After some small episodes, Zhou Mu smoothly marked the demon beasts in this territory.

After these demon beasts really felt that their growth rate had doubled, they had already decided to follow Zhou Mu with their hearts and brains.

Those demon beasts that had broken through the realm after being marked were even more joyful and howled madly.

The noisy Zhou Mu wanted to cover his ears.

[Successfully marked 21,654 demon beasts, 5,999 in the Spiritual Qi Realm, 1,976 in the Spirit Rain Realm, and 345 in the Lingchuan Realm. 【

Congratulations to the host for getting a total of 26400 points this time.】

【Current remaining points 61900】After

everything was done, Zhou Mu left with the green ox and eggs.

Before leaving, Zhou Mu said to the Red Spirit Eagle King: "Don't pay special attention to how those humans were treated before, and how they are treated now.

And don't care about the remains of the immortal beasts.

Although the Red Spirit Eagle King didn't understand why, he nodded in agreement.

Zhou Mu also informed all the marked demon beasts through the beast seal.

More than 40,000 demon beasts were marked, and the aura was about to bottom.

Having completed today's goal, Zhou Mu planned to go back and take a rest.

On the way back, Zhou Mu encountered a flame-tailed tiger that was eating human corpses.

Yanwei Hu was full of panic after seeing Zhou Mu, and his mouth was full of blood and crouched at Zhou Mu's feet.

After all, he is eating the same kind of farmer, and if the farmowner is not happy, he is likely to kill it.

Seeing this, Zhou Mu smiled bitterly, and there was no blame in his eyes.

These monsters are their own people, and those humans are not.

How can you blame your own subordinates for an irrelevant stranger.

Moreover, if you venture into the forest, you must be prepared to die.

When they hunt their demon beasts, they must also be prepared to be hunted.

Zhou Mu did not interfere with this group of human beings to kill demon beasts, nor would he interfere with demon beasts hunting humans.

If you want to progress, you must be in constant contact with the outside world.

Being killed only proves one's weakness.

Zhou Mu raised his hand and patted Yanwei Hu's head, and spoke: "It's okay, you don't need to panic because these people are the same kind as me, you just need to be loyal to me and become stronger."

"Besides, I don't like these people either.

At this time, Zhou Mu remembered the woman who threw the pill at him.


about it, Zhou Mu suddenly felt that it was too dangerous for that bottle of elixir to stay with him.

What if there was an eavesdropping formation or tracking mark set up above?

Without saying much, Zhou Mu took out the pill again.

Putting the elixir into the palm, a dense purple electric arc suddenly burst out from the palm of the hand, and the medicine bottle was continuously hit by the arc.

After a while, the arc condensed into a thunder ball in Zhou Mu's palm, and the medicine bottle also turned into powder during the condensation of the thunder ball, part of which fell into the soil, and the other part died with the wind.

Seeing this, Zhou Mu played with the thunder ball again, and then waved his hand to disperse the thunder ball.

Originally, the thunder ball was made to destroy the elixir, and since the elixir was destroyed, the thunderball was naturally useless.

You can't smash a tree for no reason, or throw a thunderball on that corpse, right?

Seeing that he had destroyed the elixir, Qingniu couldn't help but ask, "Why did you destroy the medicine?

Zhou Mu was stunned when he heard this, and asked, "How can I like her?" "

Don't you humans like to collect the things sent by beautiful females as if they were treasures? Qingniu explained.

Zhou Mu couldn't help but feel embarrassed, and he didn't know where Qingniu learned these things.

In Zhou Mu's opinion, this is half right and half wrong.

However, Qingniu's conclusion is too hasty.

So Zhou

Mu put his hands behind his back and said profoundly: "Old cow, human love is not as simple as you think, your mating is barbaric, and our love is romantic, which also dooms me not to become such a casual person as you say." Hearing

this, Qingniu snorted: "It's all lower body thinking, what do you humans pretend to be high." Saying

that, the green bull head walked without looking back.

Zhou Mu held back his heart to argue with Qingniu, and said to Yanwei Hu with a serious expression: "Don't be too greedy for pleasure, cultivate well, I hope that you will stand by my side in the future."

Satisfying his middle second soul, Zhou Mu stepped away, thinking that he had left Yanwei Tiger with an unfathomable back.

As everyone knows, the rags and linen clothes on his body make him unable to be profound.

Yanwei Hu looked at Zhou Mu's back, and after he disappeared into the forest, he silently lowered his head and continued to eat.

The difference is that the speed of eating is faster.

Leaving the Yanwei Tiger, Zhou Mu quickly caught up with Qingniu, rolled his sleeves, and said, "Old Niu, I don't think what you said is right-" Before Zhou Mu's

words continued, Qingniu nodded directly: "Ah, yes, yes." "

Zhou Mu:

A few hours ago.

Chu Wei and his party quickly retreated after giving Zhou Mudan medicine.

Although there were hundreds of demon beasts chasing and killing behind, for some reason they easily escaped.

The group found a safer place to rest.

A woman with a high ponytail felt a little thrilled, patted her chest and said: "I really didn't expect that we could escape this situation so easily."

"yes, I thought we had to hurt at least a few." A man said with some emotion.

"It must be our reward for following Senior Sister Chu all the way to do good deeds. A not too tall man laughed.

Saying that, he also secretly glanced at Chu Wei, and hurriedly shifted his gaze after meeting Chu Wei's beautiful eyes.

Chu Wei is very beautiful, and there are many people who pursue her in the sect.

Listening to everyone's words, Chu Wei didn't say much.

When others rejoiced for the rest of her life after the disaster, she was guilty that she was too weak to save Zhou Mu.

I don't know which person suddenly said: "But we have all been here for two days, and the sect mission has not progressed at all." Hearing

this, everyone fell silent, and the person also found that he had said the wrong thing and quickly apologized.

"That, I don't mean that, I mean to say that we can complete the sect mission while helping people, if Senior Sister doesn't want to kill, we can let those rescued use demon beast materials to return.

Or when I encounter a demon beast in a mission, I can do it.

But the more he explained, the more he felt muddy, and he felt a little unbearable.

It was clear that Chu Wei did not want to kill, and she still said these words.

Although everyone did not have this idea, he said "sorry" apologetically, then sat down and stopped talking.

The crowd did not embarrass him, they actually had this idea in their hearts.

It's just that because Chu Wei had saved them before, he didn't want Chu Wei to feel cold, so he followed Chu Wei to save people.

Compared to the lives of others, they thought that the sect task was the most important.

Chu Wei guessed their thoughts, and helplessly spoke: "Then we will go find the red tasseled snake next, and try to return to the sect tomorrow." Hearing

this, everyone's faces were beaming.

Just as everyone was about to get up, several big birds suddenly flew in the sky, and the aura of the Lingchuan Realm overflowed, frightening everyone to move.

Then, one demon beast after another passed by them.

There is the Spirit Rain Realm, the Spirit Rain Realm.

Without even looking at them, he ran over.

Everyone was frightened by this battle, and stood there stunned and did not move.

They didn't understand why all the monster beasts that usually didn't appear often ran out, and ran in the direction where they escaped.

And there are quite a few of them, and thousands of demon beasts ran past them this time.

What surprised them even more was that these monster beasts ignored them.

After the last rabbit jumped past them and disappeared into the jungle, Chu Wei took the lead and said: "Go quickly, I always feel that something is going to happen here, hurry up and look for the red snake, if we can't find it tomorrow, we will leave here."

"Then let's go to the southwest, where there are many snakes." One suggested.

Everyone nodded one after another.

So, they walked towards the territory of the Bishui Snake King.

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