Just when Mao Yun'er was in a trance, before he could receive this information, the words that shocked him even more came out of Mao Linger's mouth.

"Do you think that the immortal beast in this world is the highest bloodline?" "

Think our immortal beast can be high?"

"Then it is very wrong!"

Cat Ling'er looked calm, looking at the indisputable Cat Yun'er.

It turned its head and stretched out its claws to point at the scaly horse-shaped creature: "Did you see it?"

"Divine beast!" noticed

that Cat Ling'er mentioned herself, and quickly turned to look at the two sisters, revealing an expression that thought she was very domineering.

However, this smile fell in their eyes, but it seemed a little unusual.

Cat Linger looked at Broken Heaven Horse stunnedly, and then looked at her sister, her face full of doubts.

I have never seen a divine beast, but I have heard of it! The divine beast

in the ancient books is not a coercive and arrogant existence.

Why is this divine beast in front of him a little not very smart.

"Sister, are you sure this is the divine beast I imagined?" Mao Yun'er thought for a while, and although she was a little disrespectful, she still asked.

Only listening to the cold snort of the broken heavenly horse, the qi and blood surged, and the blood pressure was released a little.

In an instant, a fear from the depths of the bloodline appeared in Mao Yun'er's heart, making his body lower a little.

If the coercion is all released, it must not be crushed down?"

"Kitten, incompetence is not terrible, terrible is ignorance."

"Next time you don't understand anything, don't talk nonsense." Breaking Heaven still had that domineering expression, and quickly collected the terrifying momentum on his body.

Mao Yun'er was sweating profusely and slowed down for a while before returning to normal.

Cat Linger coughed lightly: "Now you know, don't be so unscrupulous outside." "

It's all my own bloody lesson.

Just tell it, and it will definitely not take it seriously.

Only if you really let it suffer, it will have a long memory.

So Cat Linger then introduced the Flame Dragon and the seven chicken cubs to it.

Sure enough, after suffering a loss, Mao Yuner was a lot more honest.

During the whole process, without saying a word, his eyes kept falling on those demon beasts.

Divine beasts... The

pride in Mao Yun'er's heart was shattered at this moment, and she suddenly felt that her insight was still too shallow.

Always stay in the cat forest, resting on your laurels, fighting for that little right.

Cat Ling'er didn't tell it that the phoenix was just a common chicken cub before, and didn't tell it that the mighty fire dragon was just a small snake before.

"The world is big, and the right to the Cat Forest is not your end.

"Didn't you ask me if I wanted to go back?" "Then I'll ask

you first if you want to stay here with me." Cat Linger said.

Mao Yun'er hesitated and did not answer.

It still prefers the Cat Forest to here, because it is where it grew up, where there are good friends, parents, and grandmothers.

But for Cat Linger, the only thing that can make her nostalgic in the cat forest is grandma.

Seeing that it hesitated, Cat Linger did not say much to persuade.

After all, the pursuit is different, and the invitation to speak out is also based on the good relationship between it and itself.

For a while, the conversation between the two sisters fell silent.

An explosion sounded from the battlefield in the distance.

After calming down, the monster beasts came over from a distance talking and laughing.

It's time to go!" shouted the little wolf.

Cat Linger was a little puzzled: "How did it end so quickly, isn't there a dozen cultivators?"


this, the little wolf and several other immortal beasts sighed and shook their heads: "Don't mention it, it's far from what I imagined." "

Obviously before, I was still looking forward to the Xuanling Realm powerhouses, but after fighting them, I was very disappointed.

"I always feel that this level is a bit insulting to the Xuan Spirit Realm.

Both sisters nodded slowly.

They recognized this, after all, Mao Yun'er could be chased and killed by more than a dozen Xuanling Realm cultivators, and he was unharmed, and he could see the strength of this group of cultivators.

"Let's go, after such a long delay, hurry up and send it to the owner, and we will continue to find the demon beast of the Duxuan Spirit Tribulation." When

the words fell, the monster beasts turned their heads and stepped into the air.

Seeing this, Cat Linger also stepped into the air and looked at Cat Yuner: "Let's go, I'll take you to meet the owner, after seeing it, maybe you will change your mind."

So, Mao Yun'er was brought to the foot of the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain by many demon beasts with doubts in his mind.

Zhou Mu on the top of the mountain noticed them and was suddenly a little speechless.

"Why bring it back, I originally asked you to reminisce, I didn't think about seeing it!"

"I still have to be busy cultivating that last Spirit Abyss Realm demon beast."

"That's it, this cat's forest seems to be quite strong." "

I saw that under the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain, all the demon beasts got Zhou Mu's permission and began to take Cat Yun'er up the stone steps.

In this regard, Mao Yun'er was not surprised, and it also cooperated with the beasts to climb the stone steps.

In the face of the strong, landing and walking is the most basic etiquette, you are respectful of the other party.

In the process of climbing the stone steps, Mao Yun'er saw the demon beasts evenly distributed on each step.

After probing their cultivation and bloodline, they breathed a sigh of relief.

"Fortunately, the monster beasts here are quite normal. Before

the words fell, beside Mao Yun'er, an ordinary mortal beast suddenly surged with qi and blood fluctuations.

As the fluctuations rippled, the aura on its bloodline became stronger and stronger.

A moment later, this demon beast successfully changed from a mortal beast to a spirit beast.

Although its bloodline level was low, this suddenly awakened bloodline surprised Mao Yun'er.

The beasts walked past the demon beast and nodded their heads in congratulations one after another.

The demon beast danced happily, and began to swear to paint the ground for the owner of the field in the direction of the top of the mountain.

Mao Yun'er looked at this scene and couldn't help but ask: "Sister, how is this bloodline awakening different from ours!" "Was it

made by the owner in your mouth?" These

stone steps are so peculiar and the effect is so mysterious, Mao Yuner's surprise is normal.

Cat Linger nodded: "It is indeed as you said."

After getting a response, Mao Yun'er asked again: "Then did your bloodline use this awakening?"

"What's that. Mao Yuner asked.

But Cat Linger didn't speak again.

I can't tell you that my bloodline is because I absorbed a cloud of pure bloodline, right?

Mao Yun'er looked at the simple layout of the mountain, and was a little uncomfortable for a while.

Immediately afterwards, a black-haired boy walked out of the wooden house.


Zhou Mu put his hand on it and looked at the demon beasts.

When Mao Yun'er saw that the visitor was a human, she was surprised in her heart.

My sister actually defected to a human slave?!

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