
Yu Yu said with a dry laugh: "Don't worry, Brother Huo, I will definitely send you back safely, that is, whether the short sword can be collected, I am a little panicked." When

Huo Qiu said the storage ring, Yu Yu felt a sharp object against his waist.

Huo Qiu stared at Yu Yu without speaking, and the short sword was handed in again, piercing the clothes.

Yu Yu said no more, forced a smile and walked back with Huo Qiu.

Xu Yuan stood on the street looking into the distance, and saw Huo Qiu returning injured with his usual face, but his heart was not calm.

All five people were chased and killed, and one was beaten back.

Xu Yuan did not complain about Huo Qiu, and he stopped paying attention to the employment payment.

After all, Huo Qiu could no longer participate in the battle.

After thinking about it again, Xu Yuan simply let the remaining thirteen cultivators go.

But when the six Aura Realm cultivators saw that Huo Qiu was all seriously injured, they were afraid in their hearts and did not dare to go.

In the end, only two Spirit Rain Realm and five Spiritual Qi Realm cultivators went forward.

Yu Yu did not leave after sending Huo Qiu to the restaurant.

Huo Qiu wanted to tell everyone about the storage ring, then he wouldn't be able to grab it even if he went now.

It is better to sit and wait for them to lose both.

Then you may also get the storage ring.

Yu Yu looked up at Huo Qiu.

After Huo Qiu finished eating the healing pill, his body recovered and he walked out of the room.

Looking at the noisy people downstairs, he took a deep breath and yelled, "Everyone, be quiet." The

voice was mixed with aura fluctuations and reached everyone's ears.

The noisy restaurant instantly quieted down, and everyone looked up at Huo Qiu.

Everyone had different faces, but they did not speak.

Seeing this, Huo Qiu didn't talk nonsense: "Yesterday, Xu Yuan spent a lot of money to hire me and other scattered cultivators to hunt down a brat in the town, and I want to say that kid has a storage ring!" "


The restaurant suddenly became noisy.

"Huo Qiu, how big is the space for the storage ring?"

"Where's that kid? Lao Tzu went to slaughter him and snatched his storage ring.

"You tell us like this, I'm afraid you can't solve it, you want us to fight, and you sit on the fisherman's profit?"

I don't know who said it, and the noisy hall suddenly fell silent.

Huo Qiu had expected it and said truthfully: "I am seriously injured, and I can't insert this storage ring anymore."

Everyone nodded, Huo Qiu's injury really could no longer fight.

"But I don't want them to take it so easily, the more people who join in, the more interesting it is, right?" Huo Qiu smiled and said.

At this time, a Lingchuan Realm cultivator stood up and said with a smile: "It turns out that you want to muddy the water, but I also want to swim in the muddy water." "

Name the location and I'll go now."

"Ten miles out of town, several of my companions are still besieging that kid." Huo Qiu almost gritted his teeth when he said "partner".

The Lingchuan Realm cultivator directly left the restaurant and rushed forward.

Others followed suit.

Although they know that they are going to stir up the situation, no one has a fluke mentality.

What if I got the storage ring?

Therefore, both scattered cultivators and sect disciples are willing to go.

However, not many people go to the Spiritual Qi Realm, after all, Huo Qiu has been beaten like this, and they will definitely be sent to death if they go.

In this way, just two sentences made a restaurant person rush out.

And the old man of the grocery store, as a cultivator of the Spirit Sea Realm, heard it when Huo Qiu spoke with Reiki.

As a result, what Huo Qiu said turned out to be a storage ring.

The old man smashed the counter with an angry palm, scolded a "fool" and began to rush away.

He didn't have time to clean up Huo Qiu, and he had to get the storage ring before everyone.

Xu Yuan saw that his grandfather actually went out in person, and just wanted to say that it was not enough, when he saw a group of people running over behind him.

Xu Yuan suddenly felt bad, but he couldn't do anything, he was a mortal, he couldn't even stop people.


In an instant, a Spirit Sea Realm coercion appeared, and then a thick voice sounded: "What is Old Man Xu doing in such a hurry?" Why don't you talk to the mayor of this town?

Then he saw a figure fly out, and he caught up with Xu Shen in a few breaths.

And the dozen Lingchuan Realms and dozens of Lingyu Realms followed as the two of them ran farther and farther.

"Still going?" Someone asked.

Someone shook his head and said, "There is little point in going, the mayor of the town has all gone."

"I'm not going, if the mayor and their fight affects me, I may even lose my life." A young man said.

His words resonated with some people, so a dozen Spirit Rain Realm cultivators returned halfway.

And those who consider themselves lucky are still moving on.

Xu Yuan sat in place in frustration.

Resentful in his heart, he is still too kind-hearted, he should have killed Huo Qiu, otherwise so many people would not know.

In this short period of time, Xu Yuan found where the loophole was.

But to no avail, he only asked Xu Shen to get the storage ring back.

Ten miles away.

Zhou Mu was besieged by four people and could only fight while hiding.

If you are close, Zhenhai punches a punch, and if you are far away, you will come with an arrow.

Phantoms and shadows are used one after another, which is extremely weird.

The four joined forces to attack, and Zhou Mu was not even injured, but the corners of his clothes were accidentally scratched.

Zhou Mu's gaze froze, and he seized the moment and condensed four light arrows in succession.


The four light arrows are of different colors, whistling out, like a long rainbow, wonderful.

The four were hit by arrows one after another, and their defensive spiritual skills were like paper paste, vulnerable to a single attack.

In the blink of an eye, the four people were defeated by light arrows, and then the beast shadow appeared, one beast and one blow.

Four scattered cultivators, fall!

Zhou Mu moved his shoulders and said, "You guys are looking for death yourself, don't blame me."

"Heh, Lao Tzu's divine beast beast soul is useless, and you people are just like that."

Then I walked a few steps and sat down against a tree.

Looking at the four corpses, Zhou Mu resisted the urge to touch the corpses and pinned his head.

After all, corpses are still very scary, and he is not used to it.

Before Zhou Mu could sort out the shortcomings in the battle, Qingniu's voice sounded in his mind.

"Hurry up, there are two Spirit Sea Realms coming, as well as a bunch of Spirit Chuan Realms and Spirit Rain Realms."

Hearing this, Zhou Mu was shocked.

I still called less.

I don't know if sixty Lingchuan Realm demon beasts are enough.

Zhou Mu hurriedly got up and ran towards the reinforcements.

Not surprisingly, it will take another twenty minutes to encounter them.

At that time, it will be handed over to them.

Thinking of this, Zhou Mu couldn't help sighing.

I only came out once and encountered this trouble, and I didn't dare to come out in the future.

In the Ten Thousand Beasts Forest, I haven't seen so many broken things in so many days.

Sure enough, communicating with people is not as good as communicating with beasts.

Fortunately, he first marked all the demon beasts of the Ten Thousand Beasts Forest before coming out, otherwise he would really expose the green bull.

After a while, Tao Qing and Xu Shen arrived at the previous battle site one after another.

As if the two of the four corpses did not see them, they directly skipped them and ran towards the direction where Zhou Mu fled.

Not often.

Looking at the figure running in the distance, the eyes of the two burst with essence, and the greed was undisguised.

"Storage ring, I see you!"

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