[Ding, no need to mark, all buff effects will subtly affect the host.] Hearing

the system's prompt tone, Zhou Mu nodded in satisfaction.

It turned out to be like this, no wonder he always felt as if he had become stronger.

Fortunately, I didn't mark myself.

If you accidentally slip your hand and recycle yourself after the marking, you are finished.

Ignoring the surprised gaze of the Wind Wolf King, Zhou Mu took out a bow from the system backpack.

Ten Thousand Souls Star Bow.

The longbow fell into the hand, and the silver-white bow body was like a crescent moon glowing white, carved with countless dark patterns, and several delicate gemstones were symmetrically set on the bow, making this mysterious bow look a lot more noble.

I don't know what material the silver-white bowstring is tight on the bow, the sun is shining, and the bowstring is surrounded by brilliance, elegant and solemn.

The light of the bow body flows in waves, and the gemstones reflect the enchanting light in the sunlight.

With just one glance, Zhou Mu's gaze couldn't be taken away.

He doesn't like hand-to-hand combat, and the bow is his ideal weapon, not to mention the weapon sent by the system.

A message passed into Zhou Mu's mind.

【Name】Ten Thousand Souls Star

Bow [Category] Bow

[Grade] No [

Function] Use the power of the beast soul to transform the star arrow, the more beast souls, the stronger the stronger, the stronger the arrow.

【Introduction】The system tailors weapons for the host, as long as the host beast soul is strong enough, then go to the reckless!


? Although the function of this bow is indeed simple and rude,

do I look so like a mindless reckless man?

Zhou Mu digested this information and raised his hand to feel the weight of the bow.

Then Zhou Mu frowned slightly.

The weight of this bow is too suitable for him now, which can't help but worry him.


the question in Zhou Mu's heart, the system gave an answer.

[The weapons provided by the system will mobilize parameters at any time according to the host's strength, please don't worry about the host.] Hearing

this, the corner of Zhou Mu's mouth twitched.


guess you're trying to let me use it until I die.

This system is really reluctant to change a few weapons for him.

This time the system did not speak again.

After complaining about the system, Zhou Mula tried it with a bow.

He had never touched these in his previous life, so he still needed to figure out how to use a bow well, or find a teacher who used a bow to teach him.

But I haven't eaten pork, haven't you seen pigs running?

I saw Zhou Mu holding a bow in his left hand and pulling a string with his right hand.

Raise the bow above your head and slowly lower it in front of you, stretching your left arm straight and pulling the string with your right hand.

Effortlessly pull the bow away.

When the bow was placed in front of him, Zhou Mu had already drawn the bow full, like a full moon.

Zhou Mu maintained a bow-bending posture and urged the Ten Thousand Beasts Technique.

The beast soul starry sky behind him appeared, and Zhou Mu's mind fell on a star with a faint light, and then the spiritual energy poured into the bow.

I saw that the stars quickly separated a faint light and flew towards the Ten Thousand Souls Star Bow, and the light of the stars also quickly weakened, and finally stopped in a state that was about to be extinguished, and began to use the beast soul night sky to restore light.

At the moment when the light fell on the bow, countless dark lines on the bow lit up.

But the light is not strong.

Then an arrow of light consistent with the color of the light condensed on the drawn bow.

The arrow condensed successfully, and Zhou Mu faintly saw the figure of the demon beast from the arrow.

In the end, Zhou Mu really couldn't hold this posture, dismissed the demon beast in one direction, and then released the hand pulling the string in this direction.

"Swoosh!" The

light arrow flew out, dragging a long length of light and shadow behind it.

After penetrating more than a dozen trees in a row, the light arrow suddenly burst out, and immediately a beast figure appeared.

I saw that the beast shadow first roared, shaking the leaves and falling again, and then looked around and found that there were no other creatures except the tree.

The beast shadow turned his head to look at Zhou Mu with a confused expression, as if to say, "What about the enemy?" Zhou

Mu also looked confused, this beast shadow still has consciousness

, and the system only said that I am reckless, and did not say that there will be a beast shadow in the end!

Although the beast shadow was puzzled, he still obeyed the order and swung his full force towards the tree in front of him.

The big tree was broken by the block, fell to the ground and swept up dust, and the beast shadow also dissipated in the sky with a burst of flying dust.

"Pretty strong. Zhou Muxin said.

Then he saw a star in the night sky of his beast soul that was about to be extinguished, and his heart was a little uncomfortable.

If you overuse it, the stars will also be extinguished.

Originally, the body died, leaving a beast soul, if he killed the beast soul again, he would not be a qualified owner.

Not to mention becoming the master of all beasts.

Nothing that belongs to you can be used rationally, so how to plan a bigger ideal.

Zhou Mu sighed and said, "It seems that you have to use it carefully. Under

the fiery eyes of the Wind Wolf King and the demon beasts, Zhou Mu left with the egg and the green ox.

Now that he is in the Spirit Rain Realm, he has enough Spiritual Qi to get more beast seals.

Now Zhou Mu was ready to go to the Red Spirit Eagle King.

For some reason, there were many "strangers" in the Forest of Ten Thousand Beasts, and several red dots suddenly appeared in all the previously marked fields.

They have not only humans, but also monsters.

You know, although the task says to mark 0.25 units of demon beasts, Zhou Mu generally marks the cubs.

As for newborns? Even more unlikely.

The offspring born of the marked demon beast are directly marked.

This is what he has observed these days.

After all, tens of thousands of demon beasts are born and die every day.

It is not difficult to draw this conclusion.

In order not to waste time in conflict with those humans, Zhou Mu looked at the monitoring map and took a detour.

Before I watched it for a while and then turned it off, but this time it is different, and I have been watching.

Therefore, Zhou Mu personally saw the green dots around several red dots disappear one after another.

You don't need to think about it, you must have been killed.

Zhou Mu gritted his teeth.

The demon beasts that you can't move, you guys are quite easy to kill!

In addition to hating, Zhou Mu was also thinking about why there were so many more humans here today.

Is it because the spiritual energy here is more concentrated?

After going around in circles, Zhou Mu came to the territory of the Red Spirit Eagle King.


large crimson eagle landed in front of Zhou Mu, bowing his head and saying, "I'm sorry master, I'm late."

Zhou Mu waved his hand and said, "It's okay."

"And call me the owner in the future, the master sounds awkward." The

Red Spirit Eagle King nodded in reply.

"By the way, the farmer, there are obviously more humans coming to the Ten Thousand Beasts Forest today, probably because of the coercion this morning.

Zhou Mu listened to its words, he knew it in the front, but he couldn't understand it in the back.

Could it be the coercion of the Void Heaven Tribulation Thunder

Beast, and the coercion that leaked out at that moment could still cause this situation?

So Zhou Mu asked: "What can that coercion prove?" The

Red Spirit Eagle King was a little puzzled, not understanding why Zhou Mu didn't understand, but still explained: "It can prove that there are demon beasts in the Forest of Ten Thousand Beasts that are no less than the potential of immortal beasts, even if that demon beast dies, its remains will attract all forces to grab it." "

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