Zhou Mu's heart did not fluctuate much about this, after all, his own demon beasts had not died before, and the laws of nature could not be helped.

However, the cultivation of the previous death was not high, and this death was the Lingchuan Realm.

Although he does not lack Lingchuan Realm demon beasts now, it is somewhat a pity that a combat power that can almost run amok in the town outside dies.

The demon beast that brought the corpse looked a little complicated and said, "Farm master, before it died, it said that it still wanted to fight for you. Hearing

this, Zhou Mu was stunned.

I haven't been in the Ten Thousand Beasts Forest for a long time, even if I give them some benefits, I won't still want to fight for me until I die, right?

The Spirit Fox King, who had just come down from the blackbird, also heard this, and looked confused.

It doesn't understand how it's still restless to live when it's all dead.

Seeing this, the demon beast said: "Its only child was taken away by that beast three years ago.

"I haven't had a chance to break into the Silver Peak Valley before, but its cultivation has improved by leaps and bounds since the owner came, and this time, thanks to the owner bringing us in, it also found a chance to take revenge."

"Then it left the line on its own."

"By the time we find it, it's already killing the beast, but it's also dying."

Hearing this, Zhou Mu couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Bringing them in is just a trivial matter.

Unexpectedly, just like this, a demon beast wanted to fight for itself to death.

Thinking of this, Zhou Mu took out the previous Revenant Bead.

Collect its beast soul and then embed it in the beast soul starry sky.

In the future, it can be regarded as fighting for yourself.

At this moment, the system prompt tone suddenly sounded.

[Detected that there is a death of a Lingchuan realm demon beast under the host, triggering the building: Ten Thousand Beast Tomb unlock condition.] 【

Successfully unlocked building: Ten Thousand Beast Mound.】 】

【Ten thousand beast tomb: bury the deceased ten thousand beasts, warm the soul of the beast, all those who mark the beast seal can enter the grave after death, protect it with the soul, the tomb will not die, and the soul will last forever. Price: 10W points (limited to one piece)]

After seeing the introduction of the Ten Thousand Beast Tomb, Zhou Mu exclaimed in his heart.

It looks like this thing will have to be built sooner or later.

Fight for me for it, build it today!

A cold human heart cannot chill its beast heart!

Expensive is expensive, anyway, there will be a wave of mark points in a while.

He also wants to see how many points can be made in this wave after the point reward system is upgraded.


When the voice fell, the Ten Thousand Beast Tomb option in the system interface turned gray, and the point balance became 2.5W.

In the distant Ten Thousand Beast Forest, large arrays covered the vicinity of Ten Thousand Beast Mountain to prevent the breath from leaking out.

Then a terrifying aura appeared, stunning all the demon beasts near the Ten Thousand Beast Mountain.

Then I saw a small log cabin from the previous one emitting a white light.

Immediately after that, the log cabin rose up into the sky and circled around the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain.

Beneath it, some unknown stones slowly appeared, patched together to hold up the log cabin.

Finally, the log cabin slowly hovered on the side of Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain, and the suspended stone staircase extended to the ground.

The shape of the log cabin also began to change, turning into a door frame.

Inside the door frame is a portal that emits red light.

Then the earth shook violently, and an extra space appeared under the Ten Thousand Beasts Forest.

The space exudes a strong aura of soul.

There is also a trace of breath overflowing.

And the unknown ten thousand beasts felt much more comfortable.

Then the large array dissipated, and the monster beasts woke up one after another.

The demon beasts that were close to the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain all looked up at the floating door.

Thinking of the magic of the owner, he was not so surprised by the sudden appearance of this door.

I just don't know what this is for.

Despite their curiosity, they did not dare to climb up without the permission of the owner.

Zhou Mu took the Revenant Bead back and said to the demon beast: "There is a floating gate next to the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain, you take its corpse back and bury the body inside." Without

saying a word, the demon beast turned around and left with the corpse, without asking when the floating door existed.

