and locked on Cat Linger.

In an instant, the monster beasts around froze.

"No, you're playing really!" "

Can you hold this?" They

felt this breath and couldn't help but start worrying about my cat Linger.

Although they can block this heavenly thunder, they are Xuan Ling Realm, and they are several times stronger than Cat Ling'er in all aspects.

Cat Ling'er is only in the Spirit Abyss Realm, and this heavenly thunder may seriously injure it.

Seeing that the monster beasts cared about themselves, Cat Linger smiled slyly.

"Say you want to clean up, are you ready?" Anyway

, this thunder can't even kill himself, and it definitely can't hurt their group of Xuan Spirit Realms.

It just so happened that this group of guys had been comfortable in the forest for a year.

Let's practice with Heavenly Thunder twice.

Thinking of this, Cat Linger quickly flew to the center of the group of monster beasts.

The monster beasts had not yet reacted to how Cat Linger was going to clean herself up, and when they saw it flying over, they thought that it knew that they couldn't resist and came to ask for help.

Zhou Mu saw Mao Linger's intention and planned to watch the play, when Qingniu said inexplicably.

"Hey, these little guys, the head is really iron.

Zhou Mu looked at Qingniu suspiciously.

Qingniu responded, "The power of the Heavenly Thunder will change according to the number and strength of the creatures in the Doom Area.

"Like now, the power of the heavenly thunder has at least reached the peak of the Xuanling Realm. "

The kitten will definitely not be able to stand it, and the rest will not know."

Zhou Mu nodded without care.

Can't stand it?

Anyway, with my own presence, there will definitely be no problem.

But it's just a thunderbolt.


of this, Zhou Mu's body thundered up, and several golden spirit rivers gushed out from the golden spirit palace, merging into the thunder.

Faintly, he actually dragged part of the heavenly thunder over.

The beasts that were forcibly entered the mine-robbing area were originally full of confidence.

But after feeling the aura of thunder suddenly increase, their expressions froze.

How could the thunder tribulation suddenly increase?

It was so strong, I couldn't resist it without injury.

Cat Linger's hair stood up, and the monstrous thunder pressure made it a little breathless.

"Why didn't anyone tell me that Thunder Tribulation would still be like this!"

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