"Arrogant human being, do you think you can do it after blocking my attack in the Spirit Rain Realm?"

"The Bishui Snake King can't beat me, it's even easier for me to beat you, and then I will kill all this group of Lingchuan Realms in front of you!"

The Red Flame Tiger King roared angrily with his blood basin open.

Hearing this, Zhou Mu's eyes burst with a fierce light, and he immediately wanted the Five Beast King to take it down, and then turn it into his own points.

Who expected that the Bishui Snake King suddenly spoke: "Farm owner, let me come."

Looking at the fierce eyes of the Bishui Snake King, Zhou Mu nodded.

Rolled over and jumped down from the back of the green bull, looking at the Blue Water Snake King and the Red Flame Tiger King in the distance.

From the beginning when the steel-clawed hyena invaded the Ten Thousand Beast Forest, Zhou Mu had no feeling for the beast king here.

It is naturally better if you are willing to surrender, and it does not matter if you are not willing to kill.

Strong twisted melon is not sweet.

After hearing this, the Red Flame Tiger King laughed loudly: "You really go back more and more alive, if you can't beat me, forget it, and listen to a human being!"

"What a shame!"

In the end, the Red Flame Tiger King's voice was a little low.

The Bishui Snake King straightened up and said, "Less nonsense."

Then the body of the Bishui Snake King, which was tens of meters tall, burst into a mist.

In the blink of an eye, several streams of water appeared, lingering around it.

Seeing this, the Red Flame Tiger King roared, and the roaring fire burned on his body, and his hind legs were forced, and he rushed over in an instant.

And the ground where it sits in is a big hole.

The Blue Water Snake King roared, and the water turned rapidly, forming a torrent shield to wrap the whole body, and then countless aura water arrows appeared behind him.

As the Bishui Snake King crawled rapidly, the Aura Water Arrow shot out, all of them flying towards the Red Flame Tiger King.

I saw the Tiger King leaning over and roaring, and the big earthquake shook.

A pillar of flames rose up into the sky, blocking the water arrows.

The water arrow instantly turned into a cloud of gas and dissipated in the sky.

When Zhou Mu in the distance saw this scene, he immediately took out the pot from the storage ring and set up a fire on the spot.

I took out a piece of demon beast meat and put it in the pot and boiled it, not forgetting to take out the seasoning I bought before.

Zhou Mu sat by the pot, eating meat while watching their battle.

Learn secretly.

Then smacked his lips, it was worthy of being meat with aura, and it tasted different.

After eating a piece, I was full, and I still felt that my strength was endless.


With a loud bang, the Bishui Snake King spat out a blue pillar of light from his mouth and shot straight towards the Red Flame Tiger King.

The Red Flame Tiger King also spat out a red pillar of light from his mouth, colliding with the Bishui Snake King.

Seeing this, Zhou Mu couldn't help but be a little stunned.

How is this fight not showy at all.

Seeing that it was not interesting, Zhou Mubeast Yin transmitted: "If you can fight, hurry up, hurry." Hearing

this, the figure of the Bishui Snake King flashed, and nineteen identical Bishui Snake Kings appeared, encircling the Tiger King.

Then a cloud of aura bombs appeared in front of him, bursting out.

"That's it?" The Red Flame Tiger King let out a low roar, and then the ground under him cracked, and endless flames rushed out from the cracks.

Without waiting for it to be proud, the flames under its feet suddenly extinguished, replaced by a monstrous column of water washing over its body.

At this time, Zhou Mu put away the pot and began to walk slowly towards the two beasts.

It was also at this moment that several water blades pierced the Red Flame Tiger King's limbs, pinning it in place.

The Red Flame Tiger King wailed, it didn't understand why it would lose now if the Bishui Snake King couldn't defeat it a few months ago.

Zhou Mu approached, and the tens of meters tall Bishui Snake King was full of burning marks.

Seeing that Zhou Mu was coming, it lowered its body again.

