"Sister, I am already in the Xuan Spirit Realm, and my grandmother's strength has also reached the peak of the Earth Spirit Realm. "

Going back this time will definitely not hurt you again!" Mao

Yun'er was emotional, and there was some pride in his tone, as if he wanted Mao Yun'er to praise it.

It was immersed in the emotion of meeting Cat Linger, and there was only joy in its mind, and the urgency to take her sister back.

The moment she saw Cat Linger, Mao Yun'er automatically made up in her mind that her sister had suffered for more than a year.

After all, the original sister was too weak, exiled to a strange place, and did not know what price to pay to live.

Mao Yun'er hugged her sister tightly and waited for her answer.

As a result, after waiting for a while, the group of cultivators in the distance had died several times, and Mao Yun'er still did not hear her sister's answer.

It let go of Cat Ling'er in bewilderment, and asked stunnedly: "Sister

?" "What's wrong with

you?" "Why don't you answer?" Cat

Linger breathed a long sigh of relief and blamed: "Yun'er, why are you still like this, big grin, don't think things through."

"Didn't you even notice that I came in the air?" Cat Linger's

words sounded in its ears like thunder, its eyes slightly condensed, and its face was full of surprise and disbelief.

"Sister, have you reached the Spirit Abyss Realm?" Two

small white cats of the same size, standing opposite each other at this time, one of them has a strong breath, and the other cat breath is not obvious, but with the momentum of an elder, teaching Cat Yun'er.

It's not that Mao Yun'er is afraid of it, but that Mao Yun'er respects its sister.

With a smile on her face, Cat Linger shook her head slightly, and said slowly: "No."

"Sister is already in the Xuan Spirit Realm!" The

words fell, and the aura around Cat Linger's body shook, and the turbulent aura fluctuations scattered out, washing in Mao Yun'er's heart.

In an instant, Mao Yun'er opened her mouth wide, and the surprise in her eyes became even stronger.

"Sister, why are you so strong!" At

this time, Mao Yun'er was no longer as strong as before, and she was completely a little sister in front of Cat Linger.

Although the current Cat Ling'er cultivation is still a little closer to Cat Yun'er, you must know that Cat Ling'er was only in the Aura Realm a year ago.

Cat Yun'er circled around it excitedly, her eyes shining.

"With this strength, we no longer have to be as careful as before.

"Sister, let's go back quickly, I have already investigated who is the murderer of you."

"Now that you are so strong, coupled with grandma's presence, even if you kill it, no beast will say a word."

"Oh yes, Grandma also found a way to awaken the bloodline. "

Cat Yun'er chattered, and the noisy Cat Ling'er had a big head for a while.

But knowing that it was for his own good, Mao Linger listened patiently.

When she heard the awakening bloodline, Cat Linger was startled.

Mao Yun'er came back to her senses, felt that she had touched her sister's scar, and quickly apologized, thinking of a little kitten cub who had done something wrong.

The cat Linger gently raised its front paws and gently patted it on the head.

"They all said don't be so impatient, you and I are in the same vein, haven't you noticed that mine is different?" Hearing

this, Mao Yun'er slowly felt from Cat Linger's paws.

After two breaths, Mao Yun'er gasped: "Sister, what have you gone through?" "

Grandma paid some price to get you the opportunity to awaken the bloodline.

"But your bloodline is so pure now, you don't need that ethereal awakening at all."

Speaking of this, Mao Yun'er suddenly took two steps back and said suspiciously: "Sister, did you do something to sell your soul." Cat

Linger looked at the appearance of Xiaomei who had never seen the world, and immediately laughed.

"What, these experiences of mine are very common here, they have all been experienced. Speaking

of this, Cat Ling'er looked up at the beasts in the distance, looking at the chicken cubs that turned into phoenixes.

"What do you mean?" Mao Yun'er didn't slow down for a while, and asked subconsciously.

The frost dragon watching the play in the distance couldn't help but laugh, and the cold breath overflowed uncontrollably from his mouth.

"This little cat, just this frizzy, how did he cultivate to the Xuan Spirit Realm, I heard that it also covers the young generation of the Southern Spirit Domain.

"What kind of waste are the people outside here!"

the words of the frost dragon were like cold swords, piercing Mao Yun'er's heart.

It instinctively wanted to refute, but thought that it had ignored a lot of things because of impulse, and suddenly calmed down.

It looked at Cat Linger and asked, "Sister, this is?" "

Yo, how did you calm down this time?

Cat Yun'er gritted his teeth, forced his anger, and muttered in a low voice: "Abominable stinky

lizard!" It didn't know this blue-skinned creature, only thought it was a little more powerful than a lizard, and had wings, thinking it was a mutant lizard.

Cat Ling'er didn't care about its words, and neither did the Frost Dragon.

After all, many beasts used to call themselves this way, but as they got stronger, they all changed their names.

I believe that it will not be long before this kitten will willingly change its name, and there is no need to waste time wrestling with it here.

Cat Linger gave the frost dragon a blank look: "Say two words less, if you don't make a move, those few cultivators will die, and you will come for nothing." The

frost dragon didn't care at all: "Originally, that group of cultivators was brought by the way, and this kitten is the purpose of the owner calling us here."

But Cat Linger said it, it was not good to interject again, turned his head and continued to watch the battle.

Only then did Cat Linger reply: "This is the Frost Dragon."

"My... Companion. Cat

Linger thought for a while and found the words that best matched their relationship.

Mao Yuner was stunned.


this creature be our servants?

We are immortal beasts, although our cultivation is of the same rank, but in the bloodline we suppress them!

In Mao Yun'er's cognition, there has not been a creature with a higher bloodline than the bloodline of immortal beasts in this world.

And fairy beasts are even rarer, their cat forest is an exception, strong fertility, and high blood purity, passed down from generation to generation, the purity of fairy beast bloodline has not changed much.

Occasionally there are exceptions to the bloody mix, just like the cat Linger.

But even so, they can awaken their bloodlines through some means.

This is also why the Cat Forest can dominate the side and talk about "human slaves".

Cat Linger knew what it was thinking, and admonished with a straight face: "Here you put away your arrogance for me."

"That lizard in your mouth is an immortal beast of the same bloodline level as us!"

"Even if we join forces, we may not be able to fight it."

"And the wolf that surrounds the wind blade is also an immortal beast.

"The one covered in red lines is also an immortal beast.

"And the one with white feathers that has been flying in the sky is also an immortal beast." "

My sister's words can be understood, but when I listen to them, my brain goes blank."

I only heard my sister's flat narration of amazing words.

Immortal beasts

! Immortal beasts! Immortal

beasts! So many immortal beasts!

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