With the green bull beside him, Zhou Mu had no fear.

It's just that Zhou Mu didn't expect Xu Yuan to turn his face so quickly.

Seeing that Zhou Mu was so calm, Xu Yuan was quite unhappy in his heart, and threatened: "Give me the ring on your hand, you can leave here safely." Saying

that, he turned his body slightly and glanced at the scattered cultivation behind him, and the meaning of the threat was self-evident.

Sure enough, he was for his storage ring.

However, Zhou Mu couldn't figure out where he was exposed.

Obviously careful enough.

Zhou Mu didn't panic and said with a smile: "Then I have to see if you can keep me." "

Originally, I wanted Qingniu to suppress it, but Qingniu wanted Zhou Mu to fight and not do anything.

I have been in the forest before, and I don't have this kind of opportunity to temper myself in front of me, but now I finally encounter it, how can I let it go easily.

Xu Yuan still wanted to say something, but saw Zhou Mu loosen the rope leading the green ox and took two steps to come to Xu Yuan.

Xu Yuan subconsciously took half a step back, he was a mortal, relying on the conditions at home to dare to be so arrogant, but his own strength was no different from ordinary people, and cultivators could easily kill him.

Zhou Mu's figure flashed, leaving a realistic afterimage in front of everyone, and the body had already come behind the scattered cultivators.

Zhou Mu glanced back and happened to meet the line of sight of a scattered cultivator.

The two actually laughed very tacitly.

Seeing that Sanxiu was not ready to make a move, Zhou Mu quickly ran to the wall and launched a shadow with the shadow reflected by the slanting sun.

Then Sanxiu turned his head and continued to look ahead.

The whole person instantly turned into a black shadow and rushed to the ground.

And Zhou Mu in front of Xu Yuan's eyes stared at him motionlessly, and immediately became angry: "Give it to me!" A

strong man beside Xu Yuan picked up a stick and smashed it.

I saw that the stick passed very easily over Zhou Mu's head, and the strong man hit the stick like hitting the air.

The scattered cultivators were also like a ghost, and quickly looked for Zhou Mu's figure.

Xu Yuan looked around, except for Qingniu, he didn't find Zhou Mu, so he roared angrily at these scattered cultivators: "What do you think, this can make him run?"


that, he also stretched out his finger in the direction of Zhou Mu's escape.

Xu Yuan was stunned and asked, "How do

you know?" Sanxiu scratched his head, put on a harmless smile and said, "I saw it!"

Xu Yuan suddenly didn't know where the anger came from, went up and gave that Sanxiu a kick, and roared angrily: "Seeing that you still don't stop him, waiting for me to praise?" Then Xu Yuan

took out the money bag, took out two gold coins from it and threw them to this scattered cultivator, and said coldly: "Get out of here, don't let me see you again."

Xu Yuan didn't care about the green cow, he only thought that Zhou Mu was afraid if he fled, and the cow was dispensable compared to his life.

Therefore, he took a group of scattered cultivators to chase Zhou Mu.

And that casual cultivator was happily carrying two gold coins.

What do you want!

The money you give is just for me to help find him, and stop him at another price.

In general, you have to add money!

Don't let you follow, just don't want to see Xu Yuan, a fool who can only be incompetent and angry.

Sanxiu put his hands behind his head and hummed a small tune and walked towards Yuntian Restaurant.

Zhou Mu galloped all the way, not worried about Qingniu at all, and discussed with Qingniu before he ran.

Zhou Mu's concealment and phantom were used together, and the scattered cultivators were about to catch up, but they were thrown away in an instant.


Zhou Mu suddenly heard a burst of thunder as he ran out of town.

Step out of the shadows and look where the thunder is.

That was the direction of the Forest of Ten Thousand Beasts.

Despite the distance, it was clear to see an arm-thick lightning bolt cutting through the sky and smashing down suddenly. Countless days of thunder surged through the clouds.

Someone next to him suddenly exclaimed: "There is someone who crossed the Xuan Spirit Tribulation!"

Some people have never seen anyone else in their lives.

So there were people who kept stopping to look in the direction of the thunder calamity.

Zhou Mu glanced at it and then looked away.

Anyway, that Xuan Ling Tribulation can't be a demon beast in the farm.

Then it has nothing to do with yourself.

Just for a moment, the group of scattered cultivators had already caught up.

Without waiting for Zhou Mu's reaction, the spiritual energy of the scattered cultivators surged.

"Black Tiger Fist

!" "Golden Light Hand

!" "Star Wind Slash!"

Six spiritual techniques were punched in a row.

The spiritual technique was colorful and overwhelmingly attacked Zhou Mu.

Zhou Mu's pupils shrank sharply, but he didn't expect these people to be killed.

The eyes were cold, a trace of thunder flashed from the eyes, and the arc jumped back and forth.

With a pull of his right hand, the thunder continued to condense in the palm of his right hand, Zhou Mu no longer deliberately controlled the thunder and lightning, let them rush, and in the blink of an eye, a half-meter-sized ball of thunder and lightning appeared in front of Zhou Mu.

The arc erupted, as if thousands of birds were chirping.

The sound of thunder sounded, as if blending with the thunder calamity in the distance, rumbling, and the dusk sky was illuminated by this thunder ball.

With Zhou Mu's forceful throw, the ball of thunder and lightning suddenly flew into the air and exploded, intercepting the pile of various spiritual techniques.

The scattered cultivators felt the glorious power in the thunderball, and they all showed fear.

With the explosion of the thunder ball, these six scattered cultivators were engulfed by thunder light.

The aftermath of the explosion was still spreading, and the land under Zhou Mu's feet had shattered, and the buildings within a radius of 100 meters had instantly turned into powder.

Dust and smoke wafted around.

The clever person flashed away the moment he saw Sanxiu's hand.

And the fool is still unknown, so that it is affected when the thunderball explodes.

Several mortals even died and turned into dust along with the surrounding buildings.

The smoke cleared, and on the ground lay a charred corpse and several charred black scattered cultivators.

Sanxiu, who was still alive, twitched, smoke came out of his mouth, struggled to stand up, didn't look at Zhou Mu, pulled out his legs and ran.


Mu's right hand trembled, his palm was scorched black, and he breathed a sigh of relief when he looked at the departing scattered cultivator.


a thunderball washed the ground, everything around changed around, and the living people hid far away, looking at Zhou Mu tremblingly.

The Xuan Spirit Tribulation in the distance was no longer looked at.

The scorched black scattered cultivators met Xu Yuan, and walked away without looking back.

It was so terrifying that the six Aura Realm sieges almost all died.

Xu Yuan was also stunned for a moment, and the hand that was about to take the money also froze in midair.

Don't want any more money?"

Xu Yuan frowned and thought.

Those five people left, and he couldn't ask about the situation, only knowing that Zhou Mu could hit five.

"The cultivators of the Spirit Rain Realm chase him first, and the Spiritual Qi Realm may not be able to take him down. Xu Yuan threw a gold coin towards each of them.

The six scattered cultivators behind him took the gold coin and quickly chased after it.

After a while, Xu Yuan came to the mouth of the town and was surprised when he saw the traces of the battle.

There are also scorched corpses here, and Zhou Mu can kill one with one dozen or six.

Xu Yuan's expression couldn't help but become serious.

There was no longer Zhou Mu's figure here, and he could only feel the thunderous aura in the air.

A Spirit Rain Realm cultivator waited for Xu Yuan to tell him the situation, and then continued to chase forward.

Xu Zhizhi no longer dared to follow.

He was afraid of being affected by spiritual skills.

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