"I can't seem to bear this!"

Cat Linger wailed at the monsters.

"Farm master save me!" At

this time, Zhou Mu was absorbing the energy of the heavenly thunder, constantly strengthening his own thunder.

Seeing this, Zhou Mu was a little worried in his heart, and immediately used the system to shield the Heavenly Dao and dissipate the Heavenly Thunder.

"Quick, help Cat Ling'er block the Heavenly Tribulation

!" "This thunder can't be stopped, let's join forces!" I don't

know which demon beast roared, and the sound quickly spread all around, falling into the ears of these demon beasts.

Hearing this, Qingniu hurriedly stopped Zhou Mu.

"It's time to see how much they've grown. Qingniu said slowly.

Zhou Mu nodded approvingly, holding his hands to his chest, and the energy of heavenly thunder was constantly absorbed by him.

As the words of the demon beast fell, the Heaven-Breaking Horse stepped out and rushed into the sky at a rapid pace.

"Come on, let me see how strong this so-called Heavenly Tribulation is!" the Heavenly Breaking Horse laughed heartily, his eyes full of fanaticism, and his fighting intent was awe-inspiring.

As the highest cultivator in this group of demon beasts, he had arrogant capital.

"Breaking the sky!" roared

the broken horse, and a sharp horn appeared out of thin air above his head, emitting a dazzling light.

The sharp corners point straight to the sky, and the light bursts out, piercing the sky.

In an instant, the clouds in the sky were scattered, but in an instant they were filled again.

The sharp horn of the Heavenly Breaking Horse pierced the Heavenly Thunder, and the breath of the Heavenly Thunder was visibly weakened by the naked eye.

Just when it wanted to attack the Heavenly Thunder again, the Heavenly Thunder had already landed on its body.

Immediately afterwards, the flaming fire dragon burst into flames and soared into the air, like a round of bright sun, crashing into the sky thunder.

The demon beasts in the late stage of the Xuanling Mirror attacked the heavenly thunder one after another, resisting the power of the heavenly thunder.

"Okay, I can carry this!" The

words fell, and Cat Linger took off into the air above the two demon beasts, blocking the falling thunder with her petite body.

The Skybreaker and the Flame Dragon fell from the sky, and although there was no damage to the appearance, the steps of walking were a little vain.

"Okay, resistant.

"Heavenly Thunder is no more than that. The

Heaven-Breaking Horse moved his muscles and glanced at the Flame Fire Dragon.

The beasts looked up at Cat Ling'er and found that the thunder that hit it was refining its flesh.

After a few moments, the thunder dissipated.

Just when everyone thought that the thunder tribulation was like this, the clouds in the sky were delayed, and another thunder quietly brewed.

"How can there be more!" Although

Thunder can quench the flesh, but a few successive dishes, Cat Linger's body will still be unable to eat it.

But seeing that the thunder had not fully condensed, the seven phoenixes let out a long cry and spread their wings and flew into the sky.

"Brothers, let me see our new talent!" Seven

rays of light of various colors emanated from them and streaked straight across the sky.

They flew from seven directions to the place where Thunder Condensed.

Just as they were about to meet, the seven phoenixes suddenly burst out with a dazzling colored light.

Engulf them all in the blink of an eye.

The colored

light emitted a mighty energy fluctuation, like the holy light of the gods.

A figure gradually appeared in the light.

Colored light slowly blends into the figure.

On the ground, a colorful bird full of rainbow light hovered in mid-air.

The big bird chirped angrily, and the rainbow light around it bloomed, exuding a terrifying aura.

In the blink of an eye, the halo covered the entire sky, and the rainbow light pierced the clouds, as if tearing the cloud curtain and seeing the sky again.

Just when the beasts were surprised by the phoenixes' methods, the heavenly thunder broke through the barrier of the rainbow light and landed on the colorful Xuan Bird.

The colorful bird groaned softly and blinked.

Why doesn't Lei hurt this day?"

"Sister Ling'er, come on." Saying

that, the colorful Xuan Bird broke free from the heavenly thunder and gave up this bowl of thick thunder to Cat Linger.

In the following period, the Heavenly Tribulation lowered three more thunders.

These demon beasts weakened these thunders respectively and let the cat linger cross the calamity.

However, Heavenly Thunder is Heavenly Thunder after all, and these monster beasts have also been injured harmlessly.

The aura around Cat Ling'er surged, and as the clouds in the sky dissipated, it successfully stepped into the Xuanling Mirror.

Cat Bell looked at the demon beast with tears in the corner of her eyes, and her heart was extremely moved for a while.

They originally wanted to clean them up, but it turned out to be self-defeating, not only did they not blame themselves, but they also helped themselves resist the heavenly calamity.

Cat Linger was moved to death!

Zhou Mu was extremely pleased to see this scene.

"Not only has there been an improvement in strength, but the relationship between them has also improved, and they are more united than before.

Thinking of this, Zhou Mu suddenly felt a little frustrated.

They are all in the Xuan Spirit Realm, and they have just reached the Spirit Sea Realm.

I thought that I could break through to the Spirit Abyss Realm at least a year.

As a result, I underestimated the difficulty of Jichuan.

365 days condensed more than 90,000 spirit rivers.

It's already awesome.

Zhou Mu comforted himself in his heart.

But it's really powerful.

On average, more than 300 spirit rivers are condensed a day.

Some people can't condense so many Lingchuan in a lifetime.

This is also thanks to the systematic exercises and those beast souls that Zhou Mu fused.

Now Zhou Mu only has 100,000 points left.

It is for the three-minute Heavenly Spirit Realm of the green bull to prevent accidents.

The other points obtained were all exchanged for beast souls to increase their cultivation speed.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to condense so many Lingchuan in one day.

Seeing that these demon beasts had made such great progress, Zhou Mu was a little curious for a while about what strength these farms had now.

Just when he couldn't wait to open the system panel, several aura fluctuations suddenly came out from the Ten Thousand Beasts Forest.

Zhou Mu's eyes widened, and his face was full of incredulity.

He looked at Qingniu and then at the place where the aura fluctuations came from.

"Is this demon beast breaking through the Earth Spirit Realm?" "

Do you want to be so mental!" Zhou Mu smiled helplessly.

The stronger the demon beasts, the happier Zhou Mu felt in his heart, but it also made him, the owner of the Spirit Sea Realm, a little frustrated.

"I'm very strong, I can get more than three hundred Lingchuan a day. "

I'm just going for the extreme, not my waste." Zhou

Mu continued to comfort himself in his heart.

The green bull on the side felt this breath and shook his head helplessly.

"There must be an Earth Spirit Mirror Demon Beast."

"Old cow, I won't be of much use in the future."

"Finally I can sleep peacefully." "

During the year, Zhou Mu and all the demon beasts were in the farm, so that except for daily tasks and emergency tasks, nothing else was triggered.

There is no way to unlock the Qingniu Heavenly Lock Seal.

Hearing Qingniu's words, Zhou Mu smiled.

"Let's hope that day will come soon." "

Qingniu has been his hole card from beginning to end.

When there is really no need for Qingniu to make a move, then his own farm has become a transcendent force.

The monster beasts looked up at the sky strangely.

I saw six beast kings standing in the air, exuding the aura of the peak of the Xuan Spirit Realm, and only one thunder tribulation away from the Earth Spirit Realm.

"Come on, I didn't have a chance before, now I want to try how strong the power of the sky is!" The

six beast kings stood proudly, staring at the sky.

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