When the words fell, countless demon beasts erupted, and coercion spread throughout the forest.

Then a thousand Lingchuan Realm demon beasts came from all directions and gathered under the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain.

Immediately after the five beast kings appeared, the aura of the Spirit Sea Realm was unabashedly revealed, covering all the Spirit Sea Realms.

As for the remaining Spirit Sea Realm she-wolf, Zhou Mu planned to let her guard the house.

Zhou Mu stood on the stone steps with a serious face, and saw all the demon beasts at a glance.

The demon beasts gathered their breath and quietly waited for Zhou Mu to speak.

"Everyone, Silver Peak Valley sent demon beasts to slaughter dozens of demon beasts in my Ten Thousand Beast Forest yesterday, and not long ago, there was another night to dig the corner of my Ten Thousand Beast Forest and insult me the Ten Thousand Beast Forest Beast King."

"Once, we may not be as good as them and swallow our anger."

"But now, we have the strength to compete with them, and we must not let them get any more in."

"Today, I will lead you to the Silver Peak Valley and repay all the humiliations you once had."

"On this trip, we mainly kill the demon beasts above the other party's Lingchuan realm."

"This time, we will definitely have casualties, but I want to tell you how you can reach the top without experiencing wind and rain."

"What I want to see is not only that you become the Spirit Sea and Spirit Yuan, but I also want to see you become the pillars of my Ten Thousand Beast Forest."

"I want to see you face the power of divine beasts in the future with the body of mortal beasts!"

Hearing this, all the beasts roared in unison, full of fighting intent.


With a wave of Zhou Mu's big hand, a thousand demon beasts rushed to attack, and the ground shook, shaking the sky with dust.

Zhou Muchan sat on the back of the green ox, leisurely.

He was not at all worried about being stolen.

As I have just asked, as long as the teleportation anchor is willing to pay points, it can be teleported in groups.

If the Wind Wolf really had an accident and the Wind Wolf couldn't bear it, then they could return immediately.

As long as you get to the Silver Peak Valley and recycle some damn demon beasts.

In this way, a thousand demon beasts rushed out of the forest of ten thousand beasts, and the five beast kings followed in five directions.

On the way, some of the cultivators who saw this scene were so frightened that their legs trembled and fled in embarrassment, afraid of being killed by them.

When some small sects and villages and towns in the vicinity heard the news, they immediately recalled the cultivators, hiding what should be hidden, and guarding against it.

Not a single one who has the guts to steal a house.

In this way, at noon, the demon beasts successfully arrived at Silver Peak Valley.

The monster beasts were mighty, and without the slightest hesitation, they rushed directly in.

The Ten Thousand Beasts Forest Demon Beasts were huge, and although there were several Silver Peak Valley Lingchuan Realm Demon Beasts along the way, they did not dare to make a sound, and hid all the way away.

But there were still demon beasts that beat them out.

Somehow the Ten Thousand Beasts Forest Demon Beasts learned to act in groups.

After sensing the enemy on the way, the monsters quickly divided into twenty small teams.

Each team has a total of fifty demon beasts.

Seeing that there were Lingchuan Realm enemy beasts, even if there was only one, it was a team rushing up.

The enemy beasts that resisted were crippled and crippled to Zhou Mu, who recycled them into points, and one had 1,000 points.

If you don't stop it, kill it, and divide the corpse among the food.

The flesh of the Lingchuan Realm demon beast also contains spiritual energy, and eating it helps to strengthen the physical body and improve cultivation.

Those who directly begged for mercy at the beginning were taken to Zhou Mu's body to imprint the beast seal and join the Ten Thousand Beast Forest.

Seeing this, Zhou Mu was a little surprised by the wisdom of these demon beasts.

The leaders of those twenty teams were the twenty that caught hyenas last time.

I didn't expect them to be able to organize teams and group actions here.

Zhou Mu was very pleased.

It is worthy of being his first subordinates, and his consciousness is high.

Like those few new beasts that had just joined, they were all confused until now, and they didn't know why they were so orderly.

Along the way, Zhou Mu and they encountered a total of 43 demon beasts, recovered 16, killed 23, and collected 4.

Until now, I haven't seen those beast kings bring beasts to stop them.

