Zhou Muchan sat on the back of the green ox, raised his hand and waved, signaling to stop.

However, he was at the end of the team, and only the five beast kings who were always paying attention to him saw this gesture.

The Bishui Snake King at the front of the team immediately stopped, and the demon beasts behind him also stopped.

The reaction was swift, as if it was really Zhou Mu who waved his hand, and the demon beasts all saw it and stopped advancing.

Zhou Mu was also surprised after returning to his senses.

Do you have eyes on the back of your head? You can see this.

But I didn't care too much.

Next, he will go to find a venue with the Bishui Snake King.

A thousand demon beasts will definitely not work in the past, if it really fights, it is difficult to guarantee that it will affect these Lingchuan realms.

So Zhou Mu planned to take the green ox and the Bishui Snake King to go first.

Let the other four beast kings stand by first.

The main thing is a hidden clumsy.

Never transfer all your strength to the bright side.

Just like the outside world thought that there were only five Spirit Sea Realms in the Ten Thousand Beasts Forest, but a few days ago we had one more.

Moreover, they go out to hide all their breath, and if their cultivation is not high, they can hardly be found.

Zhou Mu turned over and jumped down, leading the green bull to the front of the team.

"You have also seen that the Lingchuan Realm demon beasts that came to Silver Peak Valley all the way were broken by us like chickens and dogs."

"Not only did we have no casualties, but we also had some new partners."

"But I promised you to let you have a big battle before, but so far there have not been a large number of demon beasts to find it."

"If you guys are bored, you can run around and fight for a while, it's better to annoy them and gather all the monsters and beasts."

"So you can have a good fight."

After saying this, Zhou Mu secretly used the beast seal to summon five thousand Spirit Rain Realm demon beasts, letting them lurk outside the Silver Peak Valley.

It's not for support, it's for fear that the low cultivation will run away for the demon beast.

If you run, you won't have points.

After the explanation, Zhou Mu took the green ox and the Bishui Snake King to the lair of the Lingqing Ape King.

Here, Zhou Mu did not let the Bishui Snake King hide his breath.

Find a venue, the momentum cannot be weak.

The mighty breath spread throughout this region.

In a certain tree hole, a giant snow-white ape perceives this breath, puts down the cyan snake wrapped around his body, and mockingly says: "Your useless ex-husband is here again." The

green snake's body was soft, and his voice was soft: "It's really useless, leave it alone, let's continue." With

that, the green snake straightened up again and slowly wrapped it up.

The Spirit Ape King sneered and let the green snake climb up.

Then he walked out of the tree hole and walked slowly towards the breath.

There was a hint of panic in the green snake's eyes, but it quickly returned to normal.

The Spirit Ape King is stronger than all the beast kings in the Ten Thousand Beast Forest, what are you afraid of?

After a while, Zhou Mu and his party saw a huge ape slowly walking in the distance.

On the ape, a green snake is wriggling back and forth.

Zhou Mu was amazed.

Interracial can also play, beyond the scope of Zhou Mu's cognitive ability.

He was still alone.

Seeing this, the Bishui Snake King's eyes turned into vertical pupils, blood crept up his eyeballs, and his mouth continued to hiss.

The tail slapped the ground hard a few times, and then suddenly quieted down, quietly looking into the distance, his eyes clear.

[Congratulations to the host for successfully finding what the Bishui Snake King lost. ] 】

【Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Qinghai Spirit Snake Bloodline, Revenant Soul Bead, 10,000 points. 【

Congratulations to the host for upgrading the point reward mechanism, the specific effect host can explore on its own.】 Hearing

the sudden system prompt, Zhou Mu thought that he had misheard.

It turns out that finding the lost item is to find it under your own witness, and you don't necessarily have to find it.

The system actually plays with words.

He was still thinking about how to bring the corpse of the green snake back to complete this task.

An information panel appeared in front of Zhou Mu's eyes, recording the reward information this time.


Spirit Snake [Race Name] Qinghai Spirit Snake [Race Potential] Immortal Beast

[Talent] Qinghai Burial, Tonghai, Water Power, Prayer Sea [

Introduction] A giant beast in the sea from the Netherworld, good at manipulating water, and can make it fight for themselves through communication with the revenant.

【Qinghai Burial】The larger the water, the higher the attack power.

【Pray for the sea】After praying successfully, you can pull the nearby "sea" to your side.

Zhou Mu glanced at this skill, and then looked at another.

[Revenant Soul Bead] can collect and store ten thousand beast souls (the reserve is determined by the spiritual energy reserve, and it can currently be stored 100)

Zhou Mu raised his eyebrows, and his heart was quite satisfied.

The Revenant Bead should be able to collect beast souls, so that you can save a few points.

At this time, the Lingqing Ape King dragged the body of the green snake with one hand and joked: "Why is it here again?" Miss your wife? Hearing

this, Zhou Mu's brows furrowed, and his face was full of disgust.

It's disgusting.

The Bishui Snake King's eyes moved slightly, and he said uncaringly: "How can you think of something you don't want, that's your mouthful."

The green snake did not speak, but the Spirit Ape King laughed loudly and mocked: "You only have a hard mouth."

Then glanced at the Bishui Snake King, looked at the burns on its body, and smacked his lips and smiled: "Why, you can be injured all over the place?" How else to fight me, I'm afraid that if I accidentally beat you to death, my little baby will be distressed! Saying

that, the Spirit Ape King stroked the body of the green snake.

The green snake hurriedly spoke: "It's enough for me to have you, how can I feel sorry for it!" Seeing

this, the Bishui Snake King's figure trembled, and a trace of coldness flashed under his eyes.

Then he said slowly, "Didn't you find that your Silver Peak Valley lacked a breath?" Hearing

this, the Lingqing Ape King laughed: "There are so many demon beasts here, there are deaths and births every moment, do you want to find a disappearing Lingchuan Realm aura to prove how brave you are?"

Its laughter suddenly stopped, and its unbridled smile instantly disappeared, replaced by a look full of surprise.

"The aura of the Red Flame Tiger King has disappeared?" The Ape King said in disbelief.

In the Silver Peak Valley, there is a high probability that it will fall, otherwise these beast kings will release their breath to compare with other beast kings.

At this time, the Bishui Snake King and Zhou Mu were looking at it with a playful face.

The Lingqing Ape King's eyes widened, and he asked uncertainly, "You guys did it?"

"Yes, we did it, not only that, you can't even find its body." Zhou Mu said with a smile.

Looking at this black-robed human being, although the Spirit Ape King was dissatisfied, he did not have a seizure, only because the news of the death of the Red Flame Tiger King surprised him too much.

"That's great, we can divide the territory of the stupid tiger among a few of us." The Spirit Ape King's eyes were greedy and ecstatic.

A fierce light flashed under its eyes, and it lowered the green snake from its body, letting the green snake run away.

After all, the green snake is only the Lingchuan Realm, and what follows is the battle of the Linghai Realm.

Lingqing Ape Dynasty spat on the side, and said confidently, "But before I divide it, I have to solve you bedbug!" It didn't kill you last time, and you can't run this time.

"And the cow and the human, think this bug can protect you?"

At this time, the green snake looked at it with affection and said, "Honey, you need to be careful." "


The Bishui Snake King suddenly let out a sound and looked at Zhou Mu, as if to say again.

Let me!

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