Two spirit palaces emerged one after another.

Sixty-four spirit rivers above Taoqing's head converged to form a spirit sea, and the spirit sea was projected for a wide distance.

Fifty-six spirit rivers above Xu Shen's head converged to form the Spirit Sea, and the projection of the Spirit Sea was nine hundred meters wide.

The spirit sea of the two collided together, causing the spirit sea to surge, covering the sky and coercion.

Seeing this, the group of cultivators behind him ran faster.

They felt that the Spirit Sea Realm would not be able to take care of them when they fought, so they could fish in troubled waters.

Zhou Mu, who was not far away, suddenly felt like he was carrying a big mountain on his back.

With a pop, he was crushed to the ground.

The mighty Spirit Sea Realm crushed on his body, and Zhou Mu couldn't move.

Xu Shen laughed viciously and said, "Storage ring, mine!" He

took a puff of dry smoke, and then the smoke spit out to form a big smoke hand and grabbed Zhou Mu.

Seeing this, Tao Qing snorted coldly: "Old man Xu really hasn't grown at all!" Not only has there been no progress in cultivation, but things have also deteriorated greatly. I

saw Tao Qing shouting violently, and the hurricane suddenly appeared from his side, whistling and blowing towards the big hand of smoke.

Originally, Qingniu was ready to make a move, but these two people actually blocked each other.

The hurricane roared, running like a demon, tearing everything in front of it.

The big hand of smoke is like a rootless ping, and when the hurricane arrives, the big hand is already a little unable to maintain its form.

By the time the hurricane passed, the big hand of smoke had turned into a cloud of smoke again, drifting away with the hurricane.

Seeing that the hurricane was about to tear Zhou Mu apart, Xu Shen seemed to not admit defeat, his eyes were cold, and he took out a brown pipe from his arms.

Xu Shen took a sharp sip, and then exhaled brown smoke.

As soon as his mind moved, the brown smoke instantly turned into a smoke warrior, wearing armor and holding a shield, extremely majestic.

The smoke warrior stood in front of Zhou Mu and slammed his shield down to block the hurricane.

After a while, the hurricane dissipated, and the smoke warrior still stood in front of Zhou Mu.

Looking at the brown figure in front of him, Zhou Mu was a little confused.

Why should the people who want to kill him protect him?

Seeing this, Tao Qing's face changed slightly, and he looked at Xu Shen and snorted coldly: "Old man Xu wants to fight with me first and then do business?"

"I didn't say that, I just didn't want you to get the storage ring first." Xu Shen's face was calm and said lightly.

Not to mention that Tao Qing's hurricane restrained most of Xu Shen's spiritual skills, judging from the scale of the Spirit Sea alone, Xu Shen was not Tao Qing's opponent.

The Spirit Palace may only be related to the Aura Reserves, but if two evenly matched people fight, then it must be that the person with the Spiritual Qi Reserve wins more.

After all, it lasts enough.

Tao Qing sneered: "I don't dare to forgive you, don't come to get the storage ring if you don't have that strength, and obediently go back to retire." Saying

that, Tao Qing's body shook, and the rolling spiritual energy gushed out, condensing several wind blades around him.

A wind blade flew out and slashed at the smoke warrior.

The wind blade is so sharp that it seems to tear everything apart.

The howling wind blade carried great power and effortlessly broke through the shield of the smoke warrior.

Then another wind blade flew out, cutting off the smoke warrior.

Seeing this, Xu Shen changed the tobacco in his pipe.

Finally, a large cloud of smoke was slowly exhaled.

The smoke turned into ten smoke soldiers, their movements were uniform and majestic.

Under the control of Xu Shen, nine smoke soldiers surrounded Tao Qing, and the remaining one came to Zhou Mu and swung his fog knife to cut down.

"Er dare!" Tao Qing roared angrily, he felt that he had been insulted, insulted by someone who was inferior to him.

"Spiritual Technique—Hurricane Sword Slash!"