Seeing this, Zhou Mu turned his head to look at the Lingmei Fox King and said, "Called?" The

Spirit Fox King replied, "It's already here." "

Saying that, a group of demon beasts came here one after another.

Zhou Mu began to get busy.

The sky is full of beast seals, one after another.

Beast kings such as the Wind Wolf King are also looking for demon beasts everywhere.

It is also worthy of being the king of beasts, and when the breath is released, the monsters and beasts are honest.

At this time, a green snake was brought over by a snake captain.

The snake captain took the green snake to the Bishui Snake King and said, "Boss, why isn't my sister-in-law marked?" If I hadn't recognized it in time, it might have died. Hearing

this, the Bishui Snake King sent the snake captain away.

Then looked at the green snake.

Purple eyes radiated.

Seeing this, the green snake said with tenderness in his eyes: "Darling—"Boom


The Bishui Snake King did not wait for it to finish speaking, and smashed his tail up.

The green snake instantly fell apart and turned into a mess of rotten meat.

The Bishui Snake King's eyes were calm, and he came to Zhou Mu's side, bowed his head and apologized: "Farm owner, I killed a Lingchuan Realm demon beast without permission, causing losses to the farm owner, please ask the farm owner to punish." Hearing

this, Zhou Mu waved his hand at it while busy marking it alive: "It doesn't matter, there is no loss."

Although he said so, Zhou Mu also had some blood dripping in his heart.

Lingchuan Realm! Mark it and recycle it, it's more than a thousand points!

Now it's a useless mess.


Let it get your mind through.

With the concerted efforts of many demon beasts, Zhou Mu finally marked all the demon beasts in the Silver Peak Valley before midnight.

Not only that, some dead demon beast Zhou Mu also used the Revenant Soul Bead to take out the beast soul.

A hundred reserves are simply not enough, and Zhou Mu has already fused several times during this period.

After this wave, it had fused thousands of beasts and beast souls.

There were also several spirit beast beast souls that did not have time to fuse.

The Beast Soul Starry Sky was no longer as empty as before.

[Successfully marked 135674 demon beasts, 25,638 in the Spiritual Qi Realm, 9,568 in the Spirit Rain Realm, and 249 in the Lingchuan Realm. 】

【A total of 18W points were obtained

】【Current point balance 20.5W】Seeing

this, Zhou Mu probably calculated, and the marked points after the mechanism upgrade were also added to zero.

However, why are there so few demon beasts in the Lingchuan Realm of Silver Peak Valley.

All of them add up to less than in a territory of the Ten Thousand Beasts Forest.

Oh! It seems that they killed the Lingchuan Realm.

Zhou Mu smacked his tongue.

[Congratulations to the host for successfully conquering the Silver Peak Valley on its own.] 【

Congratulations to the host for getting rewards, sparkling eggs*1, farm +1, marked creature growth rate +100%, points 5w.】 As

the system tone falls.

All the marked monsters felt the changes in their bodies.

The growth rate has increased again.

The Ten Thousand Beasts Forest Demon Beast looked directly at Zhou Mu, his eyes full of gratitude.

And the Silver Peak Valley Demon Beast was still a little puzzled.

Zhou Mu was also overjoyed.

They're now growing twice and a half times.

It can get stronger faster.

[Several demon beasts successfully broke through the realm and received 5,000 points. After

the system prompt tone ended, Zhou Mu built a teleportation anchor here.

Four more primary automatic feeders were built, and 20,000 points were spent to replenish the intermediate rations.

Then let the Spirit Fox King manage the Silver Peak Valley, and if there is anything, he will directly use the beast seal to transmit the sound.

Everything is done well, and the points are 20w left.

It was getting late, and Zhou Mu spent 200 points to teleport back to Ten Thousand Beast Mountain with the green bull.

While the other demon beasts Zhou Mu let them run back on their own.

If you don't want to come back and stay in Yinfeng Valley, it's all your own territory anyway.

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