Twilight is gloomy, dusk is approaching.

Zhou Mu returned to the top of Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain with the green ox and eggs.

The chickens in the yard saw the egg come back and hurried around to ask how it was outside.

Their calls were chirping, but Zhou Mu could understand them all with the beast language.

Rather, the dog and the chicken cubs communicate back and forth.

"Hey, isn't the demon beast under the mountain particularly powerful? We heard Big Brother Bai Feng say that there is a wolf under the mountain that can control the wind, but it is fierce. The

egg screamed and replied: "After seeing it, I still played with his son, and he praised me, he was not fierce at all, Brother Baifeng must have lied to you."

Then he said, "I also saw a big bird, with wings bigger than all six of you combined." Eggman

shared his experience with them one by one, and although the language was very simple, pride was still shown on his face.

It looked proudly at the chicken cubs with curiosity and envy.

Suddenly, Eggman put on a "I understand" look and said, "You guys should also go out and see more, you have been nesting in this small yard and never know how big it is outside." Bai

Feng listened on the side, always feeling that if he didn't say anything, this big brother's position might be a little assy.

Bai Feng cleared his throat and raised his neck and shouted: "Eggman is right, the outside world is changing every day, the wolf who controlled the wind a few days ago also fought with the owner and Grandpa Niu, let his son play with Eggman today, it can be seen that you should also go outside more." Bai

Feng thought that he had said something big, and they would definitely look at themselves with adoration.

So Bai Feng quietly turned his gaze to the chicken cubs.

Just listen to the "Wang" and "Ding" sounds.

The chicken cubs were still communicating with the egg with envy, and none of the beasts noticed the white phoenix.

Seeing this, Bai Feng was a little embarrassed, and saw that Zhou Mu who was not far away was looking at it, and laughed twice and stopped making a sound.

"Wait, I'll go out in the future, and let you listen to my story then." Bai Feng was determined in his heart to let this group of little beasts worship him.

Zhou Mu heard their conversation and didn't say much, of course it was good to go out and see more, provided that he had the strength to see.

It is impossible for him and Qingniu to take care of every demon beast, so if an accident occurs and dies, it can only be said that the skill is inferior.

Speaking of going out to see, Elder Zhou had long wanted to leave the forest to change the rags and linen clothes, and finally reached the Spirit Rain Realm, but found that there were still many things that had not been done.

The main quest to conquer the Forest of Beasts is 82% complete.

It should be the Bishui Snake King left.

When this task is completed, go out yourself.

A little starlight appears in the lacquered sky, dotted with monotonous nights.

After Zhou Mu had dinner, he returned to the house to open up the river.

Practice in the first half of the night and rest in the second half of the night.

It was also thanks to the beast soul beast buff of the Ten Thousand Beast Technique and the system growth rate bonus, his cultivation speed was much faster than in the previous days.

Looking at the 61900 points, Zhou Mu opened the system store smoothly.

At this time, Zhou Mu was also surprised to find a few more items in the store.

[Sparkling eggs] 50% hatch mortal beasts, 25% hatch exotic beasts, 15% hatch spirit beasts, 8% hatch immortal beasts, and 2% hatch divine beasts. Price: 5000 points per piece.

【Intermediate General Ration】After taking it, the growth rate is increased by 100%, and it is valid for five days. Price: 20 points per piece.

【Primary Automatic Feeder】The universal ration can be split and fed by passing monsters (one ration is for 100 monster beasts), and the buff effect is reduced to 20% of the original. Price: 1W points.

Seeing this, Zhou Mu directly changed five servings of [Intermediate General Ration], and ate one of his own to increase his growth rate.

The remaining 61,800 points, Zhou Mu was ready to change the beast soul first, and cleared the fraction.

For the rest, he plans to get a few feeders first.

Before, he wanted to let all the demon beasts in the Ten Thousand Beast Forest eat rations, but the rations were too expensive, and he couldn't afford to pack so many demon beasts.

Now with the feeder, you don't have to worry about fee points.

Although the effect can only reach 20% of the original, it is better than nothing.

There are five beast kings in the Ten Thousand Beast Forest, divided into five territories, and Zhou Mu plans to put a feeder on each territory.

When the time comes, put in the feed again, and you will be destitute.

However, Zhou Mu firmly believed that the demon beasts in his farm would become more and more powerful.

Zhou Mu then exchanged the points for 18 beast souls.

Four alien beast souls, fourteen mortal beast souls.

After some fusion, Zhou Mu's beast soul night sky had eighteen more stars.

The remaining 6W points Zhou Mu will take to change the feeder.

After 50,000 points were spent, five feeders quietly appeared in this forest.

Just when Zhou Mu was worried that the feeder would be seen by humans, the system told him that the feeder could only be seen by the marked person, and the rest could not be seen except the owner.

So Zhou Mu had no scruples, and directly stuffed 100 primary rations into each feeder, and tried the water first.

Five thousand points spent, the remaining five thousand points, Zhou Mu sighed.

It's really unspent.

So this night, many demon beasts found a strange plant, the plant is like a huge pea, there is a mouth in the front section, whenever they pass by, this pea will spit out something, and just spit out their mouths.

You can't hide.

After some demon beasts mistakenly swallowed this thing, they immediately felt that their growth rate had increased a little.

This little growth rate is not surprising to them, after all, they are now growing at twice the rate.

But who would be too fast, can be faster, this thing must also be their owner.

As soon as they thought of this, some demon beasts bowed down in the direction of Ten Thousand Beast Mountain.

The demon beasts saw that there were beasts around them kneeling, and they also learned to bow down to the Ten Thousand Beast Mountain, and in the end, except for the demon beasts in the Bishui Snake King's territory, they didn't know about it, and the rest of the nocturnal demon beasts bowed down together.

Some of the humans who walked at night in the Forest of Ten Thousand Beasts also felt a brief silence at this moment.

After doing this, Zhou Mu began to cultivate again.

When you get tired, lie down and rest.

Until the next morning.

Zhou Mu opened his eyes and saw the notice of earning points.

[A total of 568 monster beasts broke the mirror yesterday, and a total of 1,000 points were obtained. Zhou

Mu was in a happy mood, and after cleaning up, he took the green ox and walked towards the Bishui Snake King's territory.

This time, he didn't bring those few little beasts, and Zhou Mu didn't plan to stay outside for too long, so he hurried back when he was done.

After descending the mountain, I saw a group of demon beasts with racial potential as mortal beasts surrounding the foot of the mountain.

They all showed gratitude and shouted, "Thank you to the owner for the gift." "

These monster beasts all inadvertently pass through the feeder and are automatically fed by the feeder.

They knew that their cultivation qualifications were not good and their cultivation ceiling was not high, but the owner was still not stingy with resources and was willing to give them the same treatment as other demon beasts.

How can this not be appreciated.

Then they bowed down to Zhou Mu together.

After a while, Zhou Mu finally sent them away.

At this time, the system suddenly prompts.

[No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, No. 4 primary automatic feeder rations are exhausted, please replenish the host in time.] Oh


It's going to cost money again!

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