Tao Qing drew the long sword at his waist, the sharp blade was in front of him, and the billowing air frantically poured into the long sword, and the long sword became extremely bright in the blink of an eye.

With Tao Qing's loud shout, a sword radiance that shone in the sky cut out, and all the smoke soldiers around Tao Qing collapsed, even the fog knife that was about to fall collapsed.

Then Tao Qing single-handedly held the sword and came down to Zhou Mu's eyes under Xu Shen's gaze.

"Boy, you should feel honored that the two Spirit Sea Realms fought for you." Tao Qing said condescendingly.

At this time, all the monks who saw the excitement also came.

Seeing Tao Qing raising his sword and preparing to kill Zhou Mu, they also suddenly lost interest.

After all, the storage ring has nothing to do with them anymore.

Immediately, a few more people left.

And the rest of these are those who think that Zhou Mu has a storage ring, so there must be something else.

The mayor of the town has eaten meat, is it possible not to let them drink soup?

Just as Tao Qing was about to kill Zhou Mu, the movement on his hand suddenly stopped, looking into the distance, his face solemn.

Xu Shen also looked over with a solemn expression.

In the distance, the dust stirred, and in front of it was a demon beast with black pressure.

At this time, the monks also noticed the abnormality in the distance, some stopped and looked, and some quietly fled.

The vast team of nearly a hundred cultivators is now only sixty or seventy, and most of them are still Spirit Rain Realms, and there are only two dozen Spirit Rain Realms.

Tao Qing felt that something was wrong, and there was a Spirit Sea Realm in that pile of demon beasts.

Immediately, Tao Qing dropped his sword and wanted to cut Zhou Mu and leave here quickly.



Two chirping sounds sounded, and the Red Spirit Eagle King flew here first, and then his wings were spread, and hundreds of fiery red feathers appeared and turned into fireballs.

The fireball shone brightly and was extremely hot, and then with a gentle slap, the two fireballs flew straight towards Taoqing.

One happened to concentrate his long sword, and the other was dodged by him.

However, the Red Spirit Eagle King's move is to save Zhou Mu, so it doesn't matter if he hits or not.

Then the King Kong Ape King arrived, and the coercion of the two Spirit Sea Realm demon beasts canceled out each other with the coercion of Tao Qing and Xu Shen.

Zhou Mu slowly got up, patted the soil on his body, and walked slowly to them.

Tao Qing's face was solemn: "Old man Xu, isn't it time for us to cooperate this time."

Xu Shen smiled and said, "You also have today, so I will reluctantly cooperate with you once."

Although he said that, Xu Shen obviously felt that the demon beast in front of him was not very easy to mess with, and he had to make a good guarantee.

The two beast kings lowered their heads slightly when they saw Zhou Mu, and Tao Qing and Xu Shen were shocked in their hearts.

This kid is really not an ordinary person, and there are two Spirit Sea Realm demon beasts protecting each other.

Suddenly, the two thought of that group of demon beasts again.

A bad premonition came to mind.

Someone among the cultivators suddenly spoke, "That monkey is like the King Kong Ape King in the Forest of Ten Thousand Beasts!"

As soon as these words came out, the people who had seen the King Kong Ape King nodded one after another.

And Tao Qing and Xu Shen were also stunned when they heard this, and after careful observation, they determined that it was the King Kong Ape King of the Ten Thousand Beasts Forest.

Zhou Mu's eyes turned cold when he heard this, and he said in his heart: "They actually recognize it, this is troublesome." At

this time, there were various roars behind him.

Sixty Lingchuan Realm demon beasts have arrived.

Reinforcements all arrived.

Before those cultivators could react, the Lingchuan Realm demon beasts had already surrounded them.

Under the restraint of the two Spirit Sea Realm demon beasts, Xu Shen and Tao Qing had no spare power to help those cultivators.

At this time, Zhou Mu was standing not far away, and Qingniu did not know when he had come to his side, and then the beast seal transmitted a voice: "This group of people recognize you, let it be whatever it is likely to bring unnecessary trouble, kill it."

"It's not so much trouble to kill."

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