A small beast covered in golden scales emerged from its eggshell.

The red ears moved twice, and he stumbled towards Zhou Mu with four small short legs.

The little guy suddenly sneezed halfway, and a golden flame suddenly erupted from the little beast's mouth, gathered into a fist-sized golden fireball, and rushed straight towards Zhou Mu.

Seeing this, the little guy looked panicked and was anxious to spin in place, but there was no way.

It can't catch up with the fireball, and it can't cancel it.

Zhou Mu raised his eyebrows, but he didn't expect that this little beast wanted to give himself a dismount, and he was about to clench his fist and fight out immediately.

"Oh!" only

a cry was heard, and a blue-white bird flew out of its eggshell and hovered over the ceiling.

"Ugh!" I

saw an ice pick condense from the bird, and then quickly hit the fireball.

With a faint sound, the fireball and ice pick disappeared together, leaving only a gust of wind and waves to spread around.

Zhou Mu dispersed the aura on his right fist and looked at the two of them.


] Golden Yan Scale Beast [Gender] Male

[Xiuwei] Aura Realm

[Race Name] Golden Yan Scale Beast [Racial Potential] Spirit Beast [Racial

Talent] Flame Control, Imperial Scale Armor.

【Introduction】Demon beasts from the Golden Scale Realm, in addition to controlling the flames, they can also skillfully use their own golden scales for defense, both attack and defense.

[Name] Ice Skylark [Gender] Female

[Cultivation] Aura Realm

[Race Name] Ice Skylark

[Race Potential] Spirit Beast [

Racial Talent] Ice Control, Solid Ice.

【Introduction】A demon beast from the ice cloud world, with a docile personality, is deeply liked by the public.

Another spirit beast! It is so easy to change the egg spirit beast

, and this one by one, the Shadow Realm,

the Golden Scale Realm, and the Ice Cloud Realm.

Although he learned about the heavens and realms from Bai Feng's introduction, seeing these demon beasts from all walks of life, Zhou Mu was still a little shocked in his heart.

Looking at these monster beasts, I always feel that the ten thousand worlds are not so far away from him.

Just like the demon beasts of the ten thousand worlds, he can access them now.

Zhou Mu glared at the Jin Yan Scale Beast, causing it to shrink its neck in fright, and its face was full of grievances.

Seeing that there was nothing to do, the ice lark flapped its wings and landed on Zhou Mu's shoulder.

Seeing this, Zhou Mu hit two more beast seals to make them grow faster.

Then there was no good luck, and the last egg hatched was a mortal beast, a bat from the Kunlun realm.

Give it a beast seal.

Then Zhou Mu pushed open the door, but the bat did not go out, and found a corner in the incubation room to hang it.

Seeing this, Zhou Mu no longer paid attention to it, dropped his gaze on the Jin Yan Scale Beast, and signaled it to go out.

But the Jin Yan Scale Beast felt that he had done something wrong to make Zhou Mu angry, and Zhou Mu didn't want it.

Tears swirled in his eyes, and his red pupils were covered with tears, and in Zhou Mu's vision, his pupils seemed to become distorted and extremely aggrieved.

In desperation, Zhou Mu had to lean down and take the calf-tall Golden Yan Scale Beast into his arms, and walked out with the ice lark.

After feeding them rations, the feeders are fully filled.

There are still 19,000 points left in the balance.

Seeing that it was not early, Zhou Mu returned to the house and continued to practice in the first half of the night and sleep in the second half of the night.

At the same time, Chu Wei and the three of them worked for an afternoon outside the Ten Thousand Beasts Forest.

Seeing that everyone was almost gone, Chu Wei said to the two with a slight apology: "You have worked hard, let you accompany me to do this thankless thing." The

two quickly waved their hands, which they volunteered, and they only wanted to have more good luck in the future.

Thinking of the four people who left before, Chu Wei was not angry, but just apologized to them a lot.

After all, they followed their sect's mission and did not complete it, and they also suffered strange eyes from others.

Thinking of this, Chu Wei struggled in her heart.

Why is this the result of helping others?

Not only do they not please themselves, but they also burden their companions.

Don't be with others in the future, so as not to implicate them.

Taking a long breath, Chu Wei took the two and began to return to the sect.

Along the way, Wang Ze talked to Chu Wei from time to time, and at first Xu Qi mixed a few words, but then he didn't say more after discovering Wang Ze's intentions.

And Chu Wei also saw Wang Ze's thoughts, and the answer was always very simple, always keeping a distance from him to avoid misunderstanding.

Seeing that he could not pull in the distance with Chu Wei, gradually, Wang Ze stopped trying to find a topic, and silently followed behind.

In that case, then I won't pester you either.

While passing through a small forest, the three heard a fighting sound, and there were aura fluctuations from time to time.

Suddenly, an incomparably evil aura emanated, fleeting.

Then the sky was suddenly overcast, rolling sky thunder condensed above the grove, the angry thunder was like the roar of the heavenly way, but after waiting for a while, I didn't see the sky thunder fall, it seemed that the target was not found, and finally the clouds dissipated, leaving only a residual power that could not cause substantial damage.

The three were startled by the breath, and then heard a scream from the grove.

Seeing this, Chu Wei instinctively drove him to the grove to see what was going on with the man, and before the two had time to stop it, Chu Wei walked into the grove.

I saw a man in a black robe holding a prism in his hand, and an unknown black object in the prism.

When the black-robed man saw someone coming, he turned around and left directly.

Chu Wei felt that the black-robed man was not like a good person, but he did not stop it.

Just because the man gave her a dangerous feeling.

On the hill a hundred miles away from the grove, Tang Yin wore a silver mask to cover his eyes.

The black-robed man came to Tang Yin and handed him both hands of prism.

Taking the prism, Tang Yin looked at it and said disdainfully: "Cheng Yue is really a waste, and he is still in the Spirit Sea Realm with such a skill.

Then he asked, "You didn't kill him?"

The black-robed man spoke up, his voice was pleasant, it was a woman.

Tang Yin nodded: "It's good if you don't kill it, let him occupy that old woman's seven gods." Then a

piece of black jade on Tang Yin's waist lit up, covering his own breath.

Tang Yin crushed the prism and then summoned the Spirit Palace.

Unlike others, Tang Yin's Spirit Palace was black, and the aura inside was also black, revealing a strong evil aura.

Tang Yin divided the liquid into two parts, one large and one small, and introduced the large one into his Spirit Palace to enhance his strength.

The small one suddenly hit the black-robed woman's eyebrows.

I saw that the woman's spirit palace was forcibly led out, and a black liquid fell into the spirit sea formed by her hundred rivers.

In an instant, the entire Spirit Sea changed from light blue to black.

The drastic change caused a fierce wind to blow around her and lift her hood.

This woman was the senior sister that Cheng Yue had threatened before.

The woman's entire eyes suddenly became pitch black, and after a while, she recovered again, and then she was paralyzed and half knelt in front of Tang Yin.

Seeing this, Tang Yin grinned and said, "Very good, Lu Xin, from now on you will be my Heaven Abandoning Sect disciple."

Then Tang Yin took out a green jade pendant, handed it to Lu Xin and turned to leave.

And Lu Xin looked back in the direction of Cheng Yue, thinking of crippled him with his own hands, and his face was happy.

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