Looking at the main task two, Zhou Mu's joy disappeared in an instant, replaced by a big head.

20 Spirit Sea Realm! He is not counting the green bulls now, only 5! I

am afraid it will take several years to complete this task!

The reward is very rich, the four holy beast beast soul Zhou Mu can guess what it is, and after asking the system, it is indeed as he expected.

Blue Dragon, White Tiger, Suzaku, Xuanwu.

But the beast soul is only a beast soul after all, and it is far less effective than a living demon beast.

Moreover, this task could not be completed for a while, and Zhou Mu did not bother on this anymore.

Holding two delicate-looking eggs, he walked towards the hatching room.

Considering that there were already five eggs hatching before, and there was no spare hatching tank at this time, Zhou Mu conveniently spent five hundred points to upgrade the incubation room to the first level.

I saw that the log cabin in the incubation room was covered with a layer of milky white brilliance, dazzling.

Zhou Mu raised his hand to cover his eyes, unable to look directly at the light.

My heart was even more shocking.

How is the movement so big, what to do if someone finds out.

The things of the system can't be discovered by outsiders!

So Zhou Mu quickly looked back at the little beasts in the yard.

They should still play, cultivate and cultivate, and they didn't look at Zhou Mu's side at all.

Only Qingniu and Zhou Mu looked at each other, wondering why he covered his eyes.

Seeing this, Zhou Mu let go of his heart.

It turned out that only I could see it!

I thought I was going to be pitted by the system.

Feeling the white light behind him gradually weaken, Zhou Mu turned around.

The wooden house is still the original size, but the whole is exquisite and chic, antique and quaint.

Pushing open the door of the solid wooden house, the space in the cabin is much larger, and the original 5 hatchery tanks have now increased to 20.

Looking at the spacious house, Zhou Mu sighed in his heart: "It is worthy of the system, from the outside, the log cabin that is not more than ten square meters can come in, it is so big." "

The warehouse cabin is the system that fills a space in the wooden house, and now the incubation room is also the system to expand the space in the wooden house.

Without sighing too much, Zhou Mu put two eggs on it to hatch.

Then he exchanged seven [Exquisite Eggs] and seven random primary beast souls.

Looking at the point balance of just 2w, Zhou Mu felt comfortable for a while.

After putting these eggs on, Zhou Mu found that the previous five eggs would hatch in two more hours.

It turns out that three days have passed.

Pushing open the wooden door, I saw a group of small beasts gathered around the incubation room, tilting their heads for a while and calling, and grabbing the wooden house twice for a while, with a curious face.

After seeing Zhou Mu, he immediately surrounded him, his face showing an inquiring look.

Why did this house suddenly become so beautiful?

Zhou Mu smiled and did not tell them.

Understand nature and understand, you look at the green cow, it is not surprised at all.

Then slowly come out of their encirclement.

Go back to your room and fuse the seven beast spirits.

Now that all tasks have come to an end, his own cultivation has also reached the Spirit Rain Realm.

Zhou Mu wanted to go out and see how much impact today's movement of ten thousand beasts had on the external forces, and he had a bottom in his heart.

By the way, I went out to buy some pots and pans, seasonings or something, these days I have eaten all the grilled meat without ingredients, and a bird is about to fade out of my mouth.

Ten years after coming here, I didn't say anything before I had no conditions, but now I can eat meat at any time, and there is such a large forest, I can't fill my stomach so hastily.

Moreover, now there is also a teleportation anchor, and he does not go far away, and he can come back at any time if something happens.

So Zhou Mu took the green ox down the mountain.

He was going to find something to sell for money.

Herbs, monster corpses or something.

He didn't plan to sell the spirit stone, this thing could be used for cultivation.

It is enough to buy pots and pans with materials.

Bai Feng's group of cubs wanted to go with them, and Zhou Mu thought about driving out the group of humans, and they wouldn't come back for a while.

So let the white phoenix follow.

Along the way, the demon beast saw Zhou Mudu and worshipped him with respect.

After hearing Zhou Mu's purpose, these demon beasts actively brought the herbs next to their lair.

Some even brought the bones of their deceased wives.

Originally, Zhou Mu wanted it, but when he heard that it was their wife, he hurriedly waved his hand.

That's not interesting.

Of course, these demon beasts were very enthusiastic, and after a while, the herbs had been stacked into a hill.

Zhou Mu didn't know how much these herbs could be sold for outside, so he thought about picking a few good ones.

As a result, these demon beasts saw that the herb Zhou Mu they brought did not want, and their eyes were full of disappointment.

Zhou Mu couldn't bear it, so he had to accept it all and store it in the storage ring.

Seeing that Zhou Mu had reaped it, these monster beasts left happily, did not ask Zhou Mu for benefits, and did not waste Zhou Mu's time.

The owner has already given them a lot, and the value of the accelerated growth rate is immeasurable.

Zhou Mu was also shocked when he saw this, these monster beasts are so sensible?

It turned out that the villain turned out to be himself.

Zhou Mu shook his head slightly, took the white phoenix and they turned around for a while before going back.

I have to say that these little guys are worthy of being guided by Qingniu to cultivate.

In the juvenile state alone, those chicken cubs can actually defeat an adult wolf.

And the white phoenix is even more magical, the attacks of those demon beasts are always inexplicably avoided by it.

It's that the egg is a little weak, but it may be that the talent is not here.

Back at the top of the mountain, the system tone sounded.

[Ding, the five eggs have hatched, please go to the incubation room to pick them up.]

Zhou Mu quickly came to the incubation room and saw five broken eggshells.

In the eggshell, small beasts show their heads.

[Name] Shadow Cheetah

[Gender] Male

[Xiuwei] Aura Realm

[Race Name] Shadow Cheetah

[Race Potential] Spirit Beast [

Racial Talent] Swift Shadow, Stealth.

【Introduction】A demon beast from the shadow world, the best at assassination.


beast! The first one is the spirit beast! Zhou Mu couldn't help but look over.

I saw that this cub was dark, his eyes were shining with purple light, a silver-purple mark on his eyebrows, and a purple pattern on all four legs.

The little cheetah's eyes flashed purple, and the lines on his body were shining, and he turned into a black shadow and fell into Zhou Mu's arms.

The little cheetah is now only a little longer than Zhou Mu's small arm, and it can barely be held in his arms.

Watching it rub around in his arms, Zhou Mu freed up a hand to condense a beast seal.

It's not that I'm afraid of its betrayal, but I simply want it to grow faster.

Then look at the next egg.

I saw a small cyan furry head poke out.

Bright eyes, cyan feathers, tiny beak.

With its "ding", Zhou Mu determined that it was another chicken cub.

This time it was still cyan, plus the previous six, seven colors were collected!

Zhou Mu smiled and was not dissatisfied.

Bringing the cyan chicken cubs outside, the six chicken cubs quickly gathered around, looking excitedly at their new partners.

By the way, he put the shadow cheetah down, let it run casually, and gave them rations.

Then he returned to the incubation room and looked at the next one.

"Another spirit beast!"

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