
Lingqing Ape King looked fierce, and said in a disdainful tone: "It's just that you killed the weakest Red Flame Tiger King, so this is arrogant?"

"Don't think that bringing a human to give you advice, and leading the vulnerable Lingchuan Realm can run amok with me."

"I'm not the Red Flame Tiger King!"

As early as when it felt the Red Flame Tiger King, it discovered the extra thousand demon beasts here.

There are not a thousand Spirit Chuan Realms in his territory, and it is still easy to find out that so many suddenly appeared.

But it doesn't matter, no matter how many Lingchuan realms are, it will increase casualties.

So I didn't take it to heart either.

"Kill you, I'll go grab the territory!"

The Spirit Ape King roared angrily, suddenly bursting out, and a storm rose around his body, wantonly tearing everything apart.

Seeing this, Zhou Mu hurriedly retreated behind the Bishui Snake King.

Looking at the momentum of both sides, Zhou Mu was a little unsure.

He always felt that the Bishui Snake King was going to lose.

Because Zhou Mu glanced at the Spirit Ape King, its information appeared in his mind.

It is a late stage of the Spirit Sea Realm.

And the Bishui Snake King is only in the middle of the Spirit Sea Realm.

But it doesn't matter, if you lose, give it the bloodline now and continue to fight!

Zhou Mu hated the snake and ape on the other side from the beginning of the meeting.

If you can't kill them, it's hard to get their minds through.

In the blink of an eye, the Spirit Ape King appeared in front of the Bishui Snake King, grabbed its bucket-thick body with both hands, carried it over its shoulders, and wanted to hug it.

The Bishui Snake King did not show weakness, turned over and tightened the Spirit Ape King.

Then there was a hand-to-hand fight, and the Bishui Snake King was thrown I don't know how many times, and the Lingqing Ape King also had some strangulation marks and tooth marks on his body.

But relatively speaking, the Bishui Snake King is in the downside.

The Bishui Snake King didn't expect that hand-to-hand combat would hit it, so he quickly opened the distance and controlled the water attack.

Just like that, Zhou Mu stood behind and yawned boredly.

The Spirit Sea Realm battle does have powerful aftermath, and these demon beasts are no exception.

But the demon beast's attack method is too monotonous, and it is not dazzling at all.

It's not as good as Zhou Mu's own thunder to show, although it is not very strong now, but it is good-looking.

In the end, the Spirit Ape King slammed a punch on the ground, and the rock spikes tens of meters high rose into the sky, attacking the Bishui Snake King all the way.


The Bishui Snake King screamed, and the spike broke through the water defense hole through its body, covered in scars and blood.

The Spirit Ape King patted the soil on his shoulder and beckoned the green snake over.

Then the two beasts didn't look at the Bishui Snake King and walked straight past it.

Without even looking at Zhou Mu and Qingniu, a rock casually smashed into Zhou Mu, causing a puff of smoke.

The Bishui Snake King lowered his eyes and was dying.

It didn't worry about Zhou Mu, but just felt that it had embarrassed Zhou Mu.

But now it doesn't seem to be alive.

It didn't know if Zhou Mu had the ability to save it, nor did it know if his current self was worth saving.

The smoke and dust dispersed, and Zhou Mu, who was dressed in a black robe, patted the dust on his body, and said in a flat tone: "Hey, what are you doing so early?" After fighting for a long time, you didn't kill a single one! The

two beasts were stunned when they heard this, and turned around one after another.

They knew that the Bishui Snake King was not dead, but why could this Spirit Rain Realm human be able to block a blow from the Spirit Sea Realm?

Suddenly, an aura that made all the demon beasts palpitate appeared.

The three beasts saw with their own eyes a ball of blood suddenly appear in Zhou Mu's hand.

And the blood ball exudes the breath of an immortal beast.

The Bishui Snake King's eyes flashed, and it finally saw Zhou Mu take out the bloodline of the immortal beast.

But why does this bloodline have a sense of intimacy?

Not only the Bishui Snake King felt so, but the Green Snake also felt so.

At the same time as the heart palpitations, the eyes are full of longing.

