Zhou Mu gasped and fled, glancing back from time to time, and the five scattered cultivators actually chased him with spiritual skills.

Zhou Mu used the phantom with a bitter face.

The figure flickered one after another, and the distance was opened in the blink of an eye.

Sanxiu looked at the four afterimages in different positions, but he didn't know where to chase for a while, and his speed slowed down, until he saw Zhou Mu appear in front again, and then he accelerated his speed and chased after him.

Zhou Mu sighed in his heart, it was good to be able to cultivate, and he had already begun to beg for mercy before that.

And now not only do you not have to beg for mercy, but you can also fight back.

Zhou Mu's eyes were cold, and purple thunder instantly erupted, forming a minefield with a diameter of more than ten meters behind him.

Thunder rushes, seems to carry heavenly power, mighty.

The two scattered cultivators were overwhelmed by thunder in the blink of an eye.

Due to the short contact time of the mine, the control of the thunder is not strong, so that most of the power is overflowing.

In addition, Xiu Wei has only just entered the Spirit Rain, and the thunder is not strong enough, and the damage caused to the enemy is not too great.

When the two came out, the clothes on their bodies were already scorched black, their skin was red, and the arc jumped out from time to time.

Zhou Mu burst out a foul sentence and said, "Is the damage of this thunder thrown out casually so low?" Zhou

Mu secretly noted his shortcomings, and planned to practice more after going back, lest he be like Master Gua Sha, his skills are quite dazzling but they are not useful.

"Farm owner, you called the demon beasts in the farm?" Qingniu's voice appeared in his mind.

Zhou Mu, who was running, was stunned for a moment and said, "How do you know?"

"They're in my spiritual realm, and it's almost an hour away."

"Aren't you going to actually exercise in combat? What are you calling them for? Qingniu asked one after another.

Zhou Mu replied, "I don't want to expose you, call more preparedness, I don't think I can beat so many cultivators now." After

a moment of silence, Qingniu said: "I'm below you, don't worry, with me, you can't die." Zhou

Mu looked at the soles of his feet while running.

Below? Are you underground?

"You're down there." Zhou Mu couldn't help but ask.

"Don't worry, I still don't have some means in a Xuanling Realm? Hurry up and fight, no more fight you called reinforcements are coming. Qingniu urged.

Hearing this, Zhou Mu suddenly stopped and turned to look at the five scattered cultivators, his expression a little nervous, after all, it was the first time to face so many Spirit Rain Realms.

Seeing that Sanxiu was still some distance away from him, his mind moved, and the Ten Thousand Souls Star Bow appeared in his hand.

"He has a storage ring!" The nearest Sanxiu exclaimed.

Their weapons are all carried with them, and if they are not particularly high, only storage rings can make weapons appear out of thin air.

The other four people all fixed their eyes when they heard this.

For a while, the eyes of several people flashed with fanaticism and greed.

After looking at each other, they were guarded against each other.

No wonder that Xu Yuan spent a lot of money to find this kid, it turned out that he was carrying a baby.

Then the five people rushed to Zhou Mu as if they had beaten chicken blood

, "Brothers, everything is clear in their hearts, let's grab the storage ring first, and then how to divide it?" Huo Qiu grinned.

Wang Xiao, who was telegraphed by Zhou Mu, nodded and said: "What Brother Huo said is that judging from the traces of the previous battle, this kid can not be taken down by one person.

Everyone nodded ghostly.

Their conversation naturally fell into Zhou Mu's ears, and with a sneer, the Spirit Palace emerged.

The river is surrounded, the spiritual rain is pouring, and Zhou Mu mobilizes the spiritual energy and runs the exercises.

The dark golden phantom shadow behind him slowly emerged, the beast soul starry sky flashed with light, and the Void Tribulation Thunder Beast Beast Soul exuded a dazzling light, and a mysterious and ancient aura spread out.

Zhou Mu quickly drew his bow, and a mortal beast star separated into a ball of light and fell on the bowstring, condensing into an arrow in the blink of an eye.

The light flickered, and the scattered cultivators were horrified.

