Hearing this, Zhou Mu

raised his eyebrows and said, "Qin Fei, which one?" The

man suddenly laughed loudly, and looked at Zhou Mu with a look of contempt: "You don't even know the name of my senior brother Qin?

Seeing that Zhou Mu is the same age as himself, can he still be in the Lingchuan Realm no matter how strong he is?

If he has heard of Qin Fei, then he can just warn Zhou Mu.

If he hadn't heard of it, it meant that he was just that.

Recently, Qin Fei's name was thunderous in this Southern Spirit Domain border area.

Men don't think that there will be outside geniuses coming to this poor backcountry.

Therefore, he concluded that Zhou Mu's previous calmness was acted.

The man snorted coldly in his heart.

You think you've caught my psyche? Sorry, I tried your depth.

Zhou Mu was still thinking about who Qin Fei was at this time, and he didn't know that the man in front of him had deduced so much by himself.

Seeing that the men rushed over with their swords in hand, Zhou Mu still didn't remember who Qin Fei was.

"If you don't go out and around, the news is closed. Zhou Mu sighed secretly.

Seeing that Zhou Mu still looked light, the man immediately laughed and said, "Don't act, I have already seen through it."

Zhou Mu's face was full of doubts.

"Die!" the man shouted, killing intent.

Then the sword infused with spiritual energy burst into layers, and the sharp blade cut through the air, making a slight clanging sound.

Seeing that the sword was coming, Zhou Mu's body suddenly turned into a black shadow and disappeared into the shadow of the leaves on the ground.

The man saw this situation for the first time, and he was shocked and panicked.

The man placed his sword on his chest and looked around warily.

Then a black shadow suddenly emerged from under a certain shadow, moving rapidly in front of these shadows.

The man was not careful, and the black shadow drilled into the man's shadow.

The man hurriedly moved a few steps to the side, and kept swinging his sword in the direction of the shadow.

But after moving, I didn't see that special black shadow.

The man panicked, grabbed the hilt of his sword upside down, and stabbed indiscriminately at his shadow, wanting to hurt Zhou Mu with this.

The green cow and egg not far away looked at him like a clown.

Seeing that his attack had never been effective, the man couldn't help but roar: "Coward, have the ability to come out, hide your head and show your tail, your son will not have an ass in the future!" Hearing

this, the shadow under the man's feet grew in a circle, and a figure gradually emerged.

Zhou Mu appeared in the blink of an eye, although it was fast enough, but the man had already expected it, and at this time he had already swung his sword and slashed at Zhou Mu who had just emerged.

"If it weren't for this broken mouth curse, I would have to play with you a little longer." Zhou Muxin said.

Zhou Mu Linggong appeared instantly, and at the moment of appearance, his right fist was already wrapped in a layer of spiritual qi, glowing with light.

Zhenhai Fist!

The right fist burst out, carrying the momentum of the mountains and seas towards the slashed sword.

At a distance of three fingers wide between the fist and the sword, the sword was blocked by the energy emitted by the Jinhai fist.

With the second burst of energy, the man was blasted back several meters away, and the sword barely stood firm against the ground.

At this time, he also found the hair-thin river channel in the Zhou Muling Palace and the falling spirit rain one after another.

Spirit Rain Realm!

I really kicked the iron plate.

One punch knocks me back, and another punch kills me.

Beg for mercy, in order to survive, not to be ashamed.

The man had long since lost his unruly appearance just now, and he just wanted to live at this time.

Zhou Mu also saw what he was going to do, after all, he had been like this before.

The difference is that you are doing it for your own life, not bullying the soft and fearing the hard.

However, what he is wondering now is that he said not long ago that it was impossible to use the Concealment and Zhenhai Fist, and now he has used it all at once, and he has a somewhat feeling of hitting himself in the face.

Without waiting for the man to speak, Zhou Mu said with some disgust: "Get out, I don't want to kill, don't let me see you in the future."

After speaking, a strange light flashed in Zhou Mu's eyes

, and he bullied the soft and the hard with a sneer, just the face before, I am afraid that he usually bullied ordinary people with the identity of a cultivator.

If the man was granted amnesty, he kowtowed to thank him and left quickly, disappearing into the jungle in the blink of an eye.

Zhou Mu's face was calm and he spoke.

"Go ahead.

Then there was a sound in the surrounding grass, and dozens of demon beasts rushed to the place where the man disappeared.

These monster beasts have apes, wolves, tigers, the lowest Spiritual Qi Realm, and the highest Spiritual Chuan Realm.

As early as when Zhou Mu was holding his arms, they were hidden around.

This was Zhou Mu using the beast seal to deliver the message to get them over.

After a while, a red dot on the surveillance map disappeared.

Seeing this, Zhou Mu couldn't help but sigh.

It's good to have subordinates, and you don't have to do dirty work.

After these monster beasts returned, Zhou Mu gave each of them a package of rations and told them the effect.

Then these monster beasts left gratefully.

Especially the demon beasts of the Aura Realm, playing soy sauce throughout the whole process, and you can also get rations, it's simply not too cool.

Zhou Mu began to complete the daily mission according to the original plan.

After the task was completed, Zhou Mu came to the Wind Wolf King's territory along the way.

The Wind Wolf King took the family out of the nest to greet him, and the little wolf also learned how to greet Zhou Mu with his father.

If it weren't for the little wolf running over to play after seeing the egg, Zhou Mu really thought that it had grown up.

However, it is worthy of the bloodline of immortal beasts, and it has only been a few days, and he has already cultivated in the middle of the Spiritual Qi Realm.

Ignoring the egg and the little wolf, Zhou Mu informed the Wind Wolf King long before he came.

Next, with the arrival of batches of demon beasts, Zhou Mu also began to get busy.

The Wind Wolf King watched as the demon beasts constantly broke through in his territory, and his joy was already on his face.

Two hours later, Zhou Mu was finally busy.

The system prompted [

22,563 demon beasts were successfully marked, 4,999 in the Spiritual Qi Realm, 1,664 in the Spirit Rain Realm, and 364 in the Lingchuan Realm. 【

Congratulations to the host for getting a total of 25,600 points this time.】 Looking

at the huge points, Zhou Mu's mood also improved.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully marking 60,000 demon beasts, cultivating to reach the Spirit Rain Realm, and reaching the second level of cultivation. 】

【Congratulations to the host for getting the reward, Ten Thousand Souls Star Bow

, the growth rate of the marked creatures is +70%, and the points are two thousand】【After the effect is superimposed, the current growth rate of the marked creatures is +100%】At

this moment, all the marked creatures in the Forest of Ten Thousand Beasts feel that their growth rate has accelerated, and they are up to two days a day.

The Wind Wolf King was also surprised.

This change must have something to do with Zhou Mu, so in its heart, Zhou Mu is already a supreme existence.

And the white cat hidden in a certain cave suddenly widened his eyes and said in disbelief.

"Could it be that the Princess Bloodline has awakened, how can the speed of cultivation become twice as fast.

Mao Linger snorted twice and said confidently: "I know that I am definitely not ordinary." That hateful human dares to humiliate Princess Ben, and when Princess Ben becomes stronger, he will definitely clean you up.

Zhou Mu thought thoughtfully after seeing the reward.


you want to mark yourself too?

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