Seven days passed in the blink of an eye, and Zhou Mu did not know anything that happened in the outside world.

Even the woman he sent next door was forgotten by him to cloud nine.

In addition to planting those seasoning seeds, Zhou Mu only had two things left in his heart.

Cultivation and Dailies.

God also favored him, and nothing happened in the Ten Thousand Beast Forest during this time.

Occasional monster fights or being killed by people are within the tolerable range.

And there are not a few demon beasts that have broken through the realm during this time.

More than two hundred Spirit River Realms, more than a thousand Spirit Rain Realms, and more than 5,000 Spirit Qi Realms have been added.

There was even a new Spirit Sea Realm.

She is the wife of the Wind Wolf King.

In this regard, Zhou Mu was very happy.

In vain, he distributed intermediate rations every day.

But the points are now about to bottom, and during this time, he has exchanged dozens of beast souls to increase his cultivation speed, and now his points are left with 2,000.

"At this rate, the Yangtze River can be successfully developed in another month." Zhou Mu muttered as he looked at the winding river in the Spirit Palace.

After receiving the Spirit Palace, Zhou Mu got up and walked out the door.

Outside the door, there were still those little beasts.

Bai Feng, seven chicken cubs, eggs, as for the others, I don't know where to run, and Zhou Mu is too lazy to care.

How to manage a backbone.

But what he didn't expect was that the little wolf was also here with him during this time.

It was sent by his father himself.

Driven by curiosity, Zhou Mu took a look at the Wind Wolf King.

Hehe, it turns out that his wife has reached the Spirit Sea Realm and is ready to create another little wolf.

Thinking of this, Zhou Mu couldn't help but ponder: "It doesn't really feel that if he changes his bloodline, he won't be his son, right?"

After thinking for a moment, Zhou Mu leaned down and rubbed their heads.

Compared to before, they are already much larger, and it won't be long before they can no longer be called little beasts.

Moreover, these little beasts are also very competitive, and now they have all reached the Spirit Rain Realm.

That's right, Spirit Rain Realm!

Even the seven chicken cubs with the worst qualifications were in the early days of the Turin Rain Realm.

That delicious and lazy white phoenix has even reached the middle stage of the Spirit Rain Realm!

It's time for last week!

It's really lucky.

Zhou Mu now felt that Bai Feng's face couldn't hang up.

Man is inferior to beast.

Despite this, Zhou Mu still hoped that they would grow up quickly.

Looking at the seeds that had sprouted green buds next to him, Zhou Mu nodded in satisfaction.

The aura is abundant here, and the growth cycle of these seeds will be much shorter.

Zhou Mu waved his hand at the chicken cubs, signaling them to follow.

He was going to take the seven chickens up the stone steps.

They've never gone down a mountain.

The seven chicken cubs had grown from the original size of a palm to the height of half a calf of Zhou Mu.

The childish call is also much louder, and the feathers are thick and thick, layered on top of each other, unlike the previous thin and soft layer.

The twitter is not as cute as before.

Zhou Mu sighed secretly in his heart.

Take them down the mountain, and the white phoenix they also come down to make fun.

Zhou Mu came to the bottom of the mountain, and some demon beasts around him heard the news.

During this time, they all knew that Zhou Mu lived here, and they also noticed that the aura was stronger here.

Not only that, if you are lucky, you can also get the guidance of the green ox and the rations that the effect is not reduced

, so many demon beasts are entrenched nearby, not only to protect Zhou Mu, but also for their cultivation path.

Seeing this, Zhou Mu smiled and said: "Guys, there is something strange about this mountaineering stone step, and it can be used for hundreds of climbers every day in the future, but only the first climb will be beneficial, and then going up is an ordinary mountaineering." Hearing

this, the surrounding demon beasts became agitated, and they looked longingly at the stone steps.

They knew that Zhou Mu would not lie to them, and they also believed what Zhou Mu said, and the growth rate was the best proof.

Some monster beasts rushed to tell each other, and more and more monster beasts surrounded them.

Seeing this, Zhou Mu smiled helplessly: "There are hundreds of them every day, you all have a chance, don't worry." With

that, he beckoned the chickens to climb the stone steps.

Seeing this, the beasts were about to move, but they did not dare to take a step, because Zhou Mu did not speak.

"Ben... I... Can I too? A crisp and pleasant voice sounded.

Zhou Mu raised his eyebrows and looked around for the source of this voice.

He doesn't remember that there are humans around here!

Moreover, which human dares to squeeze in among the ten thousand beasts.

"Ben... I am here. The crisp voice sounded again.

Zhou Mu lowered his head when he heard the sound and saw a dirty white cat.

With a pat on his head, Zhou Mu thought about it.

Isn't this the princess sick cat?

It's only been a few days, why is it so pulled.

The mantra has changed, and the previous mouthful of one princess is a princess, high above and empty-eyed.

Now it's a little dirty cat.

Cat Linger curled up and looked at Zhou Mu pitifully.

Since the last time the four seasons deer told it about its own situation, Cat Linger has suspected that the cat is born.

After going out, he wanted to wait for the four seasons deer to come to him, but he didn't come to find it at all.

Cat Linger didn't have the face to go back, full of ambition to spell out a bright future in the forest, and then kill back to the Cat Forest to prove herself.

But no one here cares about its princess status, and they haven't even heard of what the cat forest is.

Therefore, Cat Linger, who has lost her status as a princess, is like a waste here, achieving nothing.

Even the shiny hair doesn't take care of it yourself.

Cat Linger cried out after seeing Zhou Mu's eyes.

That look is all too familiar, mocking, contemptuous, teasing...

It is very aggrieved, but does not know what to do.

At this time, the surrounding demon beasts also cast their gazes.

Cat Linger gritted her teeth, forced tears to prevent it from falling, and spoke again: "Can you let me go too."

"I will show my own worth." Cat Linger's voice trembled and she lowered her head.

Hearing this, Zhou Mu was a little surprised.

Is this princess's disease transgender?

I was still thinking about how to change its princess disease and then cultivate it.

Now it's delivered to the door myself.

I also changed the princess's illness.

Zhou Mu thought for a while, but Cat Linger thought that Zhou Mu had ignored it for so long and was rejecting it.

"I'm sorry." Cat Linger said in a trembling voice, lowering her head and running away.


Cat Linger suddenly felt a familiar breath.

At the same time, the low-cultivated demon beasts around them took two steps back in fear, and only after seeing what it was, did they stop the urge to kneel.

Cat Linger turned around suddenly, and saw a black-robed Zhou Mu dragging a cloud of red essence blood in his hand.

The essence blood exuded a faint brilliance, but the coercion of the immortal beast was undisguised.

Cat Linger's eyes were dazed and longing.

It felt the bloodline of the Dream Spirit Cat, and also knew that as long as it got this bloodline, its bloodline could be purified into a real immortal beast.

But it didn't know how Zhou Mu got it.

Just when Cat Linger was sluggish, Zhou Mu's voice sounded: "Go, climb the stone steps, and then wait for me at the top of the mountain." "

Cat Linger's mind has not yet returned to his senses, and his body has already climbed the stone steps.

Subtle sensations fill the whole body, and it is slowly changing.

Zhou Mu put away his bloodline and signaled that the other demon beasts could go up.

The monster beasts huddled together and rushed to the steps, but none of the beasts fought over it.

After all the hundred demon beasts went up, the other demon beasts also honestly retreated, waiting to go up tomorrow.

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