"What kind of exercise is this, why do you feel the urge to kneel in your heart." Wang Xiao looked at the dark golden phantom, and his face was not very good.

The rest of the people had similar faces to Wang Xiao.

Then he saw a light arrow condense, and there was a beast shadow looming in the light arrow, and the momentum was raging.

Seeing this, Zhou Mu aimed at Huo Qiu.


The light arrow shot out, driving a gust of wind, and the sound of breaking the sky sounded.

The arrow is followed by a blue tail like a shooting star, which is gorgeous.

The arrow carried the momentum of breaking the army and came to Huo Qiu in the blink of an eye.

Huo Qiu had already expected it, and his face remained unchanged and he roared: "Yan Yuan Shu!" "。

The Spirit Palace instantly emerged, a narrow river channel surrounded the surroundings, and the dripping spirit rain fell.

I saw that his body was full of light, and a thin layer of brown brilliance wrapped his whole body.

Huo Qiu crossed his arms in front of him, wanting to take this arrow.


The arrow hit Huo Qiu, like a meteorite falling to the ground, with a huge momentum and stirring up dust in the sky.

Seeing this, the rest of the people quickly dodged away, for fear of being affected.

No one stepped forward to help, and they all thought they could get the storage ring by themselves.


Huo Qiu screamed, and when the dust cleared, everyone looked back and saw that Huo Qiu's arms were already bloody and confused.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief in their hearts and thought to themselves: "It's not very powerful, I thought I would kill Huo Qiu with an arrow." So

the four scattered cultivators surrounded Zhou Mu and were about to start attacking, when they suddenly heard the sound of claws tearing through flesh and blood.

Everyone looked back.

I saw a blue fox phantom with more than two meters of more than two meters swinging its claws towards Huo Qiu.

Huo Qiu couldn't dodge and was torn apart by the claw, the bright red blood couldn't stop flowing, and the wound was deep in the bone.

The phantom still wanted to grab it again, but there was not enough strength to support it, and it quickly dissipated.

Huo Qiu screamed miserably and yelled, "Save me!" At

this time, the Spirit Rain Realm Scattered Cultivator who had been waiting for Xu Yuan before chased after him, and after seeing Huo Qiu, he ran away with him without saying a word.

He didn't know that Zhou Mu had a storage ring, but when he saw Zhou Mu surrounded by four people, he felt that there would be no more problems, or it was important to save people.

"Stop the two of them!" Wang Xiao suddenly thought of something and hurriedly said.

Then he took the lead in rushing towards Huo Qiu and the two.

Can't let them go, otherwise the matter of the storage ring is likely to let more people know, and then it will not be a few of them to fight, it is likely that there will be a Lingchuan Realm and a Linghai Realm to mix a hand.

The other three instantly understood, and also began to rush towards Huo Qiu and the two.


The purple thunder in Zhou Mu's eyes flickered, and as soon as he held his vacant right hand, the falling spirit rain in the spirit palace froze, and then all of them turned into spiritual energy as if evaporating, pouring into Zhou Mu's body.

With the huge aura as the foundation, hundreds of purple thunders appeared in the blink of an eye, bombarding everything around them irregularly.

Zhou Mu's eyes flashed with purple light, shining, and said lightly: "It's all around, what else are you running?"

Then Zhou Mu took a step to the right and dodged a purple thunder.

The four scattered cultivators faced the purple thunder in the sky, and could only stop and defend.

In this way, Huo Qiu and the two went farther and farther.

"Brother Huo, why don't they want us to go!" Yu Yu asked.

Huo Qiu raised his eyes to look at this young man, and thought that his injury was no longer allowed to join the fight, so he spoke: "That kid has a storage ring, they are afraid that I will leak the wind and attract more people."

Yu Yu looked surprised, and the greed under his eyes was fleeting.

"Brother Huo, are you going to give up just like that?" Yu Yu looked at the weak Huo Qiu and asked.

Huo Qiu's expression was cold, and his eyes were gloomy: "I want to tell everyone about this, let more people fight, and make the situation chaotic." "

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