Zhou Mu glanced at it approvingly, and then condensed a beast seal and looked at the Red Flame Tiger King.

The Bishui Snake King thought that Zhou Mu wanted to take it under his command, and opened his mouth to speak.

And Zhou Mu didn't look at it, nor did he listen to the roar of the Red Flame Tiger King, he walked straight over, and a beast seal was pressed into the top of its head.

In an instant, the Red Flame Tiger King felt that his growth rate had skyrocketed.

Shocked in his heart, he immediately understood the special nature of the human being in front of him, and quickly spoke: "I am willing to serve you as Lord!"

Zhou Mu paused and looked at it.

"I don't want to."

[Whether to recycle the Spirit Sea Realm Spirit Beast Red Flame Tiger King.


The words fell, and the huge Red Flame Tiger King turned into powder and dissipated.

[Successfully recovered the Red Flame Tiger King, congratulations to the host for obtaining the Red Flame Tiger King bloodline, Red Flame Tiger King Beast Soul, Red Flame Tiger King Beast Bone, 10,000 points. ] Zhou

Mu sneered and took out the Red Flame Tiger King bloodline.

He remembered that among the twenty leaders was a tiger.

The Bishui Snake King immediately breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Zhou Mu's approach.

For Zhou Mu's method, it had already seen no surprises, and he had not seen him kill other demon beasts like this along the way.

It's just that the next bloodline shocked it.

Because it felt a familiar breath from that mass of blood.

The same breath as the Red Flame Tiger King just now.

The Bishui Snake King didn't ask much and followed Zhou Mu.

The rest of the Beast Kings were also surprised.

On the one hand, he was surprised that the Bishui Snake King had progressed so fast, and on the other side, he was surprised that Zhou Mu had made such a speed.

I saw Zhou Mu come to the tiger and read its information: "Alien beast, just right, you can use this bloodline first." Without

waiting for the tiger to react, a ball of blood wrapped it.

Then the tiger roared, and the pain almost lost consciousness.

And the surrounding demon beasts were extremely envious after feeling the breath of bloodline.

It was also at this time that they learned that the owner of the farm actually had the bloodline of the demon beast.

I just don't know when it's their turn.

On the ground, the tiger absorbed all its bloodlines.

The hair lines on the body also begin to change at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After a while, the hair all over his body turned fiery red.

The form is somewhat similar to the previous Red Flame Tiger King, but it is a little small.

It may be because the cultivation is not enough.

However, now that it has the bloodline of the spirit beast, it will grow much faster.

It won't be long before another Spirit Sea Realm emerges from the Ten Thousand Beast Forest.

Under the gratitude of the Red Flame Tiger, Zhou Mu turned back to Qingniu, and the Bishui Snake King also led the team to the Lingqing Ape King's territory again.

Along the way, the demon beasts ran rampant, entering the Silver Peak Valley like entering the realm of no beasts.

When you see them in the Lingchuan Realm, you run, and those in the Lingchuan Realm are killed when they see them.

From entering the Silver Peak Valley to now, Zhou Mu has 80,000 points.

The Lingchuan Realm Demon Beast is a true value point, and one is a thousand.

And this smooth situation also made Zhou Mu doubt his own judgment.

"Am I barking too much?"

"This is all now, why don't those beast kings gather demon beasts to kill me? My thousand demon beasts are waiting to fight in blood!

"If the battle hadn't started, wouldn't what you said before you come be laughed at to death?"

Zhou Mu kept complaining in his heart, and he was also hoping that the demon beasts would come out to stop him.

Otherwise, it would be too bland.

What is the infighting? He was about to cross the Silver Peak Valley with the demon beast, and as a result, a Red Flame Tiger King came out.

It was still useless, and the Bishui Snake King in the middle of the Spirit Sea Realm dried it up.

Zhou Mu sighed.

The sun tilted slightly, and they finally came to the territory of the Spirit Ape King.

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