Zhou Mu sneered and said, "Heh, a group of local chickens and dogs, internal strife is constant, even the strength can not be gathered, where can the courage to swallow my Ten Thousand Beast Forest." Zhou

Mu called the Bishui Snake King: "You lead the way to find the Spirit Ape King, and the rest don't care." The

Bishui Snake King spat out the snake letter, turned around and came to the front of the team, leading the beasts to the Spirit Ape King's territory.

Everywhere they passed, the enemy beasts were silent.

Zhou Mu sat on the back of the green ox, at the back of the group.

His attention was not on those Lingchuan Realm demon beasts at all.

He also never knew the number of demon beasts in various realms of the Silver Peak Valley.

Because it's not necessary.

Let's not mention that green oxen can destroy them with a wave of their hooves.

With this broken place fighting like this, it is difficult to say whether the six beast kings will unite.

There are five Spirit Sea Realms on his side, three late stages, and two middle stages.

It is more than enough to deal with this group of rabble who are full of brains and only kill.

As long as the opponent's top combat power is solved, then this force can be regarded as won.

Zhou Mu also didn't want to kill too many low-level demon beasts, those were all points.

But there's no time to tag them right now.

Getting things done is the first priority.


A roar echoed through the valley and reverberated all around.

Immediately afterwards, the aura of the Spirit Sea Realm erupted, wanting to shock Zhou Mu's demon beasts.

But this group of monster beasts was not affected in the slightest, and the new monster beasts only lagged for a while, and then continued to follow.

After being told by the other demon beasts, they already knew that there were five Spirit Sea Realm demon beasts hiding their breath around.

Zhou Mu looked up and saw that it was a tiger with fiery red hair.

The Bishui Snake King's aura instantly erupted, and he roared: "Red Flame Tiger King, leave quickly, you can live!" Hearing

this, the Red Flame Tiger King roared angrily, "Joke! Kill so many of my subordinates and let me leave?

"I'm a sick cat!"

The Red Flame Tiger King was covered in flames, and the flames condensed into a giant claw in the air, and he shot towards it without hesitation.

The blazing temperature burned the sky, and the Bishui Snake King sighed softly when he saw this: "Why bother, this matter has nothing to do with you."

"None of my business? You killed dozens of my Lingchuan Realm subordinates, even my strongest warrior, the steel-clawed hyena, died in the Forest of Ten Thousand Beasts, I didn't go to you, you came to me first!" The

Red Flame Tiger King roared.

And its words were also heard by a group of Lingchuan Realm demon beasts and Zhou Mu.

The twenty demon beasts glared angrily at the Red Flame Tiger King and roared in a low voice.

The Red Flame Tiger King noticed the gaze of these demon beasts and said angrily, "Ants also dare to look at me angrily? With

that, another flaming giant claw appeared and slapped towards the beasts.

Seeing this, Zhou Mu sneered slightly, took out the Ten Thousand Souls Star Bow, and stood on the back of the green ox.

Dark golden phantoms emerged, and the stars of the brilliant beast soul starry sky flickered.

The bowstring was full, and thirty rays of light flew out from the beast soul starry sky, all condensing on the bowstring.

Twenty of these beast souls are mortal beast souls and ten exotic beast souls.

These beast souls had different cultivations before their deaths, but it was enough to block one attack so much.

The light of different colors eventually forms a white arrow of light with a diameter of four centimeters.

The right hand released the bowstring, and the light arrow was like a shooting star, passing over the head of the demon beast, carrying the momentum of the broken army and rushing towards the giant claw.

In the blink of an eye, the light arrow penetrated the giant claw and became dim.

And the giant claw, like encountering a natural enemy, instantly collapsed, and the aura floated.

Thirty beast shadows in the light arrow appeared, and saw a giant claw not far away, and the beast shadow pounced on the giant claw one after another, crashing into the flames.

The Red Flame Tiger King Tiger locked his forehead and looked at where the arrow came from.


Without waiting for it to be puzzled, Zhou Mu withdrew his bow and said with his hand: "The steel-clawed hyena first killed 43 of my Ten Thousand Beasts Forest mortal beasts, 25 in the Spiritual Qi Realm, and 12 in the Spiritual Rain Realm."

"I only killed you 50, and the number is far from enough."

"Time is a little tight, I didn't want to worry too much about this matter, but you come out to block the way now, I'll give you two choices."

Saying that, Zhou Mu's face was grim.

"Get out of here, or leave your life behind!"

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