On the stone steps of the mountain, hundreds of demon beasts climbed one after another.

Every time I climb a step, I stay in place for a while, carefully feeling the subtle changes.

In the first step of the free time, a new demon beast will step on again.

Their expressions also changed from calm at the beginning, to excitement, to shock.

Climbing stone steps can stimulate the potential of monsters.

But potential refers to untapped capabilities.

Therefore, the benefits of mountaineering can be large and small.

If its own bloodline is a divine beast but has not awakened, then climbing the stone steps is likely to awaken.

If it is ordinary in itself, it is still ordinary to climb the stone steps a hundred times.

Of course, this has a bit to do with luck.

But the vast majority of demon beasts should have something to gain.

The reason why Zhou Mu took those seven chicken cubs up the stone steps was because the color of their feathers was too strange.

Don't talk about the yellow one, what the hell is the green one.

If this is all natural, it must be a bit of untapped potential!

But as it turned out, it didn't.

The seven chicken cubs jumped in line on the stone steps.

One chicken and one step, the whole process is not stranded, and you can run to the top of the mountain by jumping.

Throw off other monsters hundreds of steps.

Seeing this, Zhou Mu was speechless.

Or slaughter them.

The greater the hope, the greater the disappointment.

I also thought that they would awaken a phoenix bloodline.

Gee, it's up to you.

On the stone steps, Cat Linger was still climbing one step at a time, and its body was also undergoing slight changes.

The hundred demon beasts also climbed higher and higher, and some even stayed for a quarter of an hour at the first step, and then their breath skyrocketed when they took the first step.

In just this moment, two demon beasts broke through the realm and stepped into the Spirit Rain Realm.

Seeing this, Zhou Mu no longer paid attention to it, these thousands of steps were enough for them to climb.

With the white phoenix, they returned to the top of the mountain and waited for the arrival of Cat Linger.

"The bloodline of the immortal beast that has been smashed in the hands for so many days is finally going to be sent." Zhou Mu looked at the white cat under the mountain and whispered.

Then he looked at the seven chicken cubs, and suddenly didn't know where the anger came from.

The chicken cub seemed to feel the murderous aura, and was full of excitement, "twittering" behind the green bull, and then quietly poked his head out, looking at Zhou Mu pitifully.

Seeing this, Zhou Mu let out a long sigh.

So be it, after so many days, maybe they will have some adventures in the future.

Who can say for sure what will happen in the future.

After waiting for a while and still not seeing Cat Ling'er come up, Zhou Mu simply cultivated on the spot.

Not a single second can be wasted.

Seeing this, the green bull not far away nodded with satisfaction.

The other beasts saw that their owners were working so hard, and they were embarrassed to play anymore.

So they all cultivated.

In this way, the top of Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain fell into silence again, and the only sound was the soft sound of the Spirit Palace when absorbing the Spiritual Qi.

Two hours later, Mao Linger finally climbed to the top of the mountain.

After the encouragement of the climbing stone steps, its red eyes shone with a faint golden light, and its dirty hair became beautiful again, and even had an unknown temperament.

At this time, Zhou Mu was sitting at the door cultivating, and Mao Linger wanted to open his mouth to remind him, but the words came to his lips but swallowed back.

He stood there quietly waiting for Zhou Mu's cultivation to finish.

At the same time, its gaze also fell on the other small beasts.

Except for the green bull who was napping, the other little beasts were all working hard to cultivate.

Cat Linger couldn't help but sigh in her heart: "Even a group of demon beasts with no talent work so hard, but they are proud of their status as princesses." "

An hour later.

At this time, Bai Feng stopped cultivating and opened his eyes to look at Cat Linger.

It's not that it doesn't practice, it's that it really can't practice.

Anyway, no matter how to do cultivation, it will rise, why work hard.

So, Bai Feng let out a long cry, and the breath of the fairy beast was carried out in this roar, which entered the ears of Cat Linger, making it sluggish for a while.

It turns out that this is also a fairy beast, but it has eyes that do not recognize Mount Tai, but with fairy beasts for many years, Cat Linger has long been accustomed to the breath of fairy beasts.


The little wolf heard Bai Feng's chirping and also opened his eyes and screamed.

The breath of the immortal beast was carried out in the howl.

Cat Linger's expression was stunned again, a little unbelievable.

There are actually two immortal beasts in this small place!

Then he looked at Zhou Mu again, thinking of all the situations on his body, and said in his heart: "If it is this man, it is not impossible." The

cries of the two beasts pulled Zhou Mu out of his cultivation.

When I opened my eyes, I saw the cat Linger sitting in front of me, and I felt that it was a little strange, so I climbed a stone step, and my temperament changed.

After Zhou Mu came back to his senses, he said, "How long have you been here?" "

Just coming." Cat Linger lowered her head and said.

"Can the bloodline awaken?" Zhou Mu asked curiously.

Cat Linger paused and spoke, "Ling'er has poor qualifications and has failed the expectations of the owner. Hearing

this, Zhou Mu raised his eyebrows.

Huh! Are you all so good at talking?

That's a big change!

Zhou Mu couldn't help but speak: "To be honest, I still like your unruly appearance, of course, I don't like your princess disease." Cat

Linger was stunned, her face was complicated, and she didn't speak.

Seeing this, Zhou Mu didn't say anything more.

It's just that this cat's temperament has changed drastically, making him a little unaccustomed.

Zhou Mu condensed into a beast seal in his hand to play with, and said in a deep voice: "Do you know that your life is already in my hands?" "

I know."

Hearing this, Zhou Mu dispersed the beast seal and said with a smile: "But I can only control your life and death, and I can't know if you are loyal to me." Saying

that, Zhou Mu took out the brilliant mass of Dream Spirit Cat Essence Blood.

"I exchange this for your loyalty, may I?" Zhou Mu squinted and smiled.

Cat Linger was very knowledgeable, and immediately fell to the ground and spoke: "I am willing to sacrifice everything to the owner." "

The voice is crisp and loud, unwavering.

Zhou Mu nodded in satisfaction and punched the Dream Spirit Cat Essence Blood into the body of the cat Linger.

Zhou Mu is not afraid of this bloodline, even if Cat Linger betrays him, the system's recycling function can also recycle the bloodline, which he only recently learned.

The blood cell wrapped around Cat Ling'er and slowly penetrated into the body.

After a quarter of an hour, all the essence blood was absorbed, but there was no change in the cat Ling'er except for the red pupil turning golden.

[Name] Dream Spirit Cat (Cat Linger)

[Gender] Female

[Cultivation] Early stage of Spirit Rain

Realm [Race Name] Dream Spirit Cat

[Race Potential] Immortal Beast

[Talent] Red Pupil Fantasy Realm, Dream Secret Realm, Dream-making, Transfiguration [

Introduction] The little princess of the cat forest in the North Spirit Domain of the Holy Spirit Continent, due to the impure bloodline miserable calculation, fell into the Southern Spirit Domain, and met nobles to help restore the rank of fairy beasts. This beast is good at creating illusions to confuse enemies, and the enemies it hates cannot even sleep at ease.

【Dreaming】Cat Linger can construct other people's dreams according to her own ideas.

【Fantasy Secret Realm】Large-scale illusion art, which can temporarily change the shape of things to achieve a real illusion.

【Red Pupil Illusion】Create a killing illusion to affect the enemy.

【Transformation】Can consume Aura to transform its own form.

Zhou Mu: "Transformation? "

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