The Lingqing Ape King felt the breath, and his eyes flashed with greed: "Human, give it to me, I will let you live." "

Although it has never seen an immortal beast, this aura is obviously stronger than its own.

Zhou Mu smiled when he heard this, and threw the blood ball out.

But it is not the Spirit Ape King who stretches out his hand, but the dying Blue Water Snake King.

"Find death!"

The Spirit Ape King roared angrily, pushed the green snake away, and quickly ran towards the blood ball in the air.


The Red Spirit Eagle King soared into the sky, and a cry shocked Baili.

I saw thousands of fire feathers appear in the blink of an eye, and then all of them smashed on the Spirit Ape King like falling rain.

The Spirit Ape King turned to defend and glared angrily at the Eagle King in the sky.

It was at this moment that the blood ball flew above the head of the Bishui Snake King and wrapped it in the blink of an eye.

The blood veins slowly penetrated in, quietly changing its body.

The Spirit Ape King was so anxious that he jumped to his feet, and he could only throw the rock into the sky, but it didn't help at all.

At this time, it suddenly remembered Zhou Mu.

Then he suddenly turned around, and a huge rock smashed towards Zhou Mu.

Zhou Mu smiled and stood with his hands in his hands, not panicking at all.


A huge figure appeared in front of Zhou Mu and shattered the boulder with a punch.

The King Kong Ape King hammered his chest twice, and then clenched his fist and hit the Lingqing Ape King.

The Red Spirit Eagle King and the King Kong Ape King joined forces, and the already injured Spirit Ape King was quickly defeated.

When, there was a sudden laughter in the sky.

"Ah, the slave family spirit mei fox king, come and see what that breath is, you shouldn't mind, right?"

Hearing this, Zhou Mu raised his eyebrows.

This is another one who can speak, and he doesn't have to translate the beast language himself.

Looking up, a white fox two meters tall was standing on a black bird.

The black bird quickly landed on the ground, and the Spirit Fox King gracefully stepped down from it.

Then the white fox glanced at it, and the black bird immediately flew away.

The battlefield seemed to pause the moment the Spirit Fox King appeared, and he looked at it like this.

The white fox held his head high, proud.

Seeing the blue water snake king wrapped in blood mist, the Lingmei Fox King felt the breath before, his eyes moved, and he said with a smile: "Ah, you guys continue, I'm just here to take a look." Saying

that, slowly approached the Bishui Snake King.

It's just that at the same time that it was close to the Bishui Snake King, a giant wolf also slowly walked out of the woods, looking at the Spirit Fox King with a warning in his eyes.

Seeing this, the Spirit Fox King laughed twice and stopped moving.

And the Wind Wolf King walked in front of the Spirit Fox King and protected the Bishui Snake King behind him.


Lingmei Fox King laughed twice.

"Come out."

In an instant, the aura of the Three Spirit Sea Realms emerged.

Then a bear, a crocodile, and a leopard all appeared behind the Spirit Fox King.

At this time, the Flame Lion King was no longer hiding, and walked to the Wind Wolf King with a raging fire, looking at the four Beast Kings.

"I'm not good at fighting, let's fight four, it's fair." Lingmei Fox King said coquettishly.

Zhou Mu felt itchy when he listened to its voice, plus it was obviously a human voice, but it was a fox body, which was even more uncomfortable.

"Noisy, what kind of opponent is the Great Crippled Spirit Ape King." The Flame Lion King said arrogantly.

In an instant, the aura of the Nine Spiritual Sea Realm soared into the sky.

The green snake was stunned by this breath, while Zhou Mu had no effect.

Seeing this, the five beast kings on the other side all showed surprised expressions.

But compared to this, what is more attractive is the blood mist that slowly fades around the Bishui Snake King.

They have already felt this breath, otherwise they would not have united the four of them.

The eyes of the other three beast kings were full of greed, but the Spirit Fox King's eyes flickered, not knowing what he was thinking.

As a wave of fluctuations came out of the Bishui Snake King's body, the blood mist became even lighter.

This volatility also became a signal